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Baidu Corporation Simeji Ranking Generation Z chooses!! “What I respect about my mother”

Baidu Corporation
[Simeji Ranking] Generation Z chooses!! “What I respect about my mother” ~1st place: “Good at cooking”, 2nd place: “Does housework every day”, 3rd place: “Balances housework and work”. What Gen Z respects about their moms? ? ~
The Kisekae emoticon keyboard app “Simeji” provided by Baidu Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO Feng Jiang) conducts a survey of Simeji users on the app, and ranks the data in the “Simeji Ranking”. ” will be announced.
This time’s theme is chosen by Generation Z!! “What I respect about my mother” *Aggregation period 2024/03/05~2024/03/11 Number of valid responses 10-24 years old, male and female, 3,913 people
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“Mother’s Day” is an opportunity to express gratitude to mothers that we cannot express on a daily basis. There are probably many moments when you feel gratitude and respect for your mother, who is working hard at work, doing housework, and raising children. So this time, we conducted a survey on what Gen Z respects about their mothers. “The only thing I eat is my mother’s food!” “Even though she’s busy every day, she does her best for us” “When I’m stressed, she sympathizes with me and listens to me.” Love from her mother We received comments that show how we feel. Why not express your gratitude to your mother on Mother’s Day? 1st Place Good Cook: “Mom’s fried chicken is the best ( -`ω-)b” “A variety of regional cuisines are served” “Creates dishes that make mealtime fun”
“Professional-quality bread that relieves stress We received many compliments about my mother’s cooking, such as, “I feel grateful for food,” and “The food and bento boxes she makes every day are delicious.I get excited when I bring my own lunch to school!” Ta. No one else can imitate her mom’s secret recipe for energizing Generation Z. She also said, “My mother taught me most of the things I can cook now,” “She always teaches me how to cook from scratch,” and “I inherited my mother’s blood and am very good at cooking.” There were many members of Generation Z who inherited the taste of 2nd Place: She does housework every day. “I respect mothers who do all kinds of housework from morning until night.” “She does a lot for me, even though I’m not good at organizing.” “I just think that mothers all over the world are amazing.” ” “Even though they don’t get paid, they make the housework every day so difficult that it seems like it’s normal.” “I have nothing but respect for doing housework every day without taking a day off, and I can only be grateful if they do more work.” “ “I don’t think we can survive if it’s just me, my younger brother, and my father who can’t do the housework.” “I get tired easily even if I help out a little bit, but my mom does it all day, every day,” she said. Voices of gratitude were expressed to mothers who support their families with great efforts. 3rd place: Balancing housework and work “I think it’s really amazing that I can work until 5 o’clock, go shopping after that, then come home and do housework.” “Mom does her best even when she has a fever.” There are six siblings in my family, and I’m 14 years apart from the oldest.However, as the youngest, I think I was quite spoiled.Meanwhile, my mother didn’t have much time for herself due to work. Even though I don’t have much to do, I often do housework and then go to work.However, when it comes to club games, I am really grateful that she makes sure to cook for me.”I always go to school and help my mother. Even though it’s hard to even do the work, I thought they were doing even more difficult work and housework than school.” I admire mothers who are able to balance work and housework and move powerfully. 4th Place – Listens to me “When I’m stressed out, he empathizes with me and listens to me” “When I’m having a bad time, listening to me makes me feel better” “Even when I’m having a hard time I was able to overcome this by listening to my mother and getting her to empathize with me.” “My mother is a good listener, willing to give me advice, and kind.” “We have a lot of different values, but she listens to my opinions.” When I’m feeling down, she listens to me and asks me, “What’s wrong?” “When I’m worried about school life, she’s the first to notice, and she listens to me better than anyone else and gives me advice. “Easy to talk to,” people said. Having a mother who is kind and supportive when you are worried may give you a different sense of security than when you talk to a friend. 