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Started operation of our “Integrated Delinquency Management System” in Yokohama City

Started operation of our “Integrated Delinquency Management System” in Yokohama City

*View in browser* *IT4 Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 11, 2024
Started operation of our “Integrated Delinquency Management System” in Yokohama City
*Strengthen operational efficiency, compliance, and management of credit management across all agencies*
* IT4 Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Sato)
(Tsunori) today announces that the City of Yokohama has begun operating our package system, “Integrated Delinquency Management System.” With the package system “Integrated Delinquency Management System” that we are introducing this time, we aim to improve the efficiency of receivables management operations and strengthen compliance and management for receivables that could not be managed by the system until now. *

In March 2017, the City of Yokohama became the first municipality in the country to enact the “Yokohama City Public and Private Sector Data Utilization Promotion Basic Ordinance,” and since then, the entire organization has been promoting initiatives that place greater emphasis on data. Furthermore, in the “Basic Concept for Building a New Financial Accounting System” formulated in May 2020, we will develop a business environment and management foundation that utilizes ICT from the three perspectives of business efficiency, compliance, and management. We are aiming for The “integrated delinquency management system” that we received this time will be “receivables management,” which is one of the targets of the new financial accounting system construction in this basic concept. We will unify the operational methods for managing unaccounted receivables, which have been carried out individually by each division.

◆Introduction overview
Public and private receivables, which could not be managed using the system up until now, will be managed using the packaged system “Integrated Delinquency Management System” that will be introduced this time (taxes, national insurance, etc. are not included). Receivables management in each department is realized by the business workflow function, which visualizes the work status of each person in charge, such as the number of delinquent delinquents, amount, and due date management by status. The efficiency of delinquency management work and the sophistication of office processing will be realized. If unpaid receivables occur, the necessary receivables information will be reflected in the delinquency management system by linking with the budget execution system, individual systems, and other online imports. We will also reduce the burden of introducing a new system by improving operability so that even inexperienced staff can operate it in accordance with the rules. Furthermore, by systematizing the receivables data aggregation that has previously been done manually, and by simplifying and standardizing the forms used for receivables management, data can be easily aggregated and utilized.

◆Evaluation points
This introduction was based on the fact that this system is a package system and can be expected to reduce development costs, which is in line with Yokohama City’s basic concept, and also because our company’s track record and know-how at financial institutions and local governments were highly evaluated. That’s what I think.

◆Expected effects
All receivables management is managed on one system and business methods are unified, reducing the manual work of staff in receivables management work and reducing the operational burden. In addition to reducing work errors, this will enable you to focus more on citizen service work. In addition, it becomes possible to reduce the burden of aggregating unaccounted receivables, making receivables management and data analysis easier, which can lead to early resolution of
unaccounted receivables and strengthen management. In addition, a system environment has been established in which internal controls can be carried out accurately, and compliance can be strengthened.

[Overview of Yokohama City]
Name: Yokohama City
Mayor: Takeharu Yamanaka
Address: 10-10, 6-50 Honmachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama

[Product URL]
・Integrated delinquency management system

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[Overview of IT4 Co., Ltd.]
Name: IT4 Co., Ltd. *TSE First Section (4743)
Representative: Representative Director and President Tsunenori Sato Head office location: Ichibancho Tokyu Building, 21 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0082
Business content: System integration business
Phone: 03-5275-7841 (main)
*About details about this release*