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Home » Medical Corporation Iseikai Watching growth: Providing correct knowledge for children who are not growing taller / 186th Holonics Open Medical Seminar

Medical Corporation Iseikai Watching growth: Providing correct knowledge for children who are not growing taller / 186th Holonics Open Medical Seminar

[Medical Corporation Iseikai] Watching growth: Providing correct knowledge for children who are not growing taller / 186th Holonics Open Medical Seminar

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Press release: June 7, 2024
Watching growth: Correct knowledge about children’s sluggish growth / 186th Holonics Open Medical Seminar
The Medical Corporation Iseikai (Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Representative: Koji Tani) will hold the 186th Holonics Open Medical Seminar “Watching Growth.”
“Correct knowledge for children who are not growing taller” will be held on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at the healthy cafe “Sakura Terrace 2nd Floor Salon” in i-Mall in Minami Ogimachi, Kita Ward, Osaka City. date and time
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 from 14:00 to 14:45
Event overview
Free participation / Advance application required (50 seats) *Click here to apply Venue: i-Mall (Iseikai International General Hospital) SOUTH WING
Healthy Cafe Sakura Terrace 2nd floor salon
4-14 Minami-Ogimachi, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0052
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One of the major characteristics of children is growth. Each person’s growth is unique, and growth in terms of height, weight, head circumference, etc. differs.
Average height and weight values ​​are determined for each age group. It is important to pay close attention to how much a child has grown, rather than comparing them to the average.
However, if the difference from the average value is too large or the child’s annual growth rate is not good, the underlying disease may be hidden, so it is necessary to consult a specialist.
In this course, we will focus on height growth among children’s development, explain what points to be careful about, and conversely, what things you don’t need to worry about. We will talk about genome testing and treatment that can be done at the hospital.
[Dr. Keiichi Ozono, Director, Center for the Promotion of Intractable Diseases, Iseikai International General Hospital, Iseikai Medical Corporation]

Professor Emeritus of Osaka University (Pediatrics)
Affiliated academic societies are: Councilor of the Japanese Pediatric Society, President of the Osaka Pediatric Society, Councilor of the Japan Endocrine Society, Councilor of the Japanese Pediatric Endocrine Society, and Japan Society of Steroid Hormone.
Director, Japanese Osteoporosis Society Councilor, Honorary Member of the Intractable Disease Medical Network Society, Councilor of the Japanese Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Councilor of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine, Japanese Society of Bone Metabolism
Councilor, Japanese Society of Child Health, Councilor, Japanese Society of Neonatal Medicine, member, Japanese Society of Pediatric Nephrology, Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology, Japan Vitamin Society
Member, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Member, American Endocrine
Society member

Specialty: Bone diseases/endocrine diseases/intractable disease medical care Bone calcium disease, endocrine disease, hypophosphatasia (bone system disease in which abnormalities are seen in bones and cartilage throughout the body)

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