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NN Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Survey on fathers of family business owners and their children

NN Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
Survey on fathers of family business owners and their children More than 90% of children who said they were grateful to their fathers for letting them choose their career as they liked
NN Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (President: Marius Popescu, Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as “NN Life”), which supports Japanese family business owners through life insurance, is a company that supports Japanese family business owners through life insurance. In order to understand this, we conducted a survey in early May 2024 targeting a total of 618 people, including 309 married men with children who are family business owners (*) and 309 men and women whose fathers are family business owners. .
*In this survey, family business managers are defined as “company managers (presidents, chairman, directors)” with fewer than 50 employees.
-Summary of survey results-
Survey of fathers
Of the 63.3% of fathers who want someone to take over their company, 46.9% say they want their children to take over, and the majority of fathers (54.1%) say they want their children to take over the business. When asked if she would be happy if it was given to her, she answered “I think so.”
On the other hand, 96.7% of respondents answered “yes” when asked whether they would like their children to choose their career as they wish.
Children’s survey
When asked whether they would like to choose their own way of life, whether they inherit their father’s business or not, 81.6% of respondents answered yes.
About 80% (83.5%) of respondents answered “I think so” when asked whether their fathers allow them to choose their career as they wish, and among them, 83.5% of respondents said they were “grateful” to their fathers. 90.7% of people who did
In connection with the “Fathers of Family Business Owners and Their Children” survey, NN Life will place an advertisement in the Nishinippon Shimbun morning edition on Wednesday, June 12th. This advertisement was planned with the hope that Father’s Day would be a place for children to express their gratitude to their parents and to express their feelings face-to-face.
The advertisement was created with the cooperation of Yukio Tokuda, the current owner of Tokuda Tatami Fusuma Store in Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture, and his child Naohiro Tokuda, who is determined to take over the business as the fourth generation. did. In the advertisement, a rap lyric created by Naohiro Tokuda, who runs the family business and is also active as a “tatami shop rapper”, is used in conjunction with “Father’s Day” to express his gratitude to his father, Yukio, “for letting me do whatever I want.” Thank you.” The message conveys gratitude.
[Image 16:×683.png ]
Posting date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Publication media: Nishinippon Shimbun morning edition
Advertisement Cast: Yukio Tokuda and Naohiro of Tokuda Tatami Fusuma Store -Survey results details-
Survey of fathers
(1) Of the 63.3% of fathers who want someone to take over their company, 46.9% said they would like their children to take over, and the majority of fathers (54.1%) said they would like their children to take over the business. When asked if he would be happy if he took over, he answered “I think so.”
When asked out of the 309 fathers who run family businesses whether they would like someone to take over the business, the most common response (36.6%) was “I don’t want anyone to take over the
business.” On the other hand, when we asked 196 people (63.3%) who wanted to inherit their business, who they wanted to inherit their business, 46.9% (46.9%) said their children, accounting for nearly half.
[Image 2:×284.jpg]
[Image 3:×375.jpg] Also, when asked whether they would be happy if their child inherited the company they manage, the most common answer was “strongly agree” (27.2%), followed by “somewhat” (26.9%). The majority (54.1%) answered “I agree.”
[Image 4:×315.jpg] When asked if they had ever taken any action to make their children aware of the idea of ​​passing on the company they run, respondents answered that they had taken direct actions such as telling their children that they wanted and should inherit the company. 23.0% answered “No” and 77.0% answered “No”. Furthermore, regarding indirect actions such as letting children play in the workplace and interacting with employees, 25.9% answered yes, while 74.1% said no.
[Image 5:×276.jpg]
[Image 6:×280.jpg] (2) On the other hand, 96.7% of respondents answered “yes” when asked whether they would like their children to choose their career as they wish.
When we asked 309 fathers who are family business owners whether they would like their children to choose their own career, 81.2% of them answered “strongly agree”, followed by 15.5% who said “somewhat agree”. %have become. When asked whether they would be happy if their children inherited the company they manage, the majority of
respondents (54.1%) answered yes, while those who would like to be free to choose their own occupations. The total number of respondents was 96.7%, demonstrating that parents want to respect their children’s wishes.
[Image 7:×404.jpg] When asked whether they told their children that they could do whatever they wanted when it came to choosing a career, 66.0% said they “told them a lot,” followed by 18.8% who said they “told them a little.” 8.1% said they did not communicate much, and 7.1% said they did not communicate at all.
[Image 8:×288.jpg] Children’s survey
(1) Regarding whether they would like to choose their own life in either case, whether they are inheriting their father’s business or not, 81.6% of people answered “yes.”
When we asked 309 children whose fathers were family business owners whether they would want to choose their own way of life, regardless of whether they were to inherit their father’s business or not, the most common answer was “very likely.” 51.8% said “I think so”, followed by 29.8% who said “somewhat so”, for a total of 81.6%.
[Image 9:×292.jpg] When asked if they had any experience of taking direct action, such as being told that they wanted or should inherit their father’s business, 22.3% said yes, and 77.7% said no. . Additionally, when asked if they had any experience with indirect activities such as playing at work or interacting with employees, 41.7% answered yes, and 58.3% said no. Compared to the results above when fathers were asked the same question, children were 15.8 points higher in answering that they had ever acted indirectly, indicating that children have higher
expectations from their parents regarding business succession. It can be said that it is sensitive to.
