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Home » Kanazawa Port Co., Ltd. About implementation of table tennis table donation project (1st round) in disaster-stricken areas

Kanazawa Port Co., Ltd. About implementation of table tennis table donation project (1st round) in disaster-stricken areas

[Kanazawa Port Co., Ltd.] About implementation of table tennis table donation project (1st round) in disaster-stricken areas

*View in browser* *Kanazawa Port Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 14, 2024
Regarding the implementation of the ping pong table donation project (first round) in disaster-stricken areas
*Table Tennis T League Kanazawa Port donates a table tennis table to support disaster-stricken areas through table tennis*
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those affected by the 2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on January 1, 2024. I would also like to express my heartfelt condolences to the victims and their bereaved families.

Kanazawa Port, a men’s professional table tennis team that newly joined the Table Tennis T League in 2023, has been working closely with the local community, such as establishing the Kanazawa Port Fund and running soup kitchens, with the aim of supporting the recovery of areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. We have been working as a team.

Kanazawa Port has decided to donate 10 table tennis tables to table tennis clubs and schools affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

For the first time, on Wednesday, May 15th, we will donate a table tennis table to “Uchinada Miyasaka Junior” in Uchinada Town, which was severely damaged by liquefaction.

On the day of the event, Fumiya Igarashi, Masami Yoshida, and coach Teru Nishito will hold a presentation ceremony and a training session.

Date and time: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 19:00-20:00
Event: Disaster-stricken area table tennis table donation project 1st Donation destination: Uchinada Town
Venue: Uchinada Town Workers’ Sports Center 6-1-1 Miyasaka,
Uchinada-cho, Kahoku-gun, Ishikawa Prefecture 920-0264
Participating: Kanazawa Port Fumiya Igarashi / Masami Yoshida / Manager Teru Nishito
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