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Home » Organization for the Promotion of Independence of People with Disabilities Announcement of an art contest for people with disabilities to draw “Dreams and Romance – Connecting People”

Organization for the Promotion of Independence of People with Disabilities Announcement of an art contest for people with disabilities to draw “Dreams and Romance – Connecting People”

Organization for the Promotion of Independence of Persons with Disabilities (General Incorporated Association)
Announcement of an art contest for people with disabilities to draw “Dreams and Romance – Connecting People”
We will be holding an art contest depicting “Dreams and Romance – Connecting People” in which people with disabilities from all over the country can participate. Application period: June 1st (Sat) – June 30th (Sun), 2023
The Paralym Art Management Office of the Organization for the Promotion of Independence of Persons with Disabilities (located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Akihiro Matsunaga; hereinafter referred to as Paralynn Art) has signed a gold partner agreement with Kosoku Co., Ltd. (located in Miyagino-ku, Sendai City, Together with Representative Director, President and Executive Officer: Hiroki Akira), we will be holding an art contest for people with disabilities from all over the country.
Kosoku Co., Ltd. Drawing art contest theme “Dreams and Romance ~Connecting people~”
Kosoku Co., Ltd. Kosoku Co., Ltd., whose art contest theme is “Dreams and Romance – Connecting People”, is a trading company specializing in light food packaging materials. We support the safe distribution of food and help bring out the deliciousness of food through packaging. The winning artwork from the art contest will be featured on the cover of Kosoku Co., Ltd.’s in-house newsletter titled “Dreams and Romance” to be published on October 1st. “Dream and Romance” is a communication tool that connects “employees and employees,” “employees and their families,” and “Kokusoku and Kosoku Group.” We look forward to receiving your applications for the dreams and romance you envision. This contest, which is now being held for the third time, has continued to hold the “Kokusoku Award” since the beginning of the contest, and it is named after the packaging materials handled by Kosoku Co., Ltd., and is a product designed by a designer of Kosoku Co., Ltd. We will give you an assortment of.
[Image 1:×1789.jpg] About Paralym Art (General Incorporated Association, Organization for the Promotion of Independence of Persons with Disabilities)
This is an activity conducted by the Organization for the Promotion of Independence of Persons with Disabilities that provides artwork by persons with disabilities to companies and individuals, and pays the creators’ fees. Our main purpose is to support people with
disabilities who are unable to participate in society and are suffering financially, and through art we promote social participation and economic independence for people with disabilities without relying on social security funds. Artist registration is free, and as of May 2024, approximately 470 people from all over the country have registered.
Paralym Art not only promotes the independence of people with disabilities by supporting them, but also continues to create spaces where they can demonstrate their talents and challenge themselves.
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[Image 3:×235.jpg] Paralym Art Initiatives
The strength of Paralym Art is that it has already been endorsed by many athletes and celebrities as special supporters, and this initiative is adopted by more than 370 partner companies annually, from the prime market to small and medium-sized enterprises. . Partner companies can not only display art, but also use it for IR, PR, and marketing, such as product planning and event holding. In the future, by contributing to improving corporate brand value and increasing sales through this business, we will build sustainable “active social participation and economic independence for people with disabilities” and “promote SDGs for society as a whole.” We aim to
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