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Home » Explore » artience Co., Ltd. Released a video series that brings you closer to artience’s technology ~With the power of art and science, we can surely make the future even richer~

artience Co., Ltd. Released a video series that brings you closer to artience’s technology ~With the power of art and science, we can surely make the future even richer~

[artience Co., Ltd.] Released a video series that allows you to feel a little closer to artience’s technology
~With the power of art and science, we can surely make the future even richer~ *artience Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 3, 2024
We have released a video series that brings you closer to artience’s technology ~With the power of art and science, we can surely make the future even richer~
artience Co., Ltd. has launched a video series introducing its technