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General Incorporated Association Medical Development Institute SMD Program 36th SMD Seminar

Medical Research Institute, General Incorporated Association SMD Program 36th SMD Seminar
Latest topics on patient-centered medicine
[Information on the 36th SMD Seminar] Held next week!
This is a seminar series on drug development and prescription provided as part of the SMD (Specialist in Medicines Development) international certification course. In May, we will think about patient-centered medical care, which is the predecessor of PPI (Patient/Public Involvement), with our instructors.
[Image 1:×566.jpg] Date and time: May 20th (Monday) 18:30-19:30
Lecturer: Dr. Kotone Matsuyama (Specially Appointed Professor, Medical Management, Nippon Medical University)
Theme: Latest topics on patient-centered medicine
Summary: The term “patient-centered medicine” has recently gained considerable popularity in the field of clinical trials and clinical trials. However, unilaterally asking patients, “Do you want this kind of medicine?” or “What kind of problem are you having?” is not patient-centered. The term “patient-centered” should originally refer to the creation of valuable medicines that leave no one behind within the framework of a diverse society. Achieving patient-centered medical care that is truly inclusive, respects diversity, and has social value is a fundamental proposition. This seminar will provide the latest topics related to patient-centered medical care, with the aim of providing an opportunity for the audience to think about the ideal patient-centered medical care for themselves.
Participation fee: Free
Access URL on the day: Will be notified on the pre-registration screen.
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