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Home » Japan Women’s University Educational Corporation Japan Women’s University Toyoake Kindergarten’s sculpture exhibition is open to the public for the first time at Meguro Art Museum

Japan Women’s University Educational Corporation Japan Women’s University Toyoake Kindergarten’s sculpture exhibition is open to the public for the first time at Meguro Art Museum

Japan Women’s University Educational Corporation
Toyoake Kindergarten Attached to Japan Women’s University exhibition of figurative works opens to the public for the first time at Meguro Art Museum
A world full of ideas and imagination fostered by STEAM education ……
Toyoake Kindergarten Affiliated with Japan Women’s University (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Director: Shinobu Yoshioka) will be holding a sculpture exhibition for the first time to the public from July 10th (Wednesday) to July 15th (holiday/Monday) at the Meguro Art Museum Citizens Gallery. We will publish it.
The production of the works on display is planned as an opportunity to deepen learning through “STEAM education (*)”, which Japan Women’s University focuses on in integrated education from kindergarten to university. Previously, this exhibition was held on campus for school personnel, but this time it will be held at the Meguro Museum of Art in order to show the free and creative works of the kindergarten students to the public.
Please take a look at the colorful works created by the
kindergarteners freely and freely under the guidance of our
university’s Emeritus Professor Yohei Nishimura (former professor of the Department of Children’s Studies, Faculty of Home Economics). This initiative is being carried out as part of a project funded by Japan Women’s University’s affiliated school education priority fund.
[Image 1:×1374.jpg] ■Children’s efforts for this exhibition We will display 41 works created during three workshops held last year for older children’s classes, as well as photos of production scenes. By not restricting children’s expressions, children who at first drew carefully with brushes began to express themselves with their whole bodies, such as applying paint to their hands, feet, and even their hair, allowing them to use their five senses. However, we could see them overflowing with rich ideas one after another. You can see the imaginative world of children and their lively expressions.
1st group production
[Image 2:×1800.jpg] It all starts with a single line. In groups of 6 people, take turns connecting the lines one by one. As they continued to connect the lines, the children, who were nervous at first, relaxed and their individuality began to emerge in their lines. As they drew various lines, they enjoyed the differences from other groups’ works as they progressed with the production.

2nd personal production
[Image 3:×1200.jpg] It began by freely rolling painted marbles onto the canvas to create a path. Even adults are nervous about drawing large pictures by themselves, but the fun of using marbles relaxed their minds, and the children were able to liven up and draw as they wanted while their hands and feet were covered in paint.

3rd personal production
[Image 4:×1520.jpg] Blow colored soap bubbles on the paper. When the bubbles burst, they were impressed by the beautiful round shape they left behind, and enjoyed playing with them over and over again. In addition,
differences arise in what I want to express, such as the overlapping and combination of colors, resulting in similar but different works. After that, I painted on canvas. During the second individual production session, we saw some children working closely on their own and others drawing dynamically and before they knew it, they were starting to collaborate with friends. Some children expressed the melody of the song with pictures, and there was a sense of diversity in the way they expressed it.
Through this activity, children develop the ability to express themselves and learn the joy of self-expression. When a child faces a single canvas, the ability to freely express what comes out of them is cultivated through daily STEAM education, and it also leads to the creation of a foundation for future learning through integrated education. I’ll go.
■STEAM education x non-cognitive abilities Characteristics of learning developed through play
[Image 5:×1350.jpg] At Toyoake Kindergarten attached to Japan Women’s University, we create an environment where children can naturally learn STEAM education through play and daily life, which fosters the ability to find problems on their own and find solutions. why? Why? I want to do this! Children work together with their friends to solve the questions in front of them through trial and error. Through these activities, we also develop non-cognitive skills such as positivity, tenacity, creativity, cooperation, and communication skills.
■Event Overview Dates: July 10th (Wednesday) – July 15th
(Holiday/Monday) Hours: 10:00-18:00 (until 16:00 on the last day) Admission: Free, anyone can view it. Venue: Meguro Museum of Art, Citizens Gallery Exhibition Space (
[Image 6:×1997.jpg]
[Image 7:×1676.jpg]
[Image 8:×2014.jpg] Japan Women’s University Toyoake Kindergarten Site Homepage:■ Comment from Professor Emeritus Yohei Nishimura of Japan Women’s University (former professor of the Department of Children’s Studies, Faculty of Home Economics): “My dream is to draw with soap bubbles. I was surprised when I heard the voice of a 5-year-old child saying, “It looks like this,” and then looked at the finished work. Activities begin with something like play and lead to a creative experience of art. Rather than instilling it, we create an environment where it will naturally occur. This brings out the child’s potential.
Born in Kyoto Prefecture in 1947. Artist, ceramist. Professor emeritus at Japan Women’s University. After graduating from Tokyo University of Education (now University of Tsukuba) in 1973, he worked as an art teacher at Chiba School for the Blind until 1998. He presents works that highlight the differences in materials through the firing process, such as a series of cans, metal, and paper coated with clay and then fired. In addition to creating his own works that focus on the senses such as sight, touch, and hearing, he is also involved in the modeling activities of people with disabilities and a variety of other people, and holds many workshops. His works are included in many museums in Japan and abroad, including the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, the French National Museum of Ceramics, the Victoria and Albert Museum (UK), the Everson Museum (New York), and the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. (*) STEAM Education A word coined by combining the first letters of five English words: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Creativity education is added to science and mathematics education targeting five areas.
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