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Home » 7/5 Online Held What foreign parents and children can do with “picture books” – Multilingual picture book test implementation report meeting

7/5 Online Held What foreign parents and children can do with “picture books” – Multilingual picture book test implementation report meeting

NPO book start
[7/5 Online Held] What foreign parents and children can do with “picture books” – Multilingual picture book test implementation report meeting
Bringing the joy of opening picture books to all babies. Supporting foreign parents and children through “multilingual picture books.” ……
NPO Bookstart, which promotes the “Book Start Project” on a nationwide scale in which local governments send picture books to babies, provides translation stickers with Japanese picture books in 5 languages ​​(Chinese/Korean/Vietnamese/Nepali/Portuguese).
“Multilingual picture books” with the above attached are made available for use in the Bookstart project with the cooperation of copyright holders, publishers, researchers, translators, foreign language teachers, and NPOs involved in supporting the education of children with foreign roots. Planned and produced. In 2023, we offered this service to local governments on a trial basis so that foreign parents and children can easily enjoy picture books in their native language. Thirty-two local governments participated in this effort, and the picture books were handed out to foreign parents and children. At this meeting, our NPO and the local governments that participated in the trial will report on what they have learned through this initiative.
In addition, Masaaki Yoneda, director of the Okubo Library in Shinjuku Ward, gave a lecture in which books in 37 languages ​​were prepared based on the management philosophy of “respecting differences beyond nationality and race” and “leaving no one behind.” In addition to this, he will also talk about the library’s efforts to focus on holding reading sessions in native languages.
What picture books can do to help realize a multicultural society. Would you like to think about it together?
We look forward to your participation!
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Multilingual picture book test implementation report meeting ~Let’s think about it. What you can do with picture books for foreign parents and children
Date and time: July 5, 2024 (Friday) 13:00-14:15
Participation fee: Free
Event format: Live streaming using Zoom meeting
Capacity: None
Target audience: Anyone who is interested
Application for participation: Please apply using this form Reception deadline: Friday, June 28, 2024