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Home » Plus Automation Co., Ltd. Held on 5/21/23 Learn with two examples! Why warehouse robots are a solution to the 2024 problem

Plus Automation Co., Ltd. Held on 5/21/23 Learn with two examples! Why warehouse robots are a solution to the 2024 problem

[Plus Automation Co., Ltd.] [Held on 5/21/23] Learn with two examples! Why warehouse robots are a solution to the 2024 problem
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Press release: May 13, 2024
[Held on 5/21/23] Learn with two examples! Why warehouse robots are a solution to the 2024 problem
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Logistics robotics service “RaaS” (Robotics as a
Plus Automation Co., Ltd. (Head office location: Koto-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yamada) Shogo (hereinafter “+A”) will hold online seminars for the logistics and DX departments of shipper companies, as well as for logistics companies.

Upper limits on overtime work will be applied from April 2024, and there are concerns about the so-called “2024 problem” in the logistics industry, such as worsening labor shortages and declining sales. Therefore, the time has come for logistics sites to be more efficient in their operations, such as by reducing truck waiting time and improving warehouse productivity. However, I often hear people say, “The 2024 problem is related to transportation, and has little to do with the inside of the warehouse.”

Therefore, in this seminar, we will discuss why internal automation is effective in countering the 2024 problem. We will introduce you to the benefits and usage scenarios of warehouse automation using the sorting robot “t-Sort” while providing explanations and watching videos of customer installations.

* -Seminar name-*
Understand with two examples! Why warehouse robots are a solution to the 2024 problem

* -Seminar content-*
Part 1: Why is warehouse automation effective in countering the 2024 problem? Part 2: Explaining two implementation examples (Nippon Express and GBtechnology) ■Recommended for these people
– Those looking for solutions for 2024
– Those who are interested in “t-Sort” but do not know if it can be used in their company
– Those who want to reduce the labor shortage in the warehouse or the on-site load
* Atsushi Tsuyuzaki *
Plus Automation Co., Ltd.
Alliance & Marketing Department Manager
Engaged in warehouse operations, marine freight, and forwarding sales at a general logistics company for 10 years. Experienced in launching an overseas storage and delivery business. After that, he joined Monoful Co., Ltd. We assist in solving problems at various logistics sites, from large companies to small and medium-sized enterprises. Joined Plus Automation Co., Ltd. in 2022.
We are promoting warehouse automation to the logistics industry. * [Event Overview] *
Date and time: May 21st (Tuesday) 14:00-14:30 (LIVE)
May 23rd (Thursday) 14:00-14:30 (recorded distribution)
Holding format: Online format (Zoom)
Participation fee free
Application Advance application required
Please apply from this URL. Notes *If multiple people from one company are participating, applications are required for all participants.
*All viewers’ cameras and microphones are turned off.
*Applications from competitors of the sponsoring/co-sponsoring companies, people other than shippers/logistics companies, or individuals may be refused. Please note.
*Seminar content may be subject to slight changes. Please note. Make a viewing reservation (free)

* -About Plus Automation Co., Ltd. * **