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Home » IISIA Seven Star Sword/age specific research donation A letter of appreciation was awarded by Takeo Harada International Strategic Information Institute Co., Ltd. and Shimanto City.

IISIA Seven Star Sword/age specific research donation A letter of appreciation was awarded by Takeo Harada International Strategic Information Institute Co., Ltd. and Shimanto City.

[Seven Star Sword/age-specific research donation] A letter of appreciation was awarded by Takeo Harada International Strategic Information Institute Co., Ltd. and Shimanto City.
An independent think tank that aims to realize “Pax Japonica” by analyzing the market and the domestic and international situations surrounding it, and presenting future scenarios based on that analysis.
An independent think tank that aims to realize “Pax Japonica” by analyzing the market and the domestic and international situations surrounding it, and presenting future scenarios based on that analysis.
Today (7th), our research institute’s representative, Takeo Harada, attended a ceremony in Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, in conjunction with the continuation of donations for the “Seven Star Sword Age Identification Survey.”
[Image 1:×2925.jpg] Donation ceremony (June 7, 2020 / Shimanto City Hall)
The production of the “Seven Star Sword (city-designated cultural property, currently owned by the Shimanto City Museum)”, which was dedicated to Ichinomiya Shrine in Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, whose existence has been known since ancient times in Little Kyoto (Tosa Nakamura). This is an attempt to conduct research on the age of the project with the cooperation of experts, and in response to the request of Shimanto City, our research institute made a contribution of up to 10 million yen over a three-year period to make this possible. Thing. When Takeo Harada, the CEO of our institute, was awarded a master’s degree from Kyoto Sangyo University Graduate School in 2021, he took up the “Seven Star Sword” in his research. This donation will be made in accordance with item 8 of the United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which is adopted as one of the guidelines by our research institute, which develops social
contribution projects to realize “Pax Japonica.” This will be done while keeping in mind the following points: 9. Let’s create a foundation for industry and technological innovation,” and 11. Develop a city where people can continue to live. Although this is the last year for donations, we plan to conduct certain research reports in the future. Through this donation project, our research institute will continue to work toward realizing our vision of “Pax Japonica,” in order to contribute to the discovery of even more historical facts about Japan.
[Image 2:×712.png ]
(Reference: Shimanto City HP
◆The Seven Star Sword is a sword with a design of the Big Dipper based on Chinese Taoist philosophy. The Big Dipper represents the protection of the North Star (Celestial Emperor), the center of the universe, and in ancient times it was carried by the imperial family, aristocrats, and powerful families for ceremonial purposes and as a protective sword. Known examples include the National Treasure Seven Star Sword from Shitennoji Temple in Osaka, which is associated with Prince Shotoku, and the Seven Star Bronze Sword from Horyuji Temple (Ikaruga Town, Nara Prefecture).
◆The Tosa Ichijo clan dates back to 1468, when Norifusa, the eldest son of Kaneyoshi Ichijo and the former Kanpaku, moved down to Hatata-sho Nakamura, his fiefdom, with the help of the Ohira clan, a nationalist, and the Fusatsu clan from the Fusa family. , Fusaki, Kanesada, and Naimai directly ruled the entire Hata area for about 100 years. It is believed that the Tosa Ichijo clan took advantage of the geographical location of Nakamura and was also involved in maritime transportation and foreign trade. The story of Honganji Shonyo’s cooperation in the construction of Fufu’s “Tangbune” in 1537 is recorded in the “Tenbun Diary”, and it is recorded in the “Tenbun Diary” that he engaged in private trade with Ryukyu and Korea, as well as trade with the Ming Dynasty using trade routes other than Kango trade. The possibility of trade and trade with Southeast Asia has also been pointed out. While the town developed as a shipping hub for logistics, the Ichijo clan’s descent into the area led to the town’s branding as a connection with Kyoto, and today it is widely recognized as “Tosa’s Little Kyoto.”
[Image 3:×401.jpg] ◆Representative Director (CEO) Profile Takeo Harada● Passed the diplomatic examination while studying at the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo, and entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Class I foreign civil servant. After 12 years of service, he retired voluntarily after serving as Assistant Chief of the Northeast Asia Division (North Korea Unit Chief), Asia and Oceania Bureau. During his tenure, he was in charge of the Six-Party Talks and Japan-North Korea talks. ●Currently serves as CEO of Takeo Harada International Institute for Strategic Information Research (IISIA). The research and analysis reports that our institute publishes every day have been distributed by Thomson Reuters since July 2015. Since 2017, he has been a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Japan Committee and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) G20 CEO Advisory Group. Since then, he has attended numerous international conferences both domestically and internationally. ● From April 2021, a lecture on “Future Scenarios and Leadership” will be held at the University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences Independent Research Seminar and a seminar accredited by the Student Government
Association, and from April 2022 at Gakushuin Women’s University, “Special General Subject I” will be held in the spring semester. Diplomat)”, and in the fall semester, he will give a lecture on “International Cultural Exchange Seminar I (International Rituals).” ● From April 2021, he will conduct research on artificial intelligence (AI) in the master’s program at the Rikkyo University Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence Science, and from May 2021 at the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence, and from May 2022 at the General Incorporated Association for Natural Language Processing. I am enrolled in an academic society. ● From September 2022, he is a joint researcher at the Department of Moral, Emotional, Mathematics, Engineering, and Social Collaboration at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering. ● In December 2022, the Japan Research Institute on Globalization (RIJAG), of which he is the representative director, has been officially recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as having “Special Consultative Status,” which is a consultative status. Obtained the status of a “UN NGO” with advisory status to the Economic and Social Council. ◆IISIA Company Profile Trade name: Takeo Harada International Institute for Strategic Information English notation: Institute for International Strategy and Information Analysis, Inc. (abbreviation: IISIA) Representative director (CEO): Takeo Harada Establishment
registration: April 2, 2007 Business content: Research and educational activities related to domestic and international situations, management consulting Capital: 3,000,000 yen Head office location: Yusen Building, 2-3-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 3FURL: Official account : Official account: Official Youtube channel:
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