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Home » How much does an adult woman in her 50s and above spend on beauty treatments per month? Investigating the treatments that adult women spend the most on the latest one-month beauty clinic in 2024!

How much does an adult woman in her 50s and above spend on beauty treatments per month? Investigating the treatments that adult women spend the most on the latest one-month beauty clinic in 2024!

How much does an adult woman in her 50s and above spend on beauty treatments per month? Investigating the treatments that adult women spend the most on the latest one-month beauty clinic in 2024!
*View in browser* *Tommy LLC*
Press release: June 5, 2024
How much does an adult woman in her 50s and above spend on beauty treatments per month? Investigating the treatments that adult women spend the most on the latest one-month beauty clinic in 2024! -About this survey-Tommy LLC (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Employee: Tomoki Iwasaka) is the MastBeauty Clinic Azabu-Juban located in Azabu-Juban.

(Dermatology/Cosmetic Dermatology), we conducted a questionnaire survey of 141 women in their 50s regarding the “Awareness Survey on Adult Women in Their 50s and Up.”
Survey overview
Survey overview: Questionnaire regarding awareness survey of adult women in their 50s and above
Survey period: March 22, 2024 (Friday) to April 11, 2024 (Thursday) Survey method: Internet survey (crowdsourcing service)
Number of people surveyed: 141 people
Survey target: Adult women in their 50s
As a result of a questionnaire survey asking, “Please tell me how much you spend on beauty treatments per month,”
1st place: “Less than 10,000 yen” (50%)
2nd place was “10,001 yen to 20,000 yen” (32%)
3rd place is “20,001 yen to 30,000 yen” (15%)
4th place is “30,001 yen to 40,000 yen” (2%)
5th place is “50,001 yen or more” (1%)
This is the result.
“Could you please tell me how much you will spend on the “beauty clinic” per month? As a result of a questionnaire survey,
1st place: “Less than 10,000 yen” (79%)
2nd place: “10,001 yen to 20,000 yen” (12%)
3rd place: “20,001 yen to 30,000 yen” (6%)
4th place is “50,001 yen or more” (1%)
4th place is “30,001 yen to 40,000 yen” (1%)
4th place is “40,001 yen to 50,000 yen” (1%)
This is the result.
“What is your problem that you are currently receiving treatment for at the Beauty Clinic?” As a result of a questionnaire survey, 1st place is “Simi” (45%)
2nd place is “wrinkles” (16%)
3rd place is “Medical hair removal” (14%)
4th place is “rejuvenation” (7%)
5th place is “acne” (3%)
5th place is “Diet” (3%)
5th place is “sagging” (3%)
5th place is “Deep circles under the eyes” (3%)
6th place is “Small face” (2%)
6th place is “thinning hair” (2%)
7th place is “nose” (1%)
7th place is “double eyes” (1%)
This is the result.
As a result of a questionnaire survey asking, “What was the problem that made you visit a beauty clinic for the first time?”
1st place is “Simi” (32%)
2nd place is “Medical hair removal” (24%)
3rd place is “wrinkles” (11%)
4th place is “rejuvenation” (7%)
4th place is “double eyes” (7%)
5th place is “acne” (5%)
6th place is “Diet” (4%)
7th place is “thinning hair” (3%)
7th place is “Deep circles under the eyes” (3%)
8th place is “Small face” (2%)
9th place is “breast augmentation” (1%)
9th place is “sagging” (1%)
This is the result.
As a result of a questionnaire survey asking, “Which treatment have you spent the most money on at a beauty clinic?”
1st place is “Simi” (37%)
2nd place is “Medical hair removal” (26%)
3rd place is “wrinkles” (8%)
4th place is “double eyes” (7%)
5th place is “acne” (5%)
5th place is “rejuvenation” (5%)
6th place is “Diet” (4%)
7th place is “thinning hair” (3%)
8th place is “Small face” (2%)
8th place is “Deep circles under the eyes” (2%)
9th place is “breast augmentation” (1%)
This is the result.
As a result of a questionnaire survey, we asked, “What concerns do you want to have treated at a beauty clinic in the future?”
1st place is “Simi” (33%)
2nd place is “wrinkles” (25%)
3rd place is “Deep circles under the eyes” (10%)
4th place is “rejuvenation” (9%)
5th place is “medical hair removal” (8%)
6th place is “Diet” (7%)
7th place is “thinning hair” (3%)
8th place is “Acne” (1%)
8th place is “Small face” (1%)
8th place is “sagging skin and fine lines” (1%)
8th place is “double eyes” (1%)
8th place is “breast augmentation” (1%)
This is the result.
For adult women in their 50s and older, we found that about half of them spend less than 10,000 yen on beauty treatments per month, and of that amount, about 10,000 yen goes to beauty clinics.

Currently, there are many people who receive “spot” treatment at beauty clinics, and “spot” treatment is also the reason for many people to visit a beauty clinic for the first time.
Many people probably made their debut at a beauty clinic when they reached the age where they started to worry about age spots. *About details about this release*

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