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NTT Data Advanced Technology Launch of “CX transformation program using digital technology”

[NTT Data Advanced Technology] Launch of “CX transformation program using digital technology”

*View in browser* *NTT Data Advanced Technology*
Press release: June 10, 2024
Launch of “CX transformation program using digital technology” *~We will conduct workshops with CX and technology experts and provide support from idea creation to building the minimum practical product for new service creation~*
* NTT Data Advanced Technology Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Fujiwara
NTT Data Advanced Technologies) will begin offering the “CX
Transformation Program Using Digital Technology” from June 10, 2024. * *
This program covers everything from idea generation to realization for creating new services, reforming existing services, and reorganizing the organization. Minimum
NTT DATA’s cutting-edge technology supports each of the four steps of “Product: Minimum Practical Product) Verification” to improve the customer’s CX (Customer
Experience: Customer experience) aims to realize change. *

* [Background] *
Currently, in order to survive in the market, it is important to continue to evolve your company’s CX using digital technology, but simply incorporating digital technology will not create
competitiveness. It is necessary to systematize the issues faced by your company and its business, the digital technologies that will lead to their solutions, and understand each element of it. However, there is more than one use case that is the core of “evolving your company’s CX using digital technology,” and it is uneconomical and unrealistic to prepare everything you need and follow the steps.
Against this background, NTT Data Advanced Technology is combining the activities of “IncuCenter”, which the company launched in 2021, with the knowledge of CX and technology experts to provide a “CX
transformation program using digital technology”. let’s start doing …. In this program, we will hold workshops that combine both CX design and technology perspectives, and based on the content, we will provide customers aiming to create new business with a mechanism to discover new ideas and utilize them in actual business. We will continue to improve and evaluate its value while building a possible MVP.

* [About IncuCenter] *
IncuCenter is an activity base for “realizing what customers want” using the latest technology that is expected to become widespread in the near future. Customers, NTT Data Advanced Technologies, NTT Data Group, business partners, research institutes, universities, etc. work together to uncover issues, create ideas to solve issues, and embody ideas using actual solutions. is. Since our launch in 2021, we have supported over 20 projects.

* [Overview of “CX transformation program using digital technology”] * Through a program divided into four steps: “Digital CX Design Workshop,” “PoC Verification,” “Prototype Verification,” and “MVP Verification,” we generate ideas for creating new services, reforming existing services, and reorganizing the organization for our customers. We will accompany and support activities to give shape to those ideas.
Program flow
* [Program Features] *
Step1 Workshop by CX experts and technology experts

In Step 1 “Digital CX Design Workshop”, we provide a workshop tailored to the customer’s needs/maturity level and create customer journey maps, business process charts, CX lists, etc.
CX experts at mct Co., Ltd., who have consultants, design researchers, and business designers who are excellent in design thinking, and are good at supporting business transformation such as insight research and organizational development.
Jonathan Brown and Shida, a technology expert who is promoting the business development of new technologies from NTT Data Advanced Technologies.
Takahiro will be in charge of the workshop. This workshop will include lectures on basic understanding of CX and the latest information in the technology field, including demonstrations, making it possible to consider things from a different perspective and discover

*CX Expert*
*Lecturer: Jonathan Brown (Director/Consultant, mct Co., Ltd.)* Born in London. Graduated from the Department of Japanese Studies at Cambridge University. In 2000, established Forrester Research’s Japan office. Transferring know-how on personas and customer journey maps to Japan. In 2009, he moved to Forrester London, where he promoted consulting on CX management, CX strategy, etc., and co-creation projects with customers. In 2017, after becoming independent, he developed projects with various companies and wrote a report on global CX (published by CSA Research). Joined mct in 2019. Languages ​​are English, French, German, and Japanese. My hobby is hiking.
*Technology Expert*
*Lecturer: Takahiro Shida (NTT Data Advanced Technologies
Corporation/Executive Manager)*
After joining NTT Data Advanced Technology, he has been involved in a wide range of areas from application development of various sizes to infrastructure construction. He concurrently serves as a board member of the Japanese OpenStack User Association and as a committer of multiple OSS such as CKAN committer. In recent years, we have established an incubation team that utilizes new technology
development and are promoting business development of new technologies such as ChatGPT.
Step 2 Output that leads to actual business creation and improvement

Based on the contents of Step 1, we will identify issues and refine them in Step 2, “PoC verification,” and in Step 3, “Prototype verification,” we will develop a prototype that embodies the technology based on the results of PoC verification. In the final Step 4, “MVP Verification,” we aim to output an MVP that allows business evaluation, including user verification of the realized solution. * 【About the future】*
Through the “CX Transformation Program Using Digital Technology,” we will collaborate with other solutions of NTT Data’s advanced technologies, including agile development support and CMS solutions. We will strengthen the creation of a system that can design CX by providing escort support.

* [Related seminar information] *
Details of the CX transformation program will be introduced at the seminar “AI Opens the Way! Transformation Strategies for Customer Engagement” scheduled to be held on June 28th.
*Title* “AI opens the door! Transformation strategy for customer engagement” *Date and time* June 28, 2024 (Friday) 14:00-15:20
*Venue* Online (Webex)
*Participation fee* Free (advance application required)
*How to apply* Click here to apply (application deadline: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11:00)
* Seminar details * Click here for details *Product names, company names, and organization names in this text are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of each company. *About details about this release*

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