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Home » JAF Akita We will exhibit a JAF booth at the 2024 Akita Prefecture New Car Dealer Light Car Festival

JAF Akita We will exhibit a JAF booth at the 2024 Akita Prefecture New Car Dealer Light Car Festival

Japan Automobile Federation General Incorporated Association [JAF Akita] We will exhibit a JAF booth at the 2024 Akita Prefecture New Car Dealer Light Car Festival
The JAF (Japan Automobile Federation) Akita Branch (Branch Chief Tetsumitsu Ito) will be holding a 2-day event at the Akita Prefectural Skating Rink (Akita City) from June 15th (Saturday) to June 16th (Sunday). We will be exhibiting a booth promoting children’s traffic safety at the 2024 Akita Prefecture New Car Dealer Light Car Festival. The 2024 Akita Prefecture New Car Dealer Light Car Festival will exhibit and sell popular new cars and bargain used cars carefully selected by car dealers in Akita Prefecture, as well as a kids circuit area, a large gathering of kids’ working cars, and a light camper area for adults and children alike. There are also events that you can enjoy.
[Image 1:×762.jpg ]
The JAF Akita Branch will have a booth at the event and will be issuing the JAF Child Safety License, a card that looks just like a car driver’s license, free of charge.
The JAF Child Safety License is a traffic safety awareness tool that mimics the design of a driver’s license. When you register your name on the touch panel and take a traffic safety quiz, you will receive a license-shaped card with a photograph of your face taken on the spot. you can get.
The card has a promise about traffic safety written on it, and it gives children who receive the card an opportunity to be conscious of traffic safety on a daily basis.
[Image 2:×763.jpg] child safety license
Exhibition date and time
June 15th (Sat) 10:00-17:00
Sunday, June 16th 10:00-17:00
Exhibition location
Akita Prefectural Skating Rink (2-2 Sunanoyori, Araya-cho, Akita City) Content
Free issuance of JAF child safety license
Can be issued by anyone under elementary school age
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