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Home » Digital sports content experience session using AI/VR technology will be held on June 11th (free)

Digital sports content experience session using AI/VR technology will be held on June 11th (free)

Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd.
Digital sports content experience session using AI/VR technology will be held on June 11th (free)
Turn even a small indoor space into a new sports experience that you can do alone in your everyday clothes.
Chunichi Shimbun Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nagoya City, President: Uichiro Oshima) announced on Tuesday, June 11th that it will release a total of five types of digital sports content, including digital diagnosis using AI and VR training used by professional athletes. A free trial session will be held at Chunichi Building (Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya). There is no need to apply or bring anything.
A collection of the latest sports tech that can be used by everyone from children and the elderly to top overseas professionals.
[Image 1:×333.png ]
[Image 2:×512.jpg] On the day of the event, we will be using REZZIL (pictured above), a British company that is the official VR partner of the English Premier League and is used by the league’s top teams for training, as well as a VR space where you can play against real pitchers, and which is also used by domestic professional baseball teams. You can try out five types of digital sports equipment that utilize technology for free, including “V-BALLER,” which uses motion data to match the screen, and “DigSports” (pictured below), which uses AI to suggest the optimal sport based on motion data tailored to the screen. Including ICT devices that are increasingly being introduced in club activities and AI posture and movement analysis whose uses are expanding from fitness to welfare, there is no need to bring any clothing or other items. Nurturing “fun” through ICT in Aichi Prefecture, where the athletic ability of elementary and junior high school students continues to be at the lowest level in the nation.
According to the Japan Sports Agency’s “National Survey on Physical Fitness, Athletic Ability, and Exercise Habits” (National Physical Fitness Test), the athletic ability of elementary and junior high school students in the prefecture continues to be at the lowest level in the nation. In the 2020 survey, the total number of hours of physical activity per week outside of physical education classes is lower than the national average for both elementary and junior high school students in the prefecture, both male and female. The “Aichi Prefecture Physical Fitness Test Data Analysis Contract Project Report” compiled by Chukyo University in October last year discusses the use of ICT (information and communication technology) in sports, “Effective ways to use it to improve physical fitness and foster a sense of fun.” “We need to explore this.”
Taking on the challenge of revitalizing the prefecture’s sports industry with “Sports x Technology”
In Aichi Prefecture, sports momentum is expected to increase with the opening of IG Arena (Aichi Prefectural New Gymnasium) next summer and the hosting of the Asia-Asian Para Games in 2026. In light of the upcoming opening of STATION Ai, a startup support base, in October, Aichi Prefecture launched the public-private joint “Aichi Sports Innovation Project AiSIA” in December last year in order to accelerate the growth of the prefecture’s sports industry through “sports x technology.” The launch has been announced. Based on Aichi
Prefecture’s “Innovative Business Creation Strategy,” we will establish a consortium that will serve as a base for promoting open innovation (announced by Aichi Prefecture on June 4). This event is part of that effort.
*AiSIA website:
Overview of the day
Date and time: Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 12:00-16:00
Location: Chunichi Hall & Conference “Room 2” (6th floor, Chunichi Building, 4-1-1 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya)
Experience/exhibition content *Photos and images in the release are provided by each company
1) AI sports aptitude diagnosis “DigSports” (provided by Dentsu Research Institute)
[Image 3:×300.png ]
Simply perform the physical fitness measurement movements according to the screen, and the AI ​​will recommend a sport suitable for you from over 70 sports. It is popular for its ease of use, which allows you to see results in just 5 minutes while wearing casual clothes. The game’s gameplay, which sometimes suggests unexpected aptitudes and provides diagnoses that one would not know, stimulates not only the psychology of parents who want to know their child’s potential, but also the motivation of adults themselves to exercise.
2) AI posture/motion analysis “Sportip Pro” (provided by Sportip)
[Image 4:×2340.png ]
This is the latest app that uses AI to analyze posture and movement based on motion capture with the built-in camera of iPad and iPhone. We analyze not only body distortions and problems with parts, but also future posture predictions and risks. Recommended training methods for countermeasures can be automatically generated from a huge menu and provided in a few seconds.
3) VR baseball simulation “V-BALLER” (provided by NTT Data)
[Image 5:×720.jpg] Using ball analysis data and footage of pitching form, pitching in a real game can be completely reproduced in VR space just like in reality. It is now possible to objectively understand each player’s timing, pitcher, pitch type, strengths and weaknesses of the course, and ball identification. It is used in everything from professional baseball to youth baseball, as well as in entertainment applications.
4) VR soccer training “REZZIL” (provided by Kyodo News Digital)
[Image 6:×1080.jpg] It is a virtual training system that develops soccer players’ cognitive skills by completing various drills. It was developed by a British startup and is also used by English Premier League clubs. You can enjoy the immersive feeling of playing in a stadium. It is popular among women and senior citizens who have never kicked a ball before as they can have a simulated experience.
5) Loop-type movement training “Loop Training System for club activities” (provided by TOPPAN)
[Image 7:×1233.jpg] You can feel your progress by checking the difference between the built-in model movements (135 movements in 16 competitions) and your own movements, and comparing the movements before and after. A futuristic training tool that visualizes issues and leads to improvements.
We have a wide variety of training menus, and efficiently support the improvement of beginners and intermediates. It is expected to improve the efficiency, standardization, and quality of instruction in club activities, and has been adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “DX High School.” *Video exhibition only on the day
AR indoor exercise platform “DIDIM” (provided by Community Network Center (CNCI))
[Image 8:×600.jpg] This is a state-of-the-art recreational device from Korea that allows you to intuitively exercise your whole body using your feet and hands while watching images projected on the floor. It is equipped with various exercise and brain training modes using augmented reality, and can be enjoyed by a wide range of generations, from children to the elderly.
These contents are both “digital and physical” in that they involve or induce physical movements. From training to improving your health, you can experience the joy of sports from a new angle. Even people who hate exercise or have been away from sports for a long time can easily do it by themselves, so it has the potential to help them regain contact with sports. Focusing on these points, we will verify the usefulness and business feasibility by utilizing small spaces in daily life activities such as commercial facilities and shopping streets. More details about this release: