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Home » Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Council (General Incorporated Association) Reporter announcing the launch o f the Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Council (JRCA) and the training curriculum and qualification system for “Resk illing Career Consul

Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Council (General Incorporated Association) Reporter announcing the launch o f the Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Council (JRCA) and the training curriculum and qualification system for “Resk illing Career Consul

[Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association General Incorporated Association]
Press conference announcing the launch of the Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association (JRCA) and the training curriculum and qualification system for “Reskilling Career Consultants” necessary for a reskilling society in the age of generative AI

*View in browser* *Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association General Incorporated Association*
Press release: May 9, 2024
Press conference announcing the launch of the Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association (JRCA) and the training curriculum and qualification system for “Reskilling Career Consultants” necessary for a reskilling society in the age of generative AI
*Summary of curriculum for training career consultants in the era of generative AI will be announced at 15:00 on Thursday, May 16th at the Second Diet Building of the House of Representatives*
Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association (Chairman: Yasushi Kokondo, Location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, English name: Japan Reskilling) The Career Consultant Association (JRCA) will be holding a press conference. JRCA has set out four pillars in the “New Capitalism Grand Design and Implementation Plan 2023 Revised Edition” announced in June 2023: [Investment in people] [Startup support] [Promotion of science, technology and innovation] The aim is to train career consultants who are adaptable to reskilling in the generative AI era, which is essential for the “reskilling economic zone in the generative AI era,” which is the definition of the future Japanese economy formed by [investment in DX etc.] Established on Friday, March 15, 2024. An interview with a career consultant is a prerequisite for receiving subsidies and benefits such as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “career advancement support project through reskilling” and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s “education and training benefits” under the trinity labor market reform. Career consultants play an important role in spreading the word.
At this press conference, we will explain the purpose of JRCA’s establishment, activities, and future prospects.
In addition, we will be releasing some of the content of the reskilling career consultant training course curriculum scheduled to start in early July.
As the need for career consultants increases to support economic policy, We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would like to invite all members of the media to attend. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please apply by filling out the form below or emailing us by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, May 14th.

■Coverage points for this event
・Announcement of the composition of directors, auditors, and advisors involved in JRCA operations
・Presentation of the economic sphere and reskilling awareness activities in the reskilling society in the era of generative AI ・Introducing a rich curriculum designed to help you acquire the latest literacy and skills required of career consultants in the age of generative AI and a talented team of instructors.

■Event overview
・Name: Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association (JRCA) Press Conference ・Date and time: May 16, 2024 (Thursday) 15:00-16:30 (Reception 14:30) ・Venue: House of Representatives Second Members’ Hall, 4th Conference Room (1st basement floor)
Chairman: Yasushi Kokindo
Director: Shungo Shibukawa
Director: Serina Takanashi
Director: Takemasa Niizuma
Director: Yoshi Mogami
Employee: Miki Tomiya
Auditor: Shoichi Yamashita
Advisor: Muneaki Goto

・Greetings from the Chairman
・Reskilling economic zone in the era of generative AI (Reskilling magazine announcement, Nex Techweek 2024, Reskilling summit in the era of generative AI, etc.)
・Auditor’s Greetings
・Advisor greetings
・Lecturer’s greeting
・Director introduction

■How to apply
Please apply using the form below or contact us at the email address below, including your company name, media name, guest name, and number of people.
Participation application form: Email address:

