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Home » Suntory has sold over 15 billion 100% recycled plastic bottles!

Suntory has sold over 15 billion 100% recycled plastic bottles!

Suntory Foods International Ltd.
Suntory has sold over 15 billion 100% recycled plastic bottles! Japan’s high collection and recycling rates contribute to domestic resource circulation. Reduce new use of fossil-based raw materials by over 300,000 tons. In 2023, more than one in two bottles will use 100% recycled PET bottles.
In 2012, Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd. was the first company in the domestic soft drink industry to introduce 100% recycled PET bottles through “bottle-to-bottle” horizontal recycling*1 for Suntory Oolong Tea 2L*2, which has since been used in a variety of products. We are actively introducing it, and the cumulative sales have recently exceeded 15 billion units*3.
[Image 1:×200.jpg] In 2012, Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd. was the first company in the domestic soft drink industry to introduce 100% recycled PET bottles through “bottle-to-bottle” horizontal recycling*1 for Suntory Oolong Tea 2L*2, which has since been used in a variety of products. We are actively introducing it, and the cumulative sales have recently exceeded 15 billion units*3.
*1 Recycling used PET bottles and turning them into new PET bottles *2 As mechanical recycling
*3 As Suntory’s domestic soft drink business (period: from April 2012 to the end of May 2024)
■Current status of PET bottle recycling in Japan
In Japan, there is a well-established collection scheme for plastic bottles, and the collection and recycling rate for plastic bottles is approximately 90%*4, which is a very high level compared to Western countries. In the soft drink industry, we are promoting
“bottle-to-bottle” horizontal recycling, which makes effective use of limited resources domestically. As an industry, we are aiming for a “bottle-to-bottle” horizontal recycling ratio of 50% by 2030, which currently stands at approximately 30%*4.
*4 Source: PET Bottle Recycling Promotion Council Annual Report 2023 (2022 results)
[Image 2:×190.jpg] (Left) Changes in the PET bottle recycling ratio in Japan, the United States, and Europe (Right) Changes in the “bottle-to-bottle” ratio in Japan Source: PET Bottle Recycling Promotion Council Annual Report 2023
■Thanks to you, the total number of 100% recycled PET bottle products sold has exceeded 15 billion!
At our company, in 2023, more than one in two bottles is already made from 100% recycled PET bottles, and as of the end of May 2024, cumulative sales have exceeded 15 billion bottles. We believe that a major factor behind this is that consumers routinely treat PET bottles as resources rather than garbage, and that they carefully separate PET bottles, labels, and caps, and cooperate with collection. As a result, we were able to reduce the amount of new fossil-derived raw materials used by over 300,000 tons compared to what would have been had we not introduced recycled PET bottles.
■Challenges in promoting “bottle-to-bottle” horizontal recycling and Suntory Group activities
When it comes to collecting used PET bottles, there is an issue in that while they are neatly separated at home, separation is not progressing well outside the home. Additionally, it is not well known that it is difficult to turn PET bottles containing leftover drinks or foreign substances into new PET bottles.
The Suntory Group has been focusing on communication to raise awareness of plastic bottle sorting, and has been working on initiatives such as producing TV commercials and web videos that start after the bottle has finished drinking, and visiting classes at elementary and junior high schools, commercial facilities, etc. I did. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our communication activities with a focus on “separation on the go” so that people can separate their garbage even when they are out of the house, just as they do it at home.
Since its founding, the Suntory Group has set out its mission of “creating a rich lifestyle culture in harmony with people and nature, and aiming for the brilliance of human life.” We have been aiming to achieve this goal. As stated in the Basic Policy on Plastics formulated in 2019, “By 2030, all PET bottles used globally will be made from recycled materials or plant-based materials, thereby eliminating the new use of fossil-based materials.” We will continue to promote activities to achieve the goal of “100% sustainable plastic bottles” and realize a sustainable society.
▽Contact information for inquiries from customers regarding this matter Suntory Customer Center
-Reference materials-
■Significance of “bottle to bottle” horizontal recycling
[Image 3:×789.jpg] “Bottle-to-bottle” horizontal recycling*1 allows plastic bottles to be recycled over and over again in Japan as a resource without using new fossil-derived raw materials. Additionally, compared to manufacturing PET bottles using new fossil-derived raw materials, CO2 emissions can be reduced by approximately 60%*2.
*1 Recycling used PET bottles and turning them into new PET bottles *2 In the process from used PET bottles to preform manufacturing ■“Bottle to bottle” horizontal recycling process
[Image 4:×649.jpg] ■Suntory Group’s main initiatives toward “100% sustainable plastic bottles” 2011 Establishment of recycled PET bottle safety evaluation method 2012: Introduced 100% recycled PET bottles into Suntory Oolong Tea 2L, the first in the domestic beverage industry
2012: Started development of 100% plant-based plastic bottles 2013: Introduced 30% plant-based plastic bottles into Suntory Tennensui 550ml *3 *3 Excludes some vending machine compatible products
2016: Decided to construct a demonstration plant for 100% plant-based PET bottles
2018: Four companies jointly develop the world’s first FtoP direct recycling technology
2019 Plastic Basic Policy Formulation
2020 Establishment of a new company “R Plus Japan Co., Ltd.” engaged in the recycling business of used plastics
2021 100% plant-based plastic bottle prototype completed
2021 Start of educational program on PET bottle recycling
2022: Introducing the “Bottle is a Resource” logo to all PET bottle products 2023: Introducing 30% plant-based PET bottles to 2L Suntory Tennensui 2023: Start collaboration with ENEOS to procure used cooking oil that will be the raw material for BioPet
that’s all
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