[Image 10:×282.jpg ]
[Image 11:×280.jpg]
[Image 12:×327.jpg] (2) About 80% (83.5%) of respondents answered “I think so” regarding whether their fathers allow them to choose their career as they wish. ” 90.7% of people answered
When we asked 309 children whose fathers were family business owners whether they thought their fathers allowed them to do what they wanted when it came to choosing a career, the highest response (58.6%) said “strongly agree,” followed by “somewhat.” 24.9% of respondents answered “I think so,” and a total of 83.5% answered “I think so.” In the survey of fathers mentioned above, a total of 96.7% of respondents answered that they would like to let their children choose their career as they wish, and the number of respondents who answered that they would like to let their children choose their career was higher than that of their children. This is the result.
[Image 13:×288.jpg]
[Image 14:×352.jpg] In addition, when asked whether they think their fathers let them do what they want when choosing a career, 258 people (83.5%) answered “strongly agree” or “somewhat agree”. When asked if they were grateful to their father for his support, the most common answer was “very grateful” (67.8%), followed by “somewhat grateful” (22.9%). The total number of respondents was over 90% (90.7%).
[Image 15:×376.jpg] -Advertisement Overview-
NN Life, which supports small and medium-sized business owners and their successors as a “Small and Medium Enterprise Supporter,” will place an advertisement in the Nishinippon Shimbun morning edition on Wednesday, June 12th. Recently, the problem of a lack of successors in family businesses has been attracting attention, and NN Life believes that increasing communication between parents and children of family business managers and successors will help solve the problem. This advertisement was planned with the hope that Father’s Day would be a day for children to express their gratitude to their parents, and for them to meet face-to-face and express their feelings to each other. For the advertisement, we received cooperation from Yukio Tokuda, the third generation owner of Tokuda Tatami Fusuma Store, which has a history of over 100 years in Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture, and Naohiro Tokuda, the fourth generation owner. Naohiro Tokuda, who has decided to take over the business as the fourth generation and is also active as a “Tatami Rapper”, uses a rap lyric to commemorate “Father’s Day” and expresses his gratitude to his father, Yukio Tokuda, “for letting me do whatever I want.” Thank you.” The message conveys gratitude.
[Image 16:×683.png ]
Posting date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Publication media: Nishinippon Shimbun morning edition
Advertisement actors: Yukio Tokuda and Naohiro of Tokuda Tatami Fusuma Store Advertising rap lyrics:
Yo Yo Yo! I’m a tatami rapper. Did you already know that I’m my father? Dis is no! Instead, I’ll send you words of gratitude in rap. The work of the family business that I’ve been looking at for a long time, the respect I can’t express because I’m too shy
“You can do what you like.” Because of the love, it was a feeling that I didn’t pass on right away.
But now the fourth generation is approaching business succession. Contributing to the community Representing Asakura Father’s
affirmation Being able to be yourself
HIPHOP A man who works what he loves and changes the tatami and the world My father’s presence is so great. I honestly want to say “Thank you.” Thoughts of advertising performers and planners
Tokuda Tatami Fusuma Co., Ltd. 4th generation: Naohiro Tokuda Originally, tatami mats were familiar to us, but that’s why we didn’t immediately think about taking over the business. However, one day as I continued to pursue my favorite music, I created and sang “Tatami Rap,” a combination of my favorite music and my origin, tatami, and it received a huge response. From this experience, he realized that “being active in both the family business and what I love will help boost the tatami industry, as well as my hometown of Fukuoka Prefecture and Asakura City,” and decided to take over the business. did. When I was approached for this advertisement to express my gratitude to my father, I was a little embarrassed, but since my father was with me at home and at work, I had never expressed my gratitude face to face, so I accepted the offer. , I created a new wrap. Actually, I haven’t shown this rap to my father, so I hope he sees the advertisement in the newspaper and expresses his gratitude to my father for letting me do what I love. I hope that those who are thinking about or taking over the family business will see this ad and feel inspired to express their feelings to my father.
NNN Life Public Relations Manager: Tetsuki Endo
Because of my job, I have the opportunity to hear from various family business owners and family business successors, but I have the impression that there are not necessarily many opportunities for dialogue between parents and children running a family business. The relationship between family business owners and their successors is not only that of a family, but also that of a superior and
subordinate, or a master and disciple. Perhaps because of the reluctance due to this multi-track relationship, there may be fewer opportunities for dialogue than between parents and children who do not have a family business. This survey also shows that while the majority of fathers who run family businesses say they would be happy if their children would take over the business, only about 20% of them said their parents had taken direct action to ask them to take over the business. This suggests that honest communication is not always possible.
At NNN Life, we support family businesses that play an important role in Japanese society and the region. I thought it would be great if we could create an opportunity for parents and children who own a family business to communicate feelings that are usually not communicated, so I decided to send something out on Father’s Day, which is a symbolic timing for parents and children. Ta. So we consulted Mr. Tokuda, who is a “Tatami Rapper” who combines music and his family business, about this project, and we were able to make it a reality. After seeing this ad from Mr. Tokuda expressing his gratitude to his father for letting him do what he loves, he realized that this year’s Father’s Day is for parents and children who run the family business as well as those who don’t. I hope it will be a day where I can directly express my gratitude to my father.

[Survey overview]
Survey target: Fathers of family business owners (*) and their children *Managers of companies with less than 50 employees (president, chairman, director)
Sample: 309 male family business owners (fathers of family business owners) who are married and have children;
and 309 men and women whose fathers were family business owners (children whose fathers were family business owners), for a total of 618 people.
Survey method: Internet survey
Research company: Macromill Co., Ltd.
Implementation period: May 2nd to May 7th, 2024
*Answer results are displayed as percentages and are rounded off to the second decimal place, so the total of each answer may not add up to 100%.
More details about this release: