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Home » LENDEX Co., Ltd. Growing economic anxiety and concerns about the future! About the financial situation of new members of society!

LENDEX Co., Ltd. Growing economic anxiety and concerns about the future! About the financial situation of new members of society!

[LENDEX Co., Ltd.] Growing economic anxiety and concerns about the future! About the financial situation of new members of society!
*View in browser* *LENDEX Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 4, 2024
Growing economic anxiety and concerns about the future! About the financial situation of new members of society!
*Survey of 1,102 new graduates joining the company in 2024! How to use your starting salary and your level of interest in investing! * The yen weakened due to the deterioration of the global economic situation and rising prices. Furthermore, there has been a rush to raise prices in recent years.
In addition, expenses such as repayment of scholarships, which are said to be used by about half of students, are quite large compared to income, and in order to survive in the future, it is necessary to build assets firmly. It will become mandatory.

How interested are this year’s new graduate generation in investment and asset building, such as the new NISA that will start in 2024?

Therefore, LENDEX Co., Ltd.*, which provides a loan-type crowdfunding service, is (
We conducted a *survey* on the “financial situation of new
employees” targeting new company employees who joined the company in 2024.
*More than 60% of new members of society in 2024 will have their scholarships returned! *
First of all, we asked those who became new members of society starting in April 2024 whether their scholarships would be returned.

* “Yes (63.2%)” * Over 60% of the total received their scholarships back.

Next, how do you plan to reimburse those who have their scholarships returned?* “What do you think about scholarship refunds?” ”* I asked.
The most common response was * “I am thinking of returning the loan early (I will pay it back early due to bonuses, etc.) (60.5%)”*, with more than half of the respondents wanting to return the loan as soon as possible.

On the other hand, approximately 15% of people were worried about repayments, saying * “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to repay them every month (14.5%).” *

*Most Generation Z office workers spend less than 3,000 yen per month on subscription services! *
Next, we asked about the usage status of the subscription service, which is a monthly cost.
* “How many subscription services are you currently subscribed to? (Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc.)* When asked, *
The most common response was “2 to 3 (34.8%)”*, with over 80% of the respondents using at least one subscription service.
We found that most people subscribe to subscription services. I also asked how much it costs each month.

* “How much do you spend on subscription services per month?” ”* When asked, * “Less than 3,000 yen (34.0%)” * was the most common answer.
“3,001 yen – 5,000 yen (15.5%)” “5,001 yen – 10,000 yen (13.4%)” “10,001 yen – 20,000 yen (21.8%)” “20,001 yen – 30,000 yen (10.3%)” “30,001 yen or more (5.0 %)”*
This is the result.

We found that approximately one in three people spends more than 10,000 yen each month on subscription services, and more than half spend more than 5,000 yen each month.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s 2021 Wage Structure Basic Statistical Survey, the average starting salary for new graduates in 2024 is *
The salary is 225,400 yen for university graduates (both male and female) and 253,500 yen for graduate school graduates*.
How much money do you have at your disposal, given the monthly running costs and the recent rise in prices?
* “How much money do you expect to be able to use freely each month? ”* When I asked, *
“Less than 10,000 yen (12.0%)” “10,000 yen to less than 30,000 yen (30.3%)” “30,000 yen to less than 50,000 yen (32.3%)” “50,000 yen to less than 70,000 yen (13.5%) )” “70,000 yen to less than 100,000 yen (4.8%)” “100,000 yen or more (7.1%)” *
This is the result.

It seems that three out of four people expect to have less than 50,000 yen to spend each month.
* How will you use your starting salary and what is your monthly savings goal? * May is when most new graduates will receive their starting salary. So, we asked them how they use it and how they save money!

* “How do you plan to use your starting salary?” ”*
■Gift for parents
■Turn it into investment
■Eat something delicious
■ Treat your parents to food
■Be filial to one’s parents
■ Use for parents
■Shopping and saving
■Buy just the one thing you want. All that’s left to do is invest ■Initial cost of living alone
■Invest in books and seminars for self-development and skill improvement There were opinions such as:
The majority of people said they wanted to use it for filial piety. * Asset formation for new members of society! More than 1 in 4 people invest with iDeCo or NISA! *
Next, we asked new members of society about their future asset formation. * “How much do you plan to save each month? ”* When asked, the most common amount was “10,000 yen to less than 30,000 yen (37.7%).”* Approximately 30% of respondents also answered that it was difficult for them to save money (12.3%) or less than 10,000 yen (17.2%).

* “Are you considering investing in iDeCo or NISA? ”* “Already doing it (27.1%)”*
Just under 30% of them had already made an investment.
* “I’m interested, but I don’t have the money to invest (25.3%)” “I’m interested, but I’m not doing it (28.8%)” *
It seems that more than half of the people are already interested in iDeCo and NISA.

So, * “Are you interested in a side job or investment? ”* When asked, * “Yes (74.3%)” *
It was found that 3 out of 4 people are interested in side jobs or investments.

Finally, we asked them about their concerns about their future life plans. ■I am worried about the 20 million yen problem in retirement ■The interest rate on my home is scary
■I’m worried about how much I can increase my savings
■I am worried about whether I will receive a pension.
■The company doesn’t allow side jobs, so I don’t know what to do even if I want to earn more.
■I don’t know how much I should have, but even if I do have it, I wonder what it will be used for.
■Is it possible to return the scholarship?
■I am worried about the low social insurance premiums and pension benefits. Many people said that they were worried about money and about their retirement. * For asset formation, LENDEX, a loan-type crowdfunding service, is recommended! *
For those who are thinking of starting investing, we recommend LENDEX Co., Ltd. (
This is a loan-type crowdfunding service provided by.

Loan-type crowdfunding is a service in which a loan-type crowdfunding business solicits funds from investors over the Internet and lends the collected capital to companies.

Because we collect small amounts of funds from multiple investors and provide loans instead of large amounts, you can start investing with a small amount.

At LENDEX, you can invest from 20,000 yen.

LENDEX’s investment projects have an expected annual yield of 6-10% (before tax) and make regular monthly distributions.

With a yield that exceeds the average annual interest rate of 4-5% in the loan-type crowdfunding industry, we provide large profits to investors.
Additionally, account opening and withdrawal fees are free, reducing the burden on investors.

With the Nexway Identity Verification Service, you can open an investor account in as little as one day.
Real estate collateral is set for most projects.

In addition, you can invest with confidence as it is a short-term investment project (up to 84 months) with an appraisal by a
third-party organization.
We are also working to reduce the risk that the longer a project’s operating period is, the greater the risk of repayment and bankruptcy. Why not start using loan-type crowdfunding, which can be started with a small amount, as a source of income that can cope with the rush of price increases that has no prospects of stopping?

■LENDEX Co., Ltd.:
■TEL: 03-6452-6922
■Inquiry mail:

Survey overview: Survey on “financial circumstances of new members of society” [Survey period] May 7, 2024 to May 8, 2024
[Investigation method] Internet survey by a third-party organization [Number of people surveyed] 1,102 people
[Survey target] New members of society starting from April 2024 *About details about this release*

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