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Home » M&A Capital Partners Free participation Okinawa Management Forum 2024 will be held on June 30th (Sunday) at Okinawa Harbor View Hotel!

M&A Capital Partners Free participation Okinawa Management Forum 2024 will be held on June 30th (Sunday) at Okinawa Harbor View Hotel!

M&A Capital Partners
[Free Participation] Okinawa Management Forum 2024 will be held on June 30th (Sunday) at Okinawa Harbor View Hotel!
We offer free benefits for visitors, such as a lunch buffet for cross-industry exchanges and watching FC Ryukyu soccer games! A special day for business owners to gather for the sustainable growth and development of Okinawa’s economy!
In this forum, through a case study of the capital alliance between FC Ryukyu and Kayak, an IT company in Kamakura, we will discuss the background to the capital alliance, the promotion of sports tourism in Okinawa that will result from the alliance, and FC Ryukyu’s future growth strategy. We will talk about the behind-the-scenes aspects of M&A from the perspectives of three parties: the transferor company, the transferee company, and the M&A intermediary.
As a free benefit for visitors, we have special programs that will deepen your friendships, such as a lunch buffet for a cross-industry social gathering, a Kayak-style brainstorming experience, and watching a FC Ryukyu soccer match. We look forward to your participation as a place for corporate executives interested in business strategies and M&A to continue and develop their businesses to interact.
Event overview
[Image 1:×450.jpg] Date and time: Sunday, June 30, 2024 11:00-12:15
Venue: Okinawa Harbor View Hotel South Building 2nd floor “Sakai” (2-46 Izumizaki, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture)
Tuition fee: Free
Capacity: 100 people
Co-sponsored by Ryukyu Football Club Co., Ltd., Kayak Corporation HP, M&A Capital Partners Co., Ltd.
– Apply here (free to participate) –
11:00-12:15 [Behind the scenes of interesting partnership M&A]
[Image 2:×513.jpg] Ryukyu Football Club Co., Ltd. Representative Director and Chairman Keishiro Kurabayashi
Born in June 1981. While attending the University of Tokyo, he was in charge of new mobile business at DeNA Co., Ltd. and launched Mobaoku. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo in March 2005. In December of the same year, a hand-sewn soccer ball
manufacturing business started in Pakistan. Launch of the “SFIDA” brand, which means challenge in Italian. Established Imio Co., Ltd. in April 2006. After that, in December 2016, he became the representative director and president of Ryukyu Football Club Co., Ltd. From April 2024, he will become the representative director and chairman of Ryukyu Football Club Co., Ltd.
[Ryukyu Football Club Co., Ltd. HP:]
[Image 3:×513.jpg] Daisuke Yanagisawa, Representative Director and CEO of Kayak Corporation Born in Hong Kong in 1974. After graduating from Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, he joined Sony Music Entertainment. In 1998, he established Kayak, an interesting corporation, with a friend from his school days. Headquartered in Kamakura, we deliver original content from Kamakura to websites, smartphone apps, and the social game market. We are promoting a unique personnel system (dice pay, smile pay) and work style (traveling branch office), and are challenging a new company style under the catchphrase of “an interesting corporation.” [Kayac Interesting Corporation HP:]
[Image 4:×513.jpg] Naoki Taketomi, Deputy Director, Corporate Information Department, M&A Capital Partners Co., Ltd.
Born in 1990. Lives in Urasoe City. After graduating from Aoyama Gakuin University’s Faculty of Law, he joined Mizuho Bank, where he mainly engaged in financing operations for listed and unlisted companies and operations related to business succession. After joining the company, he has a track record of closing multiple carve-out projects for listed company groups, mainly in the equipment
construction industry, sports-related industry, and IT software industry, and is responsible for the Kyushu and Okinawa areas. . [Profile:] General host/moderator
[Image 5:×513.jpg] Freelance announcer/economic talent Sayuri Inami
In charge of news programs as TBS newscaster and QAB newscaster. As an economic newscaster, I have conducted a wide range of activities including interviewing 500 business owners in and outside the prefecture, TV, radio, event MC, and writing.
[Image 6:×650.jpg] [Free benefit for visitors 1.] 12:15-13:30
Inter-industry social gathering lunch buffet
A buffet-style lunch will be provided at the venue, Okinawa Harbor View Hotel. Please make use of this event as a place for interaction between visitors, whether they are in the same industry or in a different industry.
[Free benefit for visitors 2.] 13:30-14:30
Kayak style brainstorming experience session *Limited to the first 45 people At Kayak, an interesting company, we believe that brainstorming is not only a way to solve problems, but also to “have fun working,” “improve teamwork,” and is a “source of ideas” that continues to produce interesting content. Please take this opportunity to experience Kayak’s style of breast-strengthening.
[Free benefit for visitors 3.] 18:00 KICK OFF
FC Ryukyu vs Zweigen Kanazawa Soccer match viewing *Limited to first 45 people We have special seats available at Tapik Prefecture Sohiyagon Stadium. Let’s hope for FC Ryukyu’s victory and support them together! *After the brainstorming session ends, we plan to take a chartered bus from Okinawa Harbor View Hotel to Tapik Prefectural Sohiyagon Stadium around 3:00 pm.
M&A Capital Partners Co., Ltd.
Address: 36th floor, Yaesu Central Tower, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu, 2-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Satoru Nakamura, Representative Director and President Established: October 2005
Business content: M&A brokerage business
[Image 7:×1612.jpg]
[Table 2: ]

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