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Home » Sherpa & Company Co., Ltd. Sotetsu Group’s ESG information disclosure support “SmartESG” implementation example released

Sherpa & Company Co., Ltd. Sotetsu Group’s ESG information disclosure support “SmartESG” implementation example released

Sherpa & Company Co., Ltd.
Sotetsu Group’s ESG information disclosure support “SmartESG” implementation example released

Sherpa & Company Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO Jun Sugimoto, hereinafter referred to as Sherpa) will become Sotetsu Business Services Co., Ltd.
(Headquarters: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Director and President Yoshie Hirose, hereinafter referred to as Sotetsu Business Services). In connection with the introduction of the ESG information disclosure support cloud “SmartESG”, we have published an
implementation example of the Sotetsu Group on our service
introduction site.
Introduction example page:
[Sotetsu Group] Utilizes SmartESG both to support external ESG evaluation organizations and to collect information from 24 operating companies / Centralized data management enables establishment of a system for full-scale ESG information disclosure
The Sotetsu Group has a long-term vision, “Vision 2030,” and is implementing sustainability management based on the basic philosophy of “achieving customer satisfaction through businesses that support comfortable lifestyles and contributing to the prosperous development of local communities.” We are promoting it. In March 2022, we announced our support for the TCFD and are working to disclose information on climate change and sustainability.
Since introducing “SmartESG” in the summer of 2023, we have been gradually using “SmartESG” for Toyo Keizai CSR surveys and
questionnaire responses from domestic and international rating agencies such as CDP (*). By increasing the efficiency of response operations through workflow, and achieving reproducibility and strategic disclosure through database creation, the Sotetsu Group has established a system to fully engage in ESG information disclosure. Additionally, by replacing the existing Excel file-based method of communicating with 24 group companies regarding sustainability-related goals and response status with a cloud-based workflow, the workload associated with compiling response files from each company has been reduced. We are seeing effects such as being able to reduce the amount by half.
In the future, we plan to further expand the use of “SmartESG” in response to sustainability-related questionnaires within and outside the group. In addition, by utilizing analytical functions such as benchmarking functions, we will engage in more strategic disclosure and aim to improve corporate value.
(*) The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is one of the most prominent climate change NGOs managed by a British charity. Various companies and organizations operate information disclosure systems to manage their own environmental impact.
Work load of responding to questionnaires sent by sustainability rating agencies The complexity of collecting sustainability-related information for group companies
Improving the efficiency of questionnaire response operations by utilizing the reason for introduction database
Smooth internal communication through cloud-based workflow
Future use Expanding the scope of support for sustainability rating agencies Improving corporate value by strengthening analysis using benchmark functions
[Image:×731.jpg] ■About ESG information disclosure support cloud “SmartESG”
“SmartESG” is a cloud service that centralizes in-house ESG data and enables companies to analyze and improve their sustainability activities. “SmartESG Workflow” greatly streamlines information disclosure requests and survey responses received from external evaluation agencies and business partners, and aggregates ESG data scattered throughout the company into the “SmartESG Database.” In addition, we use the “SmartESG Matrix” to map the aggregated ESG data to each major ESG item required by each rating agency and disclosure standard, and clarify the degree of commonality and importance. On top of that, we will use the “SmartESG Benchmark” to identify best practices for disclosure by benchmark companies and encourage companies that have introduced our services to improve their ESG evaluations from the market.
For inquiries about our products, please contact us from the website below.
■About Sherpa & Company Co., Ltd.
Sherpa’s purpose is to “make sustainability and technology the norm in all economic activities,” and through the services we provide, we aim to establish best practices for sustainability and ESG management in companies. We harness the power of technology to help companies deeply embed sustainability into their business models and strategies, helping them balance economic value creation with sustainability. Sherpa will “visualize” companies’ non-financial information and contribute to accelerating ESG management of Japanese companies. ■Company overview
Company name: Sherpa & Company Co., Ltd.
Representative: Atsushi Sugimoto, Representative Director and CEO Location: 2nd floor, Tokyo Neon Building, 6-4-22 Minamioi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Established: September 2019
Capital: 100 million yen (including capital reserves)
Business: Development and provision of ESG information disclosure support cloud “SmartESG”, operation of ESG/sustainability specialized media “ESG Journal Japan”, provision of expert consulting service “ESG Advisory”
Corporate site:
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