■Speaker introduction
Title: Chairman
Name: Yasushi Kokindo
Career: After dropping out of university, worked as host, bridal host, fruit and vegetable market, travel tour operator, long-distance truck After working as a driver, security guard, and record company employee, he joined the Kansai Counseling Center Foundation. In addition to working and training psychological counselors and career consultants, I also work as a non-profit corporation. Participated in the establishment of the Career Consulting Council and was involved in the creation of the National Certification Career Consulting Skills Certification System.
After becoming the director of the Kansai Counseling Center Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, he became the first SNS counselor in Japan.
Started counseling counseling, established the National SNS Counseling Council, a general incorporated foundation, and established the SNS Counselor Certification Registration System.
In March 2024, we established the Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Council, a general incorporated association, and began training reskilling career consultants in the era of generative AI.
Title: Director
Name: Shungo Shibukawa
Profile: Kakedas Co., Ltd. Representative Director and CEO
With the vision of “building a counseling infrastructure in Japan and increasing the number of protagonists in life”, in 2018 he founded “Kakedasu”, a career counseling office specializing in corporate clients.
With approximately 2,700 registered career consultants, it is the largest platform in Japan, creating a place for career consultants to play an active role in a wide range of fields, including various services for career consultants and consultation services for universities and educational institutions.
Position: Director
Name: Serina Takanashi
Title: Representative Director of SEA7 Co., Ltd.
Career: SEA7 Co., Ltd. sees the era of generative AI social change as an opportunity, and provides infrastructure from a career consulting perspective that allows women to play a central role. I am also transmitting reskilling through SNS, such as acquiring qualifications as a generative AI and career consultant.
Position: Director
Name: Takemasa Niizuma
Title: Director, Generative AI Utilization and Popularization Association Career: Established GUGA, Generative AI Utilization and Popularization Association (one company) and served as director. Planning and development of “Generative AI Passport”.
A project to increase the number of “private emergency evacuation shelters” across the country
Promote projects. The “Emergency Evacuation Guide” qualification system was established with the aim of “saving lives that could be saved.” Involved in the establishment and management of multiple incorporated associations
We will work to build an ecosystem that connects different contexts, such as building social infrastructure (renewable energy, regional revitalization, IT, and government collaboration).
Position: Director
Name: Yoshi Mogami
Title: Advisor, Tokyo Legal Mind Co., Ltd.
Career: Involved in operational support for numerous qualification exams and vocational education development, and currently holds numerous qualifications.
Concurrently serves as an officer and advisor for examination organizations and professional organizations. Developing human resources who will be responsible for ethical and intellectual creation in the age of AI, and training business managers who will contribute to the sustainable prosperity of humanity.
Participated as a business development advisor for Tokyo Legal Mind, a preparatory school for qualification exams whose mission is to Position: Director
Name: Miki Tomiya
Title: Director of Kakedas Co., Ltd. Director of Kakedas Co., Ltd. Career: Born in 1974. Born in Tanegashima, Kagoshima Prefecture. Graduated from the University of Tsukuba in 1997. After working in sales at House Foods Co., Ltd., joined JAC. He specializes in training for everyone from new employees to next-generation leaders and managers, including 7 Habits (R) training and StrengthsFinder (R) training, as well as training to improve communication, demonstrate independence, and strengthen engagement. In addition, her training on women’s empowerment, career training, and boss development based on her own experience has been highly evaluated. Unprecedented “100% repeat rate”
” and has been nominated by one company for seven consecutive years, boasting an extremely high level of training satisfaction. He is a popular lecturer who was appointed as director of Jake in 2019 and director of Kakedas Co., Ltd., which provides a career interview platform, in 2023, and is still active.
Position: Auditor
Name: Shoichi Yamashita
Career: Born in Saga Prefecture in 1983. Completed the first semester of the doctoral course at the Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University.
Through the power of word-of-mouth, 400,000 companies and people have used the world’s easiest web page creation service, and founded “Peraichi”, which aims to usher in an era where 100 million people use the Internet.
Representatives from companies in the “Union of Mayors to Promote Regional Revitalization Utilizing the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games”, which has over 600 local government leaders as members.
. Advisor to multiple local governments such as Higashikagawa City, Kagawa Prefecture, Arita Town, Saga Prefecture, etc. ・Advisor to multiple listed companies and large companies.
In total, he serves as a founder, representative, officer, advisor, etc. of more than 100 corporations, local governments, and projects. Position: Advisor
Name: Muneaki Goto
Title: Representative Director, Japan Re-skilling Initiative, General Incorporated Association
Career: After graduating from Waseda University’s Faculty of Political Science and Economics, joined Fuji Bank (currently Mizuho Bank). After moving to the United States, he started a business in the global training field. He was instrumental in establishing the Japanese subsidiary of Ashoka, an NPO that supports social entrepreneurs in the United States. After working at a US fintech company and a
telecommunications venture, he was in charge of DX and recruitment strategy in the human resources field at Accenture. After that, he established a Silicon Valley base at AI startup ABEJA and was in charge of business development and training planning in the AI ​​field.
In 2020, based on his experience of reskilling himself over the past 10 years, he co-authored the books “Reskilling: Human Resources Strategy in the Digital Age” and “Reskilling Organizations” at Recruit Works Institute. In 2021, we established the Japan Reskilling Initiative, Japan’s first non-profit organization specializing in reskilling. SkyHive, a reskilling platform that uses AI to enable skill visualization in 2022
Appointed as Japan representative of Technologies. Director of “Digital College KAGA” in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, member of “Reskilling Promotion Review Council/Subcommittee” of Hiroshima Prefecture, member of “Skills Standardization Investigation Committee” of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Recruit Works Institute Served as a visiting researcher.
We provide policy recommendations for governments and local
governments, and support for the introduction of reskilling for companies. Published the book “Reskilling: Keep Updating Your Skills.”
■Message from Chairman Yasushi Kokondo
It is said that the development of generative AI will significantly change the way white-collar workers work. I think there are many people who feel uneasy about this, even though they know it is theoretically true. What we should value is not correct logic, but the anxious feelings of those who stand in front of a new era. Career consultants are required to have the ability to propose new ways of working for a new era while empathizing with the feelings of these people. We believe that by acquiring knowledge of reskilling and generative AI, career consultants can help many people.

[About Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association (JRCA)] JRCA is a general incorporated association that promotes the production of career consultants who are suited to reskilling in the era of generative AI. Our activities center around three areas: “spreading reskilling,” “training career consultants,” and “creating opportunities for career consultants.” By supporting career consultants’ own reskilling and creating opportunities for them to succeed, we aim to build a brighter future for each career consultant.

■ Association overview
Name: Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association (JRCA)
Date of establishment: March 15, 2024 Location: 6th floor, Jimbocho 101 Building, 1-101 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Chairman Yasushi Kokindo

■ Inquiries regarding this matter
Japan Reskilling Career Consultant Association (JRCA) Secretariat Contact:
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