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Home » Press release from Matsui Securities Co., Ltd. A first in the online securities industry We have launched an information service based on TSE trading breakdown data, making it possible to analyze trading techniques and supply and demand for all s

Press release from Matsui Securities Co., Ltd. A first in the online securities industry We have launched an information service based on TSE trading breakdown data, making it possible to analyze trading techniques and supply and demand for all s

Matsui Securities Co., Ltd.
[A first in the online securities industry] We have launched an information service based on TSE trading breakdown data, making it possible to analyze trading techniques and supply and demand for all stocks listed on the TSE!
Matsui Securities Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Satoshi Warita, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) will be provided by JPX Research Institute, Inc., a member of the Japan Exchange Group, from Saturday, June 15, 2024. We will add an information function to the “Matsui Securities Japan Stocks App” that utilizes the “Buy/Sell Breakdown Data Providing Service”. We are the only company in the online securities industry*1 that utilizes this data provision service to provide information to customers free of charge.
[Image 1:×356.png ]
With this function, you can obtain the breakdown of the trading value and trading volume of individual stocks on the same day by
classification of “Cash/New Credit/Repayment on Credit/Short Selling (Institutional Investor)*”. This makes it possible to conduct more advanced analysis, such as understanding the volume of short sales by institutional investors on a contract basis, which was previously difficult.
* “Short selling” here refers to a transaction in which stocks are sold directly, such as by entering into a loan agreement with a securities company, and is a different transaction from new sales on margin conducted by general individual investors.
■Key points of TSE trading breakdown data
[1] You can check the breakdown of trading value and trading volume of individual stocks on the same day
We provide information on the breakdown of the trading value and trading volume of individual stocks on the day, categorized as “Cash/New Credit/Repayment on Credit/Short Selling (Institutional Investor)”. You can check the background of stock price fluctuations for individual stocks on the same day, making it possible to perform more advanced analysis. In addition, you can understand the quantity of short sales on an execution basis.
[Image 2:×401.png ]
*The screen is currently under development.
・Buy and sell breakdown: Visualize and display the breakdown of trading volume and trading value (can display for 5 business days) ・Past information: Displays the breakdown of trading volume and trading value in daily chronological order (can display about 1 year) [2] You can check the margin trading balance of all TSE-listed stocks on the same day
You can check the margin trading balance of all stocks listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the same day. Based on the trading breakdown data, the deductions for new credit transactions and repayments are calculated on a daily basis, and an estimated value of the margin trading balance for each issue on that day is calculated. Generally, you have to wait for the TSE’s weekly publication (around 4:00 p.m. on the second business day) for information on margin trading balances other than those listed on the TSE. You can check information on all stocks on a daily basis.
[Image 3:×480.png ]
*The screen is currently under development.
[3] Compare and analyze past stock price fluctuations and trends in buying and selling breakdowns
On the chart screen of the Japanese stock app, you can display two subcharts such as volume and technical at the bottom of the main stock price trend chart. You can select trading volume (breakdown of buy/sell) and margin transaction balance as display items on the subchart. This makes it possible to analyze not only recent price movements, but also the relationship between past stock price trends and trading conditions.
[Image 4:×517.png] *The screen is currently under development.
■What is “Buy and Sell Breakdown Data Providing Service”?
The “Buy and Sell Breakdown Data Provision Service” is a data service provided by JPX Research Institute, Inc., a member of the Japan Exchange Group. You can know the daily trading value and trading volume (limited to intra-auction trading) of TSE-listed stocks on the TSE market by trade type, such as buy/sell, spot/credit,
new/repayment. If you are selling, you can also understand the quantity and amount of short sales by institutional investors. ■About “Matsui Securities Japan Stocks App”
[Image 5:×121.jpg] This is a dedicated app for Japanese stock trading that allows you to complete everything from information gathering to trading with a simple and easy-to-operate screen. It is packed with useful features for trading, including a stock details screen full of information useful for stock analysis, a stock search function that allows you to search from a variety of angles, and a stock price board that automatically updates in as little as 0 seconds.
Matsui Securities aims to provide products and services full of ideas that make investing fun, in order to support customers’ enriching lives through investment experiences.
that’s all
*1 Among the major online securities companies, we are the first to provide a service that publishes transaction breakdown data for free on an app. According to our research, compared with 5 major online securities companies (our company, SBI Securities, au Kabucom Securities, Monex Securities, Rakuten Securities), as of May 14, 2024.
[Table 2: ]

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