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Home » AI Employees Lark and Shikigaku’s agency Customer Cloud have started offering “dot AI CRM” for customer management on smartphones. Realize DX/productivity improvement by utilizing generative AI (LLM) ChatGPT, AI chatbot Coze, etc.

AI Employees Lark and Shikigaku’s agency Customer Cloud have started offering “dot AI CRM” for customer management on smartphones. Realize DX/productivity improvement by utilizing generative AI (LLM) ChatGPT, AI chatbot Coze, etc.

Customer Cloud Co., Ltd.
[AI Employees] Lark and Shikigaku’s agency Customer Cloud have started offering “dot AI CRM” for customer management on smartphones. Realize DX/productivity improvement by utilizing generative AI (LLM) ChatGPT, AI chatbot Coze, etc.
Customer Cloud, which is known as an official Lark partner and a distributor of the much-talked-about “Shikigaku,” which has sold over 1 million copies (trilogy), supports the resolution of management issues and DX transformation with its unique DX management management method.
Equipped with AI! Customer management with smartphone “dot AI CRM” Realize DX/productivity improvement by utilizing generative AI (LLM) ChatGPT, AI chatbot Coze, etc.
Form inquiry:
Online interview reservation: With Mr. Shintaro Tabata, who is a hot topic as an entrepreneur, individual investor, and YouTuber.
Commemorating appearance on business video media “ReHacQ!”
Free consultation campaign on DX management and remote work underway
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Customer Cloud Co., Ltd. launches AI-powered customer management app “dot AI CRM”
Customer Cloud Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,
Representative Director: Hiroshi Kinoshita) announced that it has started offering customer management “dot AI CRM” that can be used on smartphones.
The AI ​​platform “Dot AI” is equipped with AI technology and uses the generative AI “ChatGPT” and the AI ​​chatbot “Coze”. This allows each company to customize it to suit their own company, improving DX and productivity.
What is dot AI?
Just as the dot-com bubble occurred at the dawn of the Internet, AI technology is now causing a new revolution. Customer Cloud is developing the AI ​​platform “DotAI” with the vision of “Obtain the world with one tap.” “Dot AI” transforms work that was previously cumbersome and individualized into DX (digital transformation) within the reach of anyone with a smartphone.
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~Accelerate corporate DX with “Lark” x “Scientific knowledge” x AI ~ Customer Cloud is also known as the official partner of the super app “Lark” that accelerates your work, and as the agent for the
much-talked-about organization management “Shikigaku” which has sold over 1 million copies (trilogy). ” method, we are solving management issues in each industry and promoting corporate transformation. What is Lark?
Lark features next-generation collaboration tools that enable teams to work together in one suite for all your needs. By integrating many frequently used tools into one platform, including chat, email, calendar, video conferencing, documents, workflow, and back office functions, you can collaborate more effectively. All features are combined in one app and available for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android. What is wisdom?
Shikigaku (abbreviation for “Consciousness Structure Science”) is a management theory for realizing the “continuous growth” of an organization.
By learning and putting into practice knowledge, you can eliminate the various “waste” that occurs in your organization, and you can concentrate resources only on the areas that are truly necessary for organizational growth.
What is ChatGPT?
This is a large language model (LLM) developed by OpenAI. It uses AI (artificial intelligence) technology to generate natural human-like conversations. By learning large amounts of text data, it is possible to answer various questions and generate sentences.
What is Coze?
Coze is a platform that allows you to develop AI chatbots. You can also deploy it to various SNS and messaging apps such as Lark, LINE, Messenger, Instagram, Slack, Discord, Telegram, etc.
