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Home » LINQUA General Incorporated Association LINKUA announces an e-learning course that explains the key points of the FY2020 medical fee revision (clinic, home medical care)

LINQUA General Incorporated Association LINKUA announces an e-learning course that explains the key points of the FY2020 medical fee revision (clinic, home medical care)

Linka General Incorporated Association
Linka announces an e-learning course that explains the key points of the FY2020 medical fee revision (clinic, home medical care)
Linka, a general incorporated association (location: Tokyo,
representative director: Takumi Ichikawa), has developed and announced an e-learning course to explain the key points of the 2020 medical fee revision.
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About e-learning courses
The two courses that will be announced this time are “Explanation of key points of the 2020 medical fee revision for clinics” and “Key points of the 2020 medical fee revision for home medical care”. [Explanation of FY2020 medical fee revision points for clinics] In this seminar, we will explain the important points of the 2020 Medical Fee Revision for clinics. The current revision includes a wide range of changes, including a review of lifestyle-related disease management, measures to raise wages, measures to deal with emerging infectious diseases, and measures to promote medical DX, which will necessitate system changes. A consultant who specializes in clinics and is well-known on YouTube will explain important points for future clinic management in an easy-to-understand manner.
[Key points of the FY2020 medical fee revision for home medical care] In this seminar, we will explain important points in the field of home medical care under the FY2020 medical fee revision for those involved in home medical care management. In response to this medical fee revision, what kind of system will the home medical care field have in the future, such as promoting human resource retention and work style reform, regional comprehensive care system, differentiation and strengthening of medical functions including medical DX, and promotion of collaboration? What to do? A veteran specialist consultant will explain in an easy-to-understand manner the important points for future home medical care management.
You can purchase both courses as a set here:
Click here for details on the FY2020 medical fee revision points for clinics:
Click here for details on the main points of the FY2020 medical fee revision for home medical care:
About Linka General Incorporated Association
The concept of Linka is to become a medium that promotes connections between medical professionals, between medical professionals and non-medical professionals, and between systems. The word “LINQUA” is a combination of “LINK,” “U,” and “A,” meaning “Action.” “LINQUA” was born with the desire to become a medium that connects everything in the medical field.
IT and DX in the medical field are progressing rapidly, and security vulnerabilities have also been pointed out. There is a need to improve IT knowledge and skills in the medical field, with the aim of not only improving operational efficiency but also protecting patient privacy and improving information security for medical institutions. Linka, a general incorporated association, is providing this e-learning course as part of solving these issues, and will support an environment where medical professionals can work with peace of mind. [Overview of Linka General Incorporated Association]
Name: Linka General Incorporated Association
Location: Tokyo
Representative: Takumi Ichikawa
Established: April 17, 2019
Business content: Promoting reform in medical practice through ICT

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