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Home » Webinar held on 6/27 A must-see for those interested in cross-border EC! BeeCruise, which supports cross-border e-commerce for companies, provides a thorough explanation of how to efficiently manage overseas e-commerce operations

Webinar held on 6/27 A must-see for those interested in cross-border EC! BeeCruise, which supports cross-border e-commerce for companies, provides a thorough explanation of how to efficiently manage overseas e-commerce operations

BEENOS Co., Ltd.
[Webinar held on 6/27] A must-see for those interested in cross-border EC! BeeCruise, which supports cross-border EC for companies, provides a thorough explanation of how to efficiently manage overseas EC operations
BeeCruise Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “BeeCruise”), which is part of the BEENOS Group that operates the overseas purchase support service “Buyee” and supports cross-border e-commerce and the overseas expansion of Japanese content, will hold a free webinar “[Introduction to cross-border e-commerce] Efficient overseas e-commerce operations” “Management Methods” will be held on June 27, 2024 (Thursday) from 11:00 a.m. We will thoroughly explain everything from the challenges faced when starting cross-border e-commerce to efficient operation methods.
●Webinar overview/application:
[Image 1:×432.jpg] Due to the disappearance of inbound tourists, demand has increased both domestically and overseas due to the coronavirus
pandemic.Cross-border e-commerce support is currently expanding both in terms of purchases by overseas users and sales by companies that have introduced it, and is one of the measures to convert the rapidly increasing number of inbound tourists into customers. It is also attracting attention. Buyee, which supports cross-border e-commerce for Japanese companies and provides overseas payments, international shipping, and customer support in 17 languages, responds to inquiries from users, delivery companies, shipping sources, and other locations around the world on a daily basis. When operating an e-commerce site, customer experience through quick response is the key to increasing sales. “Re:lation” provided by Ingauge Co., Ltd. is a customer service cloud that allows you to centrally manage multiple contact points such as email, phone, chat, and LINE and share them with your team. In this co-hosted webinar, we will explain how to efficiently manage overseas e-commerce operations through examples of responding to inquiries from overseas users and examples of successful efficiency improvements through the introduction of “Re:lation.”
▼Recommended for these people
・Person in charge of EC business
・Person in charge of the corporate planning department, information system department, and customer service department
■Event overview
Name: [Introduction to cross-border EC] Techniques for efficiently managing overseas EC operations
Date: June 27, 2024 (Thursday) 11:00-12:00
Holding method: Web seminar (ZOOM)
Participation fee: Free
Application form:
1. Points to keep in mind when starting cross-border e-commerce 2. Key points for responding to inquiries received from Japan and overseas 3. About the importance of customer service
(Program contents may change without notice due to circumstances) ■Speaker information
[Image 2:×180.png ]
Ingauge Co., Ltd.
Sales Headquarters Sales Headquarters Evangelist Ayaka Satake Started his career in the service industry. Our service quality has been evaluated and we have achieved high rankings in national competitions. After that, I joined a start-up sales company with no experience. His ability to build relationships with existing clients, operate and manage projects, and manage his team was highly evaluated, and he was selected as a supervisor. After joining Ingauge, he will be responsible for communicating the appeal of responding to inquiries to new clients.
[Image 3:×180.png ]
BeeCruise Co., Ltd.
Sales Team Leader Keigo Kobayashi
After graduating from university, he joined BeeCruise Co., Ltd. as a new graduate. We provide comprehensive support, from overseas sales support to overseas promotion, for domestic companies that wish to expand overseas over 100 times a year. In addition, he is responsible for a wide range of sales-related tasks such as BtoB marketing, alliance collaboration, and seminar planning and management. [Overview of BeeCruise Co., Ltd.]
“BeeCruise” will utilize the BEENOS Group’s three strengths of “experience,” “network,” and “data accumulation,” as well as new “technology,” mainly to accelerate the growth of existing businesses and new businesses. We are developing. In June 2019, we established a specialized global marketing organization that leverages BEENOS Group’s global marketing know-how, and provide support to Japanese companies and local governments in the marketing and promotion field in order to spread Japanese content, products, and entertainment around the world. doing. Furthermore, we support the development of e-commerce stores as a sales partner that connects companies and consumers in Japan and other parts of the world.
BEENOS Group is a leading cross-border e-commerce company that began providing the international forwarding service “” in 2008, and launched the overseas purchasing support service “Buyee” in 2012.
(1)Company name: BeeCruise Co., Ltd.
(2)Representative: Seita Naoi, President and Representative Director (3) Address: 4-7-35 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
(4) Date of establishment: October 2017
(5) Capital: 100 million yen
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