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Home » Kawamura International Co., Ltd. Released materials for “Using AI translation for English disclosure ~Improv ing the efficiency of translating IR documents~”

Kawamura International Co., Ltd. Released materials for “Using AI translation for English disclosure ~Improv ing the efficiency of translating IR documents~”

To all members of the press
Kawamura International Co., Ltd.
Published materials for “Using AI translation for English disclosure – Improving the efficiency of translating IR documents”
Kawamura International Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kozo Moriguchi), which supports problem solving in language services with knowledge and technology, will begin translating IR-related documents on Monday, June 3, 2024. We have released a document on how to use AI translation to improve
efficiency, “Using AI translation for English disclosure – Improving the efficiency of IR document translation” on our website.
In February 2024, the Tokyo Stock Exchange announced that disclosure in English will be mandatory in the prime market in order to attract further investment from overseas investors. Specifically, for disclosures from April 1, 2025 onwards, we are requesting that companies make “efforts to disclose important company information in English” and “require financial statements and timely disclosure information to be disclosed in English.”
As a result, companies listed on the prime market are required to develop a system for disclosing IR-related documents in English. This document introduces points to be careful about when using AI translation for IR-related documents, introduces the financial field specialized AI translation “Minna no Auto Translation @ KI (commercial version)”, and AI translation. We will guide you on how to utilize AI translation in English disclosure, from verifying the output results to customizing AI translation.
If you have any concerns regarding English disclosure, please take a look. ・A system that can handle disclosure in English is not yet in place. ・Although we are able to provide English translation of timely disclosure, we would like to cut costs and improve efficiency. ・Considering the use of AI translation for English disclosure Please click here to request the document “Using AI translation for English disclosure – Improving the efficiency of translating IR documents”.
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What is Everyone’s Automatic Translation @KI (commercial version)? This is a service that commercializes the neural automatic translation engine “Everyone’s Automatic Translation @TexTra(R)” from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) for corporations. It has been widely introduced and used by corporate and individual customers, as well as government offices and local governments. You can obtain high-quality translation results by selecting an engine according to the content of your document from among machine translation engines specialized in specialized fields, including “general-purpose engines (general business)”. The
specialized engines that can be selected are “Patents”, “Patent Trial Decisions, etc.”, “Finance (IR/Timely Disclosure)”, “Financial Services”, “Legal Contracts”, “Science”, and “News”.
Since the server operation location is limited to Japan, it can be used with peace of mind even for those who value security.
Additionally, we have acquired ISO 27017, the international standard for ISMS cloud security. In addition to basic file/text translation, a wide range of collaboration is possible, including Office plug-ins, API collaboration with translation support tools, and Teams/Slack collaboration. Pricing is on a reliable monthly basis, and we offer multiple pricing plans (starting from 22,000 yen) to suit your usage environment.
[Image 2:×109.jpg] Company Profile
Kawamura International Co., Ltd. homepage:
[Image 3:×113.jpg] Head office location: 6th floor, Kagurazaka Kitagawa Building, 6-42 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Date of establishment: January 1986 Representative director: Kozo Moriguchi Business content: Translation, machine translation, post-editing, etc. Solutions, interpretation, production, staffing/introduction Capital: 50,000,000 yen
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