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Home » Mitz Co., Ltd. Mitz Co., Ltd. has newly developed “conductive resin” and “tough rubber-like resin,” expanding the scope of 3D printing prototyping and research and development.

Mitz Co., Ltd. Mitz Co., Ltd. has newly developed “conductive resin” and “tough rubber-like resin,” expanding the scope of 3D printing prototyping and research and development.

Mits Co., Ltd.
Mits Co., Ltd. has newly developed “conductive resin” and “tough rubber-like resin,” expanding the scope of 3D printing prototyping and research and development.
Mits Co., Ltd. has newly developed “conductive resin” and “tough rubber-like resin,” expanding the scope of 3D printing prototyping and research and development. -Exhibited at Monozukuri World 2024-MitsJune 7, 2024 9:00Mits Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as “Mits” or “Mits”) is a purely domestic stereolithography equipment
manufacturer that provides numerous products for prototype and R&D businesses. This is a company with a track record of delivery. We have recently developed new “conductive” and “tough rubber-like” resins for our own stereolithography equipment, expanding the variety of prototype production and research and development. -Conductive resin – A resin based on hydrogel ink with high conductivity, developed with the aim of being applied to prototype research fields in the field of electromagnetism, such as medical-engineering collaboration, wearables, and robotics. The hardness is at the Asker C level, which is softer than Rubber Shore A, and we are also conducting research to further improve the conductivity by incorporating nanomaterials, etc., and are developing it so that it can be applied to the field of electromagnetic wave absorption. In the photo, a voltage of 20V (lights up even at 10V) is applied to a shaped conductive gel test piece to light up a red LED.
[Image 1:×1010.jpg] -Tough rubber-like resin – Realizes strength comparable to car tires. The hardness is approximately 3 to 5 times that of conventional rubber shore A55 (compared to a resin made in-house that has the same strength), making it suitable for applications such as automotive parts and robotics that require durability. Additionally, it is possible to evaluate rubber products without the need for a mold even when manufacturing a prototype at the prototyping stage.
[Image 2:×993.jpg] -Newly developed stereolithography device-This is an epoch-making device that can perform integral modeling using two different types of resin. Human body parts can be modeled using human bone parts (white acrylic resin) and peripheral parts (semi-transparent rubber-like resin or conductive transparent gel resin). The bones of the “human hand” and “human nose” in the photo are made of white acrylic resin, and the surrounding area is made of ultra-soft rubber-like resin. It is also possible to model the peripheral part using transparent conductive gel. A feature of this device is that it has a built-in stirring function in the resin tank, which allows a uniform texture to be obtained even when the resin and filler with a heavy specific gravity (e.g. barium, ceramic powder) are mixed and printed. MITS is the only company in Japan that has equipment with this stirring function.
[Image 3:×659.jpg] -At the exhibition, we will also exhibit our main product, printed circuit board processing machines. –Printed circuit board processing machines-MITS has been selling printed circuit board processing machines domestically and internationally for 40 years. We have delivered over 10,000 units and have supported numerous educational and research and development projects. In the educational field, we take advantage of our ability to create a wide variety of boards in small quantities, and by creating boards from pattern data designed by students themselves, we are able to work consistently from design to implementation. We contribute to providing valuable hands-on experience that cannot be learned. At research and development sites, our products are well received because they can be completed in a short time and there is no need to worry about information leaks, allowing research and development to proceed smoothly through repeated prototyping and improvements. In addition, our equipment includes models that are good at processing not only substrates but also other materials such as aluminum and acrylic. Laser processing machines used for similar processing are not good at aluminum due to its high reflectance and high conductivity, but substrate processing machines can cut it. (The photo on the left shows printed circuit board processing)
[Image 4:×536.jpg] We will be exhibiting at the Manufacturing World 2024 exhibition. Exhibition location: Tokyo Big Sight – Exhibition booth: E14-21 – The exhibits are listed below.・Stereolithography equipment (M3DS-SA5), printed products of conductive gel and tough rubber-like resin, etc.・Printed circuit board processing machine (Auto Lab, FP-21T), printed circuit board samples, etc.・Period: June 19th (Wednesday) to June 21st (Friday), 2024 We look forward to your visit. -Contact information-Mits Co., Ltd. 1-2-21 Kajino-cho, Koganei City, Tokyo 184-0002 Phone: 0422-60-3303 Fax: 0422-60-3323E-Mail:

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