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Senba Bussan Co., Ltd. Notice of formulation of SDGs declaration

Senba Bussan Co., Ltd.
Senba Bussan Co., Ltd. Notice of formulation of SDGs declaration ~We will work on three priority goals and targets through our education business and learning media business. ~
Senba Bussan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Representative Director: Shuhei Yasuda, HP: has recently made an SDGs declaration and published the declaration.
[Image 1:×1619.jpg] [SDGs Declaration Special Page]
Senba Bussan Co., Ltd. SDGs special page: ( ) [Summary of Senba Bussan Co., Ltd. SDGs Declaration]
Our company, which operates English education business, cram school business, and education learning media business for students and working adults nationwide and overseas in Osaka Prefecture and online, is committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals “SDGs” set by the United Nations. In order to contribute to this, we will select the following three goals (and three associated targets) that are highly compatible with the businesses and activities we are currently engaged in, and will work on specific actions.
Excerpt of Goal 4 and actions to achieve it
[Goal 4: High-quality education for everyone]
[Image 2:×1276.png ]
Of Goal 4, we will especially focus on Target 4.3.
Target 4.3: By 2030, ensure that all people, regardless of gender, have equal access to affordable, quality technical/vocational education and higher education, including university.
[Specific actions of Senba Bussan]
Actions through education projects
Through online lessons, which is one of the educational services provided by YES/YES Online School, a private tutoring school operated by our company, higher education is accessible not only to people living in various parts of Japan but also to those living overseas. We will support you.
Our current track record is that we have students not only from neighboring prefectures where our head office is located, but also from all over Japan outside of the Kinki area, and we have begun to receive students from overseas as well.
In the future, we will form partnerships with local governments and other organizations (this also overlaps with Target 17.17, which will be discussed later), and strive to further deliver “high-quality education at affordable costs to all parts of Japan and overseas.” Masu.
Actions through the learning media business
In addition, since 2018, we have been publishing explanatory articles on science, mathematics, and information science from the high school level to the university liberal arts level completely free of charge through the learning media “Sumanaving!” ( By continuing and expanding these efforts, we will contribute to achieving our targets.
As a result, at the time of the declaration, it had already been used by a total of 8 million unique users. (Related press release: ) Excerpt of Goal 13 and actions to achieve it
[Goal 13: Take concrete measures to combat climate change]
[Image 3:×1276.png ]
We will especially focus on target 13.3.
Target 13.3: Improve education, awareness, human capacity and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.
[Specific actions of Senba Bussan]
By promoting not only on-campus classes but also online lessons and telework, we will reduce the use of trains, buses, and private cars used for commuting to cram schools and commuting, reduce exhaust gas emissions, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2. Masu. Furthermore, by introducing telework, we will promote a paperless environment and contribute to reducing the amount of wood harvested. ・Excerpt of Goal 17 and actions to achieve it
[Goal 17: Achieve your goals through partnership]
[Image 4:×1276.png ]
We will especially focus on target 17.17.
Target 17.17: Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on diverse partnership experiences and resource strategies.
[Specific actions of Senba Bussan]
In order to promote the SDGs, including Goal 4 and Goal 13 above, we will enter into partnerships with appropriate companies, local governments, etc. in a timely manner, and will also publish this information on the Internet.
In addition, we will conduct activities to spread awareness of the SDGs to our stakeholders, and aim to increase the number of SDG partners by working together with local governments, central government agencies, companies, etc. in the public and private sectors.
[More detailed information and future information disclosure] More specific action details and implementation status for these goals and targets will be announced on a special page,
(, press releases, etc. from time to time. [To all media members]
Inquiries and interview locations regarding this press release are disclosed in the media-only section of prtimes.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we will only respond to media inquiries, interview requests, article requests, etc. via email. (If necessary, we will send you the phone number of the SDGs-compatible department via email.)
Also, from the perspective of SDGs, we ask that you refrain from receiving advertising sales calls.
【Related Sites】
・ Company profile page of Senba Bussan Co., Ltd.
・SDGs special page (
・ Private tutoring school YES/YES Online School official website (
・Official X (
・”Sumanabing!” Official website (
・Media Department Official X ( 【About us】
Company name: Senba Bussan Co., Ltd.
Head office location: 2-8-1-2F Shimokosaka, Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture Representative: Representative Director Shuhei Yasuda
More details about this release: