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Moon Rabbit Co., Ltd.
“Fantasy Divine Realm -Another Fate-” and “Melty Frill Dress” are now available in Rainbow Roulette! Update including implementation of Awakening Level 30 PVP equipment!
Moon Rabbit Co., Ltd. has released a rainbow roulette, a female costume avatar “Melty Frill Dress” and a cloak avatar “Chunchun Board” in the PC MMORPG “Fantasy Divine Realm -Another Fate-“, as well as PVP equipment for awakening level 30. We would like to inform you that we have implemented and adjusted the dimension hole.
■“Melty Frill Dress” is now available in Rainbow Roulette!
[Image 1:×178.jpg] The female costume avatar “Melty Frill Dress” and the cloak avatar “Chunchun Board” have appeared in Rainbow Roulette, where you can try to obtain rare items.
[Image 2:×290.jpg] melty ruffle dress
[Image 3:×290.jpg] Chunchun Board [Roulette lineup applicable period] Until 17:59 on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 [Roulette introduction page URL] ■Update including implementation of Awakening Level 30 PVP equipment!
[Image 4:×178.jpg] During the regular maintenance on May 15th (Wednesday), we implemented PVP equipment for awakening level 30, and also adjusted some dungeons “Dimension Hall” so that they can be conquered by 3 or fewer people. ●Awakening level 30 PVP equipment implementation! We have implemented new “PVP equipment” that can be equipped by players with awakening level 30 or higher. This equipment can be purchased from NPCs “Lieutenant Dick” and “Lieutenant Colonel Ferid,” and the coins required for purchase can be obtained by participating in “Battle Arena” and “Glorious Arena.”
[Image 5:×448.jpg] Buy new equipment and participate in PVP! ●Dimensional hole
adjustment! At certain levels of the special dungeon “Dimension Hall” where you can earn a lot of experience points, we have made
adjustments so that 3 or fewer people can challenge the dungeon. Target dungeon / Lv95. Dimension Hall / Awakening Lv1. Dimensional Hall / Awakening Lv5. Dimensional Hall / Awakening Lv15. Dimensional Hall
[Image 6:×352.jpg] Challenge the dimension hall and strengthen your character! [Update introduction page URL]▼Genshin Sanctuary official website Title: Fantasy Divine Realm -Another Fate- Genre: Animetic Fantasy MMORPG Development company: X-LEGEND Entertainment Corp. Price: Free to play (item sales system) Copyright: (C) 2020 – 2024 MoonRabbit Corporation. All Rights Reserved.(C) 2020 – 2024 X-LEGEND Entertainment Corp. All Rights Reserved.
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