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Home » Dao Chain Investment Management Limited Is meme culture a bubble-making machine? A symbol of fast culture? The impact and core concept of Meme 2.0 brought to you by Puff is “Just because it’s funny!”

Dao Chain Investment Management Limited Is meme culture a bubble-making machine? A symbol of fast culture? The impact and core concept of Meme 2.0 brought to you by Puff is “Just because it’s funny!”

Dao Chain Investment Management Limited
Is meme culture a bubble maker? A symbol of fast culture? The impact and core concept of Meme 2.0 brought to you by Puff is “Just because it’s funny!”
[Image 1:×534.jpg]  Daochain has decided to partner with $Puff. The Web3 field has developed with technological innovation as the ultimate goal, but technology is just one of the many tools that embody culture, and no matter how complex the algorithm is, it is a product built. However, its nature is ultimately determined by the structure of the culture. Similarly, the Web3 industry, which is supported by blockchain technology, is ultimately determined by culture, and that is all that matters. Up until now, the Web3 industry has focused only on the “professional” abilities of team members, such as their technical ability, community management ability, marketing ability, etc., as the criteria used to evaluate projects.
However, everything has been reversed by meme culture, which has raised social questions about such phenomena. To begin with, all technology can only be seen as a “toy” in its early stages, and that is its true nature. In short, it’s “interesting.” Currently, the fan base that follows Meme Coin is rapidly increasing, but if you ask them why they hold Meme Coin, the answer is simple and clear: “Because it’s fun!” is. This is another strange thing about meme culture.
1. What is the true identity of $Puff, who launched Meme 2.0? $Puff is an innovative “meme coin play” developed based on the Mantle ecosystem. Puff Play’s design includes a groundbreaking element called Staked Ether (mETH), Mantle’s LSD (Liquid Staking Derivatives) token, which allows users to stake (pledge) their Ether. The purpose is to upgrade the return.
One of the charms of $Puff is its unique gameplay. Specifically, there is a gameplay section consisting of six chapters, each of which the user can participate in to collect recipes and “summon” puffs. It encourages user participation by providing active interactions in addition to traditional simple trading and holding.
[Image 2:×612.jpg] Additionally, to increase community engagement, $Puff is offering United Utilities to participants through Genesis Mints and airdrops. This encourages community activity and further spread by users. Overall, $Puff is a meme coin with innovation, engagement, and community involvement at its core, and its creativity and game nature have attracted significant interest from users.
[Image 3:×604.jpg] What kind of concept is Meme 2.0?
For example, Dogecoin is based on the famous “Doge” meme. This meme, which features an image of a Shiba Inu with various fun text, has gone viral on social media. That sense of humor and friendliness are part of Dogecoin’s appeal.
Moreover, the memecoin community has formed a unique culture by sharing jokes and memes that are often self-referential. These communities directly contribute to the value of meme coins, and their activities often become popular on social media, attracting new followers. Ultimately, the relationship between meme coins and meme culture has great power to unite internet users through humor and the joy of sharing. This cultural phenomenon has increased the popularity and value of meme coins, giving them a unique position in the cryptocurrency market. Let’s put these meme coins as the 1.0 version, starting with Dogecoin.
So, what kind of cultural form will Meme 2.0 take? Simply put, it means “playing with coins.” In other words, in addition to the cultural structure of Meme 1.0, Meme 2.0, represented by $Puff, incorporates the culture of “play”. Specifically, how do you “play” with coins?
2. What is Puff’s meme play?

Rather than give an abstract explanation, let’s take a look at what $Puff has done so far. First, I will explain some examples of meme play that have been happening recently.
[Image 4:×552.jpg] The rules for meme play are as follows:

Puff was wandering in the dark forest when he came across the “Pond of Prophecy” A gecko that jumped out of the pond suggested a game.
There are seven holes in the ground.
If Puff guesses which hole the gecko will come out of, he will be able to share 3 million Puff tokens in proportion, depending on the potency of the staked Blue Magic tokens.
The player who guesses the correct position and hits the gecko perfectly will receive an additional prize of 1 million Puff tokens. The gecko will choose which hole it will emerge from at a random time between 0:00 and 04:00 on Monday the 13th based on the CoinGecko list puff ranking

To put it simply, it is a game where you can win prizes by guessing the $Puff ranking on CoinGecko. As an adult, you may not have played much of this kind of gambling, but when you were little, you remember playing a game where you would throw a rock and guess where it would fall, and you might want to participate. It’s “play”. And here are the meme play events that have already passed:
[Image 5:×424.jpg] 『
◆Game goal:
  The player ends up adding tokens to the intermediate bag that seems “just right” and winning a prize.
1. The duration of the game is 72 hours, with an additional “overtime” after the end. Overtime will end randomly within a 4 hour range. 2. Players can add $BMT to any bag at any time during the game. Tokens added to the bag cannot be moved until the end of the game.
3. The “potency” (strength) of the token decreases over time. It is 100% at the start of the game and drops to 30% at the end of overtime. 4. If additional $BMT is required, players can obtain tokens at the “Alchemy Table”.
Meme play is a type of play that anyone can easily participate in and share the fun with each other, even though it is Gamefi. And from now on, players will be able to enjoy various “immature” meme plays with the main character Puff.
3. Why did $Puff suddenly become so popular overseas?
In its design and concept, Puff incorporates humorous and catchy elements that users will enjoy. In addition, by reflecting existing memes and trends in internet culture and creating new, original memes, we create content that is easy to share both within and outside of our community. In this way, Puff leverages the natural propagation power of meme culture to spread among people and establish itself as a meme coin.
The popularity of $Puff is directly reflected in the price of the coin, which has increased by up to 500% compared to when it was first issued, and has now stabilized at around 200%. However, it has been less than a month since $Puff was released, so I think serious marketing is yet to begin. Another reason why $Puff is attracting attention is because it is fully supported by the Mantle Network. And behind the Mantle network is Bybit, a major exchange. In other words, the expected utility of the Mantle Network, which is planning to turn $Puff into a meme symbol, is one of the major reasons for pushing up the price of the coin.
[Image 6:×277.jpg] 4. Summary
Overall, $Puff has attracted attention as an innovative meme 2.0, presenting new value to the market by combining elements of meme culture with unique gameplay. From now on, trends in the crypto market, investors’ expectations, and active participation in projects will lead to further trends.
Puff official information:
Twitter (Japan):
Puff’s Discord in the mETH LaB:
Puff’s Telegram ANN channel: More details about this release: