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Home » N.Y. Co., Ltd. Contributing to solving the ocean plastic problem! Your company can also go plastic-free with t he tabletop cardboard shredder “DeKulum”

N.Y. Co., Ltd. Contributing to solving the ocean plastic problem! Your company can also go plastic-free with t he tabletop cardboard shredder “DeKulum”

[N.Y. Co., Ltd.] Contributing to solving the ocean plastic problem! Your company can also go plastic-free with the tabletop cardboard shredder “DeKulum”

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Press release: June 12, 2024
Contributing to solving the ocean plastic problem! Your company can also go plastic-free with the tabletop cardboard shredder “DeKulum” *Use unnecessary cardboard as cushioning material*
N.Y. Co., Ltd. (hereinafter N.Y.), headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, has developed a tabletop cardboard shredder* for reusing unnecessary cardboard as cushioning material.
We announced “DeKulum”*.

More than 8 million tons of plastic waste leaks into the ocean every year around the world, and it is predicted that by 2050 the amount of plastic waste will exceed the weight of fish in the ocean. “DeKulum” has a compact desktop size and low installation cost, and is attracting attention as an environmental protection activity that anyone can easily start. In particular, by reducing dependence on plastics such as bubble wrap, this product helps prevent plastics from entering the ocean and protects the marine environment.

* Serious impact of plastic waste and countermeasures*
In recent years, marine environmental issues have attracted worldwide attention.
Increasingly, sea turtles and other marine animals are accidentally ingesting plastic waste, causing choking and digestive problems. Additionally, plastic waste is difficult to decompose and floats in the ocean as microplastics, negatively impacting the ecosystem. The sale of single-use plastic products will be banned in the EU from 2021, and efforts to reduce plastic waste are accelerating in Japan as well.

DeKulum achieves “plastic-free packaging” by reusing cardboard as a cushioning material instead of plastic bubble wrap. This product also contributes to solving marine environmental problems and accelerates the movement to reduce plastic waste as an environmental protection activity that anyone can do.

plastic polluting the ocean
*Environmental protection realized by reusing cardboard*
DeKulum allows you to reuse the large amount of cardboard you have around you as cushioning material.
Additionally, cardboard is almost 100% recyclable and has an established recycling process in which it is manufactured from recycled paper. That’s why reusing cardboard is the best option for sustainable environmental protection.
Left figure: Manufactured cushioning material Right figure: Image when used for packaging
* Cooperation system to reduce environmental impact *
By introducing DeKulum, we can not only supply products that do not use plastic cushioning materials, but also reduce the cost and labor involved in processing cardboard. SEA held a pre-sale exhibition In JAPAN 2024, *
“Introduction cost is low and operation is easy. It’s an excellent ongoing environmental activity that anyone can do.” “It’s great that it not only contributes to environmental protection, but also solves the cardboard disposal problem at the same time.”*
We received comments such as:

NY works with multiple partners to reduce the shipping industry’s environmental impact. By collaborating with industry peers, logistics companies, and marine equipment manufacturers, we are promoting the spread and use of DeKulum and working together to reduce plastic waste.

In the future, we are looking to expand DeKulum not only to the shipping industry but also to other industries, and we will spread the 3R effects more widely throughout the industry and expand the circle of environmental protection activities. In addition, if we collaborate with shipping companies and convenience stores and allow individuals to ship packages using cardboard cushioning, we can expand our reach around the world.

*Development history*
When N.Y., who works in the shipping industry, thought about what they could do to protect the marine environment, they decided to stop using plastic cushioning materials and instead use cardboard cushioning materials in order to “not bring plastic into the ocean or onto ships.” I made it. However, if only the amount of cardboard cushioning material to be packed in-house is needed, small and medium-sized enterprises would have a difficult time introducing large, expensive equipment, and the market would be limited to compact, low-priced, depreciable assets. There was no equipment worth less than 300,000 yen that could be written off as a lump sum.

That’s why N.Y. is the lightest tabletop size (31kg) for small and medium-sized businesses like us, with free shipping nationwide* 250,000 yen (excluding tax)*
We developed DeKulum at this price. (*Separate shipping fee for Okinawa and remote islands)

Comment from N.Y. Co., Ltd. Business Development Manager
Since its release, we have received great feedback from everyone. We believe that environmental protection activities cannot continue unless anyone can do them quickly and easily. I believe that DeKulum solves all of these problems and is an essential product for our society as an environmental protection activity that everyone can work on. With DeKulum, we hope to expand the circle of environmental protection activities that anyone can do easily and quickly, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

If you are a company interested in DeKulum, please feel free to contact us. Let’s work together to tackle environmental issues and co-create a sustainable future.
How to purchase DeKulum
Price: ¥275,000- (tax and shipping included) *Separate shipping fee for Okinawa and remote islands
Sales method: Please contact us.
Email address:
Phone number: 03-6809-4540
*About N.Y. Co., Ltd.*
* Company Profile*
Company name: N.Y. Co., Ltd.
Head office location: 4th floor, Dai-3 Toun Building, 1-7-24 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Shinya Yoshikawa
Business details: Sales of ship first aid kit “ShipAid”, next generation service cart “Beecle”, etc.

N.Y. Co., Ltd. aims to reduce the burden on the marine environment through the popularization and utilization of DeKulum. We will work with multiple partners, including logistics companies and shipping companies, to promote 3R effects throughout the supply chain. DeKulum special page
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