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Home » TechSuite Co., Ltd. Yorost Co., Ltd. introduced our service “Bakuyasu AI Article Agency”.

TechSuite Co., Ltd. Yorost Co., Ltd. introduced our service “Bakuyasu AI Article Agency”.

TechSuite Co., Ltd.
Yorost Co., Ltd. introduced our service “Bakuyasu AI Article Agency”. Yorost Co., Ltd. is based in Osaka and operates an e-commerce site related to automobile maintenance supplies and logistics supplies. We have been supporting SEO measures and content marketing since February 2024.
Service introduction page:
[Image 1:×630.png ]
TechSuite Co., Ltd. (TechSuite/Representative Director: Natsuteru Hatakeyama) is Yorost Co., Ltd., which operates an e-commerce site related to automobile maintenance. (hereinafter referred to as “Yorost”), we have been providing support for SEO measures and content marketing since February 2024. Through three months of support, we doubled the number of natural search visits and contributed to increased sales of the e-commerce site we operate (we are still continuing our support).
Yorost’s initial challenges
We renewed our e-commerce site last year, but sales were lower than before the renewal due to user withdrawal. However, the conversion rate remained high, so we were looking for an effective way to attract customers, believing that increasing access would lead to increased sales.
Suggestions by TechSuite
We proposed SEO measures and content marketing using “Bakuyasu AI”. Yorost started its service at a time when we were considering implementing content marketing and wanted to increase the number of articles for businesses.
As a result of the support provided by Bakuyasu AI, we have achieved the following results so far.
Natural search traffic doubled after 3 months of support
Ranked in the top 10 for 717 keywords
Increase sales by maintaining high conversion and improving access Trends in the number of sessions since February 2024 (from Google Analytics)
[Image 2:×399.png ]
At the beginning of the support, there were issues such as the generation AI’s output being unstable and a lot of duplicate sentences appearing, but we incorporated the feedback we received into the prompts (instructions to the generation AI) and tuned the AI. As a result, we succeeded in reducing production man-hours and improving the quality of content.
Comment from Yorosto representative
The great advantage of Bakuyasu AI’s content is that the quality is more stable than that written by humans, and there is no hit or miss. It is difficult to find good writers, but with “Bakuyasu AI” you can get a large amount of articles of a certain quality.
Also, the price per article is low, which is very helpful. Above all, we are very satisfied with the results, which have led to an increase in the number of accesses and sales. Thank you for your continued support.
TechSuite Co., Ltd. will continue to help companies solve marketing issues and increase sales by supporting SEO measures and content marketing using our service “Bakuyasu AI”. If you are even slightly interested, we would appreciate it if you could register for a free trial or contact us from the service introduction page (currently, we will write one article for free and give it to you as a gift). Service introduction page:
Introducing Yorosto
Yorost Co., Ltd. is based in Osaka City and operates an e-commerce site related to automobile maintenance supplies and logistics supplies.
EC site:
Company website:
Introducing TechSuite
TechSuite Inc. is a startup company whose mission is “co-evolution of AI and humanity.” In order to support corporate marketing and DX using AI technology, we provide various services such as our own services “Bakuyasu AI SEO countermeasures”, “Bakuyasu AI article agency”, and generative AI consulting.
“Bakuyasu AI SEO measures” introduction page:
“Bakuyasu AI article agency” introduction page: Interview page with the person in charge of Yorosto:
Company website:
TechSuite AI Blog:
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