5th place: Kind: “Always speaks kindly to me.” “When I get angry at my dad, he comforts me.” “If something happens, he’s there right away.” “Even though he’s probably tired, he shows respect for his child.” “I think it’s amazing how you treat me so kindly.” “She’s noisy, but she praises me when I do my best.” “I’m not very good at being kind myself, but even if I often use harsh language or lose my temper, she’s always with me.” “She treats me in a way that doesn’t make me feel awkward,” and “I almost never fight with my mother! She’s like a friend and understands how I feel!” It is very reassuring to have a mother who treats you with love and kindness even in your busy daily life. 6th place: Working hard at work “I always think it’s amazing how serious you work every day, even when you don’t like it!” “Even if all your colleagues at work are annoying, you work hard every day.” ” “Even though my body is already worn out and I’m sure I want to quit, I’m thinking about the future and working hard until I retire.” “Even though I’m busy with work, you always keep an eye on me.” “My mother is a single mother, and she is only at home at night, so sometimes I feel lonely, but it makes me realize that she is working hard for her family.” It seems that many Gen Z members have a lot of respect for them. 7th place – Dependable: “He believes in me” “He tells me everything I don’t understand” “I can talk to him about anything with peace of mind and he helps me when I’m in trouble” “Easy to talk to” “I’m too dependable” . . . She is firm and respects me.” “When I have a problem, she listens to me carefully, provides solutions, and is my ally.” “The person I can tell my secrets to the most is my mother, and I trust her the most.” “I feel safe when I’m with you, and when I’m in trouble, I can ask you a lot of questions.” “No matter what happens, I’m your number one source of trust (heart) ������( ´˘`������)” . Having a mother who believes in you and is on your side is a great source of emotional support. No. 8: Family-oriented: “She takes care of me when I catch a cold” “She pays close attention to detail” “My mother does everything for the family” “She takes care of everyone else even after she takes care of herself” ” “I’ve just got the flu, but my dad takes care of me every morning, noon, and night, apart from everyone else.” “He cares about his family, so when he gets angry, he gets angry, and when he praises me, he praises me.” “Dad. When she’s on a diet, she eats less portions and more vegetables, but when she comes home tired, she cooks whatever she wants.” Many Gen Z members seem to respect their mothers for their loving care towards their families. No. 9: Allows me to have a variety of experiences. “They let me do what I want to do, and they let me do things that I think will be useful without worrying about money.” “They give me full support for what I want to do most.” He doesn’t force me to do things that I don’t want to do, and he lets me do what I want, saying, “If you want to stop, you can stop, as long as you don’t regret it.” “When I was in junior high school, he let me stay overseas with a homestay.It was my first time traveling abroad alone.” “It was a valuable experience.” “He takes me to concerts and movie theaters. He understands my passion and takes me there.” “I went skiing, traveled by myself, rode the Shinkansen alone, etc.” “I live in the
countryside, so I can experience things that I can’t do in the countryside!” Seeing a mother who supports you in learning for experience and doing what you like may be an opportunity for you to want to do the same for your own children in the future. 10th place – Cheerful “She cheers me up when I’m depressed” “She always talks to me cheerfully” “My mother is a positive monster and always makes me smile” “She always talks to my mom friends and has good communication skills!” “I feel like I get along with everyone” “Even if I get angry, after a few hours she’ll be cheerful again” “I thought my house was bright because my mother laughed” “Interesting (=^▽^=) It always makes me smile! ( *´꒳`* )” Mothers are like the sun,
brightening up the home. It seems that many Gen Z members are energized by such cheerful mothers. ■What is Simeji Ranking? We disseminate the latest trends among Generation Z users. We conducted a survey on the Simeji app and ranked the survey results. Simeji ranking■Kisekae emoticon keyboard app “Simeji” is very popular among Generation Z! A keyboard app that boasts 60 million downloads (*). In addition to keyboard customization and effect functions, Simeji has unique features such as over 200,000 emoticons and continuous comments, helping you communicate in a richly expressive way. *As of June 2023, according to our research (combined Android version and iOS version) ・HP: ・X (formerly Twitter): ・Simeji ranking: https //・iOS version:・Android version:

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