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Everiii & Partners International Co. Ltd Pre-training held in Taiwan to promote innovation exchange between Japan and Taiwan ahead of SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024

Everiii & Partners International Co. Ltd
Pre-training held in Taiwan to promote innovation exchange between Japan and Taiwan ahead of SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024
More than 30 Taiwanese startup companies participated. Learn about Japanese business etiquette and culture
In preparation for SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 (hereinafter referred to as SusHi Tech Tokyo2024), which will be held in Tokyo next week, Startup Island TAIWAN held a pre-training session at Sanchuang Living Park in Taipei on May 7th.
At SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024, which will be held next week, the Taiwan pavilion is attracting attention. Taiwanese startups from a wide range of fields, including medicine and AI, will gather to showcase Taiwan’s innovative achievements. It is also a place for startup companies from Japan and Taiwan to interact and explore new fields.
[Image 1:×1366.jpg] Group photo of the event
For this reason, a preliminary briefing and pre-training event was held in Taipei, Taiwan on May 7th. 30 Taiwanese startups and other SusHi Tech participating companies were also specially invited. At this event, participants learned about Japanese business etiquette and culture, and the culture of exchange between Japan and Taiwan was strengthened. Participants received support in understanding Japanese social etiquette and how to exchange business cards. We also learned from experts about the differences in Japanese business etiquette and document creation. This aims to improve business and communication skills in the Japanese market and promote exchange between Japan and Taiwan.
[Image 2:×1366.jpg] Participants asking questions
One of the big highlights of SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 is the Taiwan pavilion. This is a win-win opportunity for Japanese and Taiwanese startups. Taiwanese companies will have the opportunity to understand the demands of the Japanese market and expand overseas. On the other hand, Japanese companies can gain innovative energy and new business opportunities from Taiwanese startups.
We look forward to seeing you at the Taiwan Pavilion (CP02) of Big Sight West Exhibition Hall from May 15th to May 16th, 2024. Let’s work together to promote exchange and cooperation between Japanese and Taiwanese startup companies.
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