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Home » Shingen Co., Ltd. Many men in the world do housework on a daily basis! ? The number one housework that I’m good at and the housework I’m bad at are the same! We asked 200 men why this is so.

Shingen Co., Ltd. Many men in the world do housework on a daily basis! ? The number one housework that I’m good at and the housework I’m bad at are the same! We asked 200 men why this is so.

[Shingen Co., Ltd.] Many men in the world do housework on a daily basis! ? The number one housework that I’m good at and the housework I’m bad at are the same! We asked 200 men why this is so.

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Press release: June 8, 2024
Many men in the world do housework on a daily basis! ? The number one housework that I’m good at and the housework I’m bad at are the same! We asked 200 men why this is so.
SHUFUFU, an information media for housewives operated by Shingen Co., Ltd., conducted a questionnaire survey regarding housework. We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey method: Internet survey
Research institution: In-house research
Number of people surveyed: 200 people
Target audience: Adults
Survey gender: 200 men
Survey age group: 20s: 29 people, 30s: 63 people, 40s: 56 people, 50s and above: 52 people
Survey period: May 2024
Research report:
*When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “SHUFUFU” URL (
How are you currently involved in housework?
How are you currently involved in housework? In response to this question, the most common answer was “I do housework on a daily basis (family/dual income)” (30.5%).
This was followed by “I do housework on a daily basis (living alone)” (29.5%) and “Sometimes I do housework (home/dual income)” (11%). In families where both parents work, they decide to share the housework with their wives, and people who live alone have to do it themselves, so it seems that there are many people who are inevitably involved in the daily housework.
What is your favorite housework? (Multiple answers)
good at or
Regarding favorite housework, 1st place was “cooking/preparing menus (35.5%),” and 2nd place was “washing dishes (31.5%).” Many people who answered that they were good at cooking were also good at washing dishes. I got the impression that they were having fun cooking and washing dishes.
Please tell us the reason and frequency of your favorite or best housework. 1st place: Cooking/Menu
I cook every day, and since I started cooking when I was 8 years old, I can make anything by looking at basic recipes. (Male in his 20s)

I’ve always loved cooking and have continued to do so every day. (Male in his 30s)

I love cooking, so I’m good at it. You can use your favorite ingredients and seasonings. (50s~Male)

I cook every day. It’s fun to come up with different menus and make them. (Male in his 30s)

Cooking/Menu: It’s fun because I can concentrate on things like what to make with the ingredients, what flavor to add, and what to add to make it even more delicious.I cook two days a week (I’m in my 50s). ~male)

Many of those who answered “cooking/menu” said they liked the cooking itself and liked eating it. There were more respondents who answered that they had been cooking for a long time, such as since childhood, compared to other household chores. One of the benefits of cooking for yourself is that you can make your own food and season it to your liking. *

2nd place: Washing dishes
I wash the dishes every time my family finishes eating (male in his 20s)

I like to think about efficiency when washing dishes and eliminate waste. I basically wash all my things (man in his 30s)

I wash the dishes every night when I’m at home (man in his 40s)

washing dishes. I feel refreshed. every day. (50s~Male)

Washing the dishes is so much fun that it has become a hobby. I do it about 6 days a week. (Male in his 30s)

Washing dishes Every day while at home during vacation (male in his 50s)

* Many people said they washed the dishes almost every time. Maybe the housework is clearly divided. I got the impression that many people were enjoying washing dishes. *

3rd place: Bathroom cleaning
Clean the entire bathroom every day. Because I want to take a clean bath every day (man in his 40s)

What I’m best at is cleaning the bathroom. I like to clean, and I clean the bathroom every day. (50s~Male)

I like cleaning the bathroom because it makes it visibly cleaner. I do it every day. (Male in his 30s)

Bathroom cleaning is carried out every day. (Male in his 40s)

Clean the bathroom once a week. Most of the things I do don’t change, so I can read the time. (Male in his 40s)

4th place: Throw away trash
I like sorting things and do it almost every day. (Male in his 30s)

Even though it is a heavy task, I am confident in my strength, so I am good at it and do it once a week (Male in his 30s)

You are always responsible for taking out the trash. I will be in charge four times a week. My motivation is to feel refreshed just by not having trash in my room. (Male in his 30s)

What housework are you not good at or unable to do? (Multiple answers) When asked about household chores that they are not good at or unable to do, the first place was “cooking/preparing a menu (25.5%),” and the second place was “ironing (20.5%).” “I’m good at or
It’s interesting that “cooking/preparing a menu,” which was also 1st in “favorite housework,” is 1st. Depending on the person, there may be extreme differences between those who are good at it and those who are not good at it.
Please tell us the reason and frequency of the housework that you dislike or cannot do the most.
1st place: Cooking/Menu
I can make single items like curry, but I’m not good at making three items at the same time because it makes a mess in the kitchen. (Male in his 40s)

A long time ago, when my wife worked part-time, I once bought a cookbook and tried cooking, but it was so tedious that I don’t want to do it anymore. (50s~Male)

Because I can’t cook at all. Somen noodles also cannot be boiled properly. (Male in his 30s)

cooking. I’ve always been bad at it. It takes more than twice as long as others (man in his 40s)

I like relatively strong flavors, so when I make it myself, the flavor ends up being strong. (Male in his 30s)

* There were people who didn’t like cooking and preparing menus because they were tedious and time-consuming, and there were people who didn’t like multitasking. *

2nd place: Ironing
I don’t like ironing because I can’t get the wrinkles out and I can’t do it properly. (50s~Male)

I don’t like ironing because it takes a lot of time. (Male in his 30s)

I don’t like ironing because it burns (man in his 40s)

I leave the ironing to my wife and haven’t done it since we got married. (Male in his 30s)

I’ve never done ironing so I’m not good at it. (50s~Male)

*Some respondents said they had never done ironing, while others said they had done it before but couldn’t do it well. *

3rd place: Toilet cleaning
I’m not good at cleaning toilets and I’m reluctant to clean areas that others have soiled (male in his 30s)

Cleaning the toilet, because I don’t use the toilet much at home. (Male in his 40s)

Toilet cleaning: Dirt such as limescale is stubborn and requires patience to clean (man in his 30s)

I don’t like touching dirty parts. (Male in his 40s)

I don’t like it because it always smells and gets dirty. (Male in his 30s)

4th place: Fold the laundry
My wife would complain that I didn’t fold things properly and then re-fold them, so I decided not to do it again, so it’s a chore I can’t do. (Male in his 30s)

folding laundry. I can’t organize my clothes the way I want. (50s~Male)

It’s a pain to fold laundry one by one (man in his 40s)

Summary of survey results
After conducting a questionnaire survey on “housework” among 200 men, Regarding how they are currently involved in housework, the most common answer was “I do housework on a daily basis (family/dual income).” The number of dual-income households is increasing these days, and it seems that we are now in an era where men are also doing more housework.
Regarding housework that they are good at or like, “cooking/preparing menus” came first. Cooking is fun because you can make something delicious yourself.
“Cooking/preparing menus” was the most common household chore that people disliked or were unable to do. Reasons given were that they were not good at it and that it was a hassle.
What kind of housework do you do?
■About Shingen Co., Ltd.
We operate the lifestyle information site “SHUFUFU
(” for housewives with the theme of “I’m a little happy to know.”
In addition to this, we also develop business management tools, operate owned media, and conduct site analysis surveys.
Company Profile
Company name: Shingen Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-15-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director Hiroyuki Takagi
Established: January 9, 2018
Capital: 1.5 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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