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Home » Earth Care Co., Ltd. 54.3% of men find “foaming up facial cleanser” a hassle. The idea that “foaming face wash = gentle on the skin” is wrong!

Earth Care Co., Ltd. 54.3% of men find “foaming up facial cleanser” a hassle. The idea that “foaming face wash = gentle on the skin” is wrong!

[Earth Care Co., Ltd.] 54.3% of men find “foaming up facial cleanser” a hassle. The idea that “foaming face wash = gentle on the skin” is wrong!

*View in browser* *Earth Care Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 2, 2024
54.3% of men find “foaming up facial cleanser” a hassle. The idea that “foaming face wash = gentle on the skin” is wrong!
*Earth Care Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on “foaming face washing” among 100 men between the ages of 20 and 25. *
Compared to women, men tend to have more active sebum secretion. Therefore, face washing is an essential part of daily skin care. We asked men the following questions regarding face washing. * Do you think that lathering up facial cleanser is a hassle? * * ・Yes: 54.3%*
*・No: 45.7%*
More than half of men find it troublesome to lather their face wash. * Speaking of face wash, it’s foam face wash, right? Isn’t foam face wash gentle on your skin? *
* I think there are many people who feel this way. However, that way of thinking is dangerous. *

It is true that by lathering your face thoroughly when washing your face, the foam acts as a cushion and reduces friction on your skin. On the other hand, some ingredients that are essential for lathering (petroleum-based synthetic surfactants) tend to remain on the skin. Even if the foam itself can reduce friction on the skin,* if any ingredients remain on the skin, it will irritate the skin*.
Therefore, it cannot necessarily be said that “foaming face wash = gentler on the skin.”
So how should you choose a face wash that is gentle on your skin? Below are some points to consider when choosing a facial cleanser that is gentle on your skin.
* 1. Refer to skin tests (stinging test, etc.) *
* 2. Choose products with easy cleaning power *
* 3. Avoid ingredients that easily irritate the skin *
A detailed explanation of this point is provided in the article below. view the details
The article also introduces a facial cleanser that does not require lathering, which many men find troublesome.
Please use this as a reference for your daily skin care!
[Survey overview]
Survey target: 100 men aged 20-25
Survey date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Survey conducted by: Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Survey method: Internet survey
The contents of this press release are published on our company’s website “Suhada Skin Care”.
See details *When quoting the contents of this press release, please comply with the following.
・Statement that the survey was conducted by Earthcare Co., Ltd. ・Installation of link (⇓) to Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Address: 2-21-5 Kamishinden, Toyonaka City, Osaka 560-0085
Established: February 2000
Representative: Representative Director and President Tatsuya Inoue Capital: 10 million yen
Business details: Planning, development, manufacturing and sales of cosmetics and health foods, internet mail order sales
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