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Data/Applications Announcement of formulation of medium-term management plan (fiscal year ending March 2025 to fiscal year ending March 2027)

data application
Announcement of formulation of medium-term management plan (fiscal year ending March 2025 to fiscal year ending March 2027)
~ Realizing DIGITAL WORK where individuals and organizations continue to grow together ~
Data Application Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President and Representative Director: Takeshi Yasuhara, Abbreviation: DAL, Standard Market: 3848) covers the three years from the fiscal year ending March 2025 to the fiscal year ending March 2027. We would like to inform you that we have formulated a medium-term management plan. With the theme of “Realizing DIGITAL WORK where both individuals and organizations continue to grow,” we will take a new step towards sustainable growth and increasing corporate value through the implementation of our medium-term management plan.
In order to proactively respond to changes in the business environment that may occur in the future, this plan aims to both improve capital efficiency and maintain financial soundness while building a stable business portfolio with growth potential. We will promote conscious management.
■Background Modern society is said to be in the VUCA era, which stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, and the future is uncertain and the future is uncertain. We live in an era where it is difficult to predict, and various things are changing at a dizzying pace, such as globalization, economic conflicts between countries and regions, the spread of the new coronavirus, changes in government, and the latest IT and biotech technologies that are updated daily. In order for companies to survive the VUCA era, it is essential to improve the efficiency and sophistication of information collection and analysis, and promoting DX, which is the creation of an IT infrastructure to achieve this, will be a key factor. In light of these changes in the environment, our company has formulated a medium-term management plan (from the fiscal year ending March 2025 to the fiscal year ending March 2027) with the vision of realizing DIGITAL WORK, where both individuals and organizations continue to grow. ■Overview (1) Target period: From March 2025 to March 2027 (3 years) (2) Vision “Realize DIGITAL WORK where both individuals and organizations continue to grow” ■Business strategy/expansion of business fields – Cultivation, Improving profit stability, Promoting human capital management ■Numerical plan Target values ​​for the fiscal year ending March 2027 are as follows.・Total sales: 3.3 billion yen ・Recurring ratio: 80% ・EBITDA: 700 million yen *EBITDA = operating income + depreciation expenses + stock compensation expenses ■Financial policy: To achieve management that is conscious of capital costs and stock prices, The basic policy for returns will not change, and we will set new ROE target values ​​and minimum dividend amounts. (1) Achieving ROE that exceeds the cost of capital Target value for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2027: 15% or more (2) Stabilizing and expanding shareholder returns Based on strengthening the financial structure and improving long-term corporate value, dividend on equity ratio We aim to maintain long-term, stable dividends with a target of (DOE) 3.5%. In addition, we will continue to pay stable dividends with a minimum dividend amount of 25 yen. Furthermore, after formulating capital allocation, we will allocate the cash generated through balance sheet reviews to growth investments and financial soundness, building a virtuous cycle toward maximizing corporate value over the medium to long term. For details, please refer to *This material contains statements regarding future performance plans. These statements have been prepared based on certain assumptions such as the current economic environment and business policies, and contain potential risks and uncertainties. Please be aware that actual results may differ significantly from business plans due to various factors. that’s all
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