[Dot AI attendance inquiries] LINE inquiries: Form inquiry:
Online interview reservation: [Customer Cloud official website]
Customer Cloud representative Kinoshita appears on “ReHacQ!” We had a heated discussion with Shintaro Tabata on the theme of “I don’t want to go to the office, but is it okay to work remotely?” “I don’t want to go to the office, but is it okay to work remotely?” Shintaro Tabata x Hiroshi Kinoshita Rehack video here:
[Video 2:]
Campaign commemorating the conversation with Shintaro Tabata at Rehack “DX Management Community”
You can learn and experience Kinoshita’s unique DX management method, which combines legacy and technology by combining the DX super app “Lark” and the organizational management “Shigaku”.
In 2023, the total number of subsidies awarded will exceed 900 million yen. Leveraging our track record in overseas expansion support and corporate establishment support, we provide one-stop solutions to all your business issues, from sole proprietors to listed major
Click here for consultation and reservations
Customer Cloud HP:
Click here for information on the “DX Management Community” campaign
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Campaign commemorating the conversation with Shintaro Tabata at Rehack “DX Management Community”
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Customer Cloud, an agency of “Lark” and “Shigaku”, uses its unique “DX management consultant” method to solve management issues and realize corporate transformation.
[What Customer Cloud values]
Mission: Delivering heart-pounding experiences to everyone.
Vision: Take over the world with one tap.
Value: We aim to contribute to the world by increasing human ability and intelligence through accelerating the social implementation of advanced technology and computational transformation.
[Customer Cloud Company Profile]
Company name: Customer Cloud Co., Ltd. (English: CUSTOMER CLOUD) Head Office: FINE PIECE 302, 5-15-14 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022 Representative Director: Hiroshi Kinoshita
Official website:
Business content: Subsidy/financial consultant/overseas business/asset management consultant/system integration
[Products handled]
Lark features next-generation collaboration tools that enable teams to work together in one suite for all your needs. By integrating many frequently used tools into one platform, including chat, email, calendar, video conferencing, documents, workflow, and back office functions, you can collaborate more effectively. All features are combined in one app and available for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android. Shikigaku:
Shikigaku (abbreviation for “Consciousness Structure Science”) is a management theory for realizing the “continuous growth” of an organization.
By learning and putting into practice knowledge, you can eliminate the various “waste” that occurs in your organization, and you can concentrate resources only on the areas that are truly necessary for organizational growth.
[Recruitment information]
We are looking for people to work with us.
If you are even slightly interested, please feel free to contact us!
[Representative Director Biography]
[Image 5:×1047.jpg] Customer Cloud Co., Ltd. Representative Director (Lark Partner/Shikigaku Agency) Fine Peace Co., Ltd. Representative Director (automotive equipment manufacturer) Startup Fund Consulting sole co.,ltd (overseas business/asset management consultant)
AMS Automotive Maintenance Subsidy Subsidy Promotion Company (Subsidy Consultant)
Other representatives of multiple organizations
Based on his experience managing a store and traveling the world as a backpacker in his 20s in India, he aspires to create a business that connects Japan and the world.
After returning to Japan, he worked in business both domestically and overseas, and then became the representative of the Auto Alliance group company and engaged in the restructuring of M&A targets. Established Finepeace in 2018, developing business as a manufacturer and trading company of automobile maintenance equipment.
Established Customer Cloud Co., Ltd. in 2018, providing consulting support to over 150 companies annually.
2021 AMS Automotive Maintenance Subsidy Subsidy Promotion Company, Foreign, Auto Aftermarket M&A Center, etc. are
established. Currently, he provides subsidy application support to over 150 companies a year, serves as an advisor for the industry’s largest organizations, and frequently speaks at exhibitions and industry seminars.
2023 Active as a DX management consultant who strongly supports business growth in the new era, from subsidy application support to overseas expansion and marketing strategies.
Click here for consultation on management DX
[Recruitment information]
We are looking for people to work with us.
If you are even slightly interested, please feel free to contact us!
[Group companies/organizations]
■Fine Peace Co., Ltd.
■AMS Automobile maintenance subsidy subsidy promotion company
■AAMA Auto Aftermarket M&A Center
More details about this release: