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Home » Past history of Build Salon Co., Ltd. Build Salon Co., Ltd., which focuses on online salon development for corporations, is celebrating its 5th anniversary.

Past history of Build Salon Co., Ltd. Build Salon Co., Ltd., which focuses on online salon development for corporations, is celebrating its 5th anniversary.

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[Past history of Build Salon Co., Ltd.] Build Salon Co., Ltd., which focuses on online salon development for corporations, is celebrating its 5th anniversary.
Build Salon Co., Ltd., which is celebrating its 5th anniversary since its founding, has announced its history as a company to date with gratitude to everyone.
Build Salon Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,
Representative Director: Tokachi Uemura), which specializes in the development and production of online salons for corporations, celebrated its 5th anniversary on May 13, 2024. We are publishing a brief history of our company as a token of our gratitude to all of you.
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Build Salon Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,
Representative Director: Tokachi Uemura), which specializes in the development and production of online salons for corporations, celebrated its 5th anniversary on May 13, 2024.
The current CEO of Build Salon Co., Ltd. and several members of the core group were already using PHP technology to promote web marketing and marketing in the late 2000s and 2010s, when web marketing began to become popular in Japan. Beyond that, we have formed a team that provides cutting-edge web service construction for businesses, with a focus on improving corporate value on the web and creating a strong connection to profitability. I was sweating all day and night. As a result, we received a lot of feedback, including achieving first place on crowdsourcing sites in a short period of time.
However, since around 2017, Instagram, which is a SNS for the generation that does not read long texts, TikTok, which has gained popularity by watching fixed-form choreography videos without saying a word, and the amount of time spent in games have increased by an order of magnitude. With signs of the spread of online games on smartphones, Nintendo Switch, etc., existing types of web marketing have come to a crossroads.
The history of Internet usage in Japan has been going on for more than 15 years, and the way Internet users spend their time on the Web has reached a period of maturity, with the “avatar culture” in which users hide their personal information in open communities. has become deeply rooted, and as a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult for naked individuals to follow consumer behavior that directly connects them to corporate information. The team realized at an early stage that the nature of the problem and the future changes in user behavior were irreversible, and immediately began discussions on how to deal with it.
The one and only answer we arrived at was
“Sales of online salon system”
That’s how it was.
The team thought, “In the future, online salons will evolve from the sidelines of website dissemination and browsing to the mainstream.We need to respond to user requests in even more detail.” I worked hard to prepare to start a business specializing in high-quality online salons.
And on May 13, 2019, Build Salon Co., Ltd. was established.
Since then, all of our members have always had this desire in mind, “We want to aim for the best performance as Japan’s number one online salon specialist,” and have worked to develop a number of high-quality packaged products that go beyond the needs of our customers. We are continuing.
On February 14, 2024, we will begin developing and providing facial recognition functionality on online salons.
On March 6, 2024, we will begin offering a corporate-friendly online salon flat-rate development package [Build Premium] that allows you to register and log in with your LINE account, utilizing IT introduction subsidies, and providing users with ever-changing innovation. We continue to work hard every day to fulfill our promise.
Everything is possible by owning and using our own highly secure, high-quality online salon.
We want to support the realization of more efficient and productive business operations that match the digital society while increasing opportunities to utilize ICT! “To realize our corporate philosophy. Thanks to all of you, Build Salon Co., Ltd. has reached its 5th anniversary, and we promise to continue to strive and grow.
*TM (trademark) notation is partially omitted. *Product names and service names mentioned in this press release are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of each company in Japan or foreign countries. ■ Estimate for online salon development and production
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Please access Build Salon’s free estimate form
(, fill in the required fields, and submit. You can immediately get a quote for online salon production and development. Estimates are free. Please feel free to use. We are now accepting reservations for free meetings regarding our online salon development and production services. You can make a reservation here.* If your desired date and time is not available, please contact us.