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Home » Okayama University Succeeded in accumulating nanoparticles inside the nematode body using polymer coating! ~En abling “reducing environmental burden” and “accumulating drugs in the body” by controlling accumulation~

Okayama University Succeeded in accumulating nanoparticles inside the nematode body using polymer coating! ~En abling “reducing environmental burden” and “accumulating drugs in the body” by controlling accumulation~

National University Corporation Okayama University
[Okayama University] Succeeded in accumulating nanoparticles inside the nematode body using polymer coating! ~Enabling “reducing environmental burden” and “accumulating drugs in the body” by controlling accumulation~
This is a press release of joint research results between Okayama University, Tsukuba University, and Kyoto University.
May 9, 2024 (Reiwa 6) National University Corporation Okayama University
[Image 1:×1108.jpg] -Key points of presentation-
Polymer coating controlled the accumulation of nanomaterials within the nematode body.
We have discovered the conditions under which nematodes, a soil model organism, accumulate nanoparticles in their bodies.
We can expect the development of nanomaterials with low environmental impact and nanomaterials with high biological delivery ability.

◆ Overview National University Corporation Okayama University (Headquarters: Kita-ku, Okayama City, President: Yasutomo Nasu) Research Professor Masazumi Fujiwara of the Faculty of Environmental, Life and Natural Sciences (Science), Okayama University Institute of Advanced Advanced Research, Interdisciplinary Basic Science The elephant in the research lab: Assistant Professor Yajuan, Professor Yuta Nishina, and others are Professor Yutaka Shikano of the Department of System Information, University of Tsukuba, Professor Naoki Komatsu of the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, and Eriko Nakadai of the Institute of Medical Biology, Kyoto University. In collaboration with his group, we coated the surface of nanomaterials with a hydrophilic polymer, polyglycerol, to improve their ability to enter the body of the nematode C. elegans (Caenorhabditis elegans), which is known as a model organism for environmental chemistry and cell biology. We succeeded in controlling nanomaterial accumulation.
The results of this research were published in the online version of the scientific journal “Chemosphere” on April 20, 2024.
Nanomaterials have been actively developed in recent years as substances useful for soil improvement and water purification. On the other hand, there are concerns about the impact of these nanomaterials on the environment and ecosystems, as a considerable amount of nanomaterials can leak into soil, oceans, rivers, etc. This time, by coating the surface of iron oxide nanoparticles, a typical
nanomaterial, with a hydrophilic polymer called polyglycerol, we succeeded in suppressing their accumulation in the bodies of nematodes, a soil model organism.
It was also revealed that the amount of accumulation changes by artificially charging the nanoparticle surface positively and negatively. Since this polyglycerol coating can be applied to a variety of nanomaterials, it is expected to reduce the environmental impact of nanomaterials in the future. Conversely, it also forms the basis of technology for accumulating nanoparticles in nematodes, and is therefore expected to be developed into effective drug delivery and accumulation technology.
This information was released by Okayama University on May 9, 2024.
[Image 2: &s3=72793-2194-472268235B5DA4403058B29 b1a69c5e-1203X510.jpg] (a) Optical microscopic image of nanoparticles accumulated inside the nematode body. (b) Amount accumulated in the body when nanoparticles with and without polyglycerol coating were administered to nematodes at different growth stages (L1 to L4). (c) Electron microscopy image of positively charged nanoparticles accumulated within the intestinal lumen.
◆A message from Research Professor Masazumi Fujiwara
We are conducting research on in-vivo sensing by delivering
nanoparticles into the body of C. elegans, but we were having trouble with the nanoparticles not reaching the body. From there, I realized the usefulness of hard-to-reach nanoparticles by thinking in the opposite direction, and this time I was able to show my direction in the environmental field.
[Image 3:×189.jpg] Research Professor Masazumi Fujiwara
◆Paper information Paper title: Size, polyglycerol grafting, and net surface charge of iron oxide nanoparticles determine their interaction and toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans Paper: Chemosphere Author: Yajuan Zou, Yutaka Shikano, Yuta Nishina, Naoki Komatsu, Eriko Kage-Nakadai, Masazumi Fujiwara D O I:
10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.142060 U R L: https:/
/ ◆Research Funding This research was conducted with the following support.・Independent Administrative Agency Japan Society for the Promotion of Science “Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research” Fundamental A・20H00335, Research Representative: Masazumi Fujiwara Strengthening International Collaborative Research (A)・20KK0317, Research Representative: Masazumi Fujiwara Challenging Research (Exploratory)・22K19759, Research Representative: Eriko Nakadai (Kyoto University), Fundamentals C, 21H05599, Research Representative: Yutaka Kano (University of Tsukuba), National Research and Development Agency, Japan Science and Technology Agency, “Advanced International Collaborative Research Promotion Program (ASPIRE) ASPIRE for the Next Generation” ( JPMJAP2339, Research Director: Yutaka Kano (University of Tsukuba))
・National Research and Development Corporation New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization “Public-Private Young Researchers Discovery Support Project” (JPNP20004, Research Director: Masazumi Fujiwara) ・National Research and Development Corporation Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development “Moonshot R&D Project” (JP23zf0127004, Research Director: Masaaki Murakami (Hokkaido University)) – National Research and Development Agency Japan Science and Technology Agency Future Society Creation Project “Common Infrastructure” Area Full-scale Research (JPMJMI21G1, Research Director: Takuya Iida (Osaka Public University))
・National Research and Development Agency Japan Science and Technology Agency Strategic Creative Research Promotion Project PRESTO
(JPMJPR20M4, Research Representative: Yutaka Kano (University of Tsukuba)) ・Sanyo Broadcasting Foundation for Academic Culture and Sports Promotion “Research Grant” (Research Representative: Fujiwara Masazumi) ・Asahi Glass Foundation “Research Grant” (Representative Researcher: Masazumi Fujiwara)
◆Detailed research details: Successful accumulation of nanoparticles inside the nematode body using polymer coating! ~Enabling “reducing environmental burden” and “accumulating drugs in the body” by controlling accumulation~ ◆Reference: Okayama University Faculty of Science Okayama University Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry Okayama University Graduate School of Environment, Life and Nature Graduate School of Science/Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry Nanochemistry Laboratory ◆Reference information
・[Okayama University] Associate Professor Masazumi Fujiwara and Associate Professor Teppei Matsui were granted the title of “Research Professor” at Okayama University.
・[Okayama University] Succeeded in developing a quantum sensor type bioanalysis chip device
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Okayama University Tsushima Campus (Kita Ward, Okayama City) ◆Contact information for this matter: Okayama University Faculty of Science, Faculty of Environmental, Life and Natural Sciences (Science) Research Professor Masazumi Fujiwara 3-1-1 Tsushima Naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 700-8530 Faculty of Science, Tsushima Campus, Okayama University TEL: 086-251 -7834 FAX: 086-251-7834
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[Image 7:×683.jpg] Okayama University, a national university corporation, supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also received a special award at the government’s 1st Japan SDGs Award. Please look forward to Okayama University, which promotes co-development and co-creation as a regional core and distinctive research university. Okayama University Selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities Strengthening Promotion Project (J-PEAKS)” ~ Realization of Okayama University as a research university that co-creates the future of the region and the earth and becomes the core of global innovation As we accelerate, we will build a mountain range of Japan’s research universities that we can be proud of around the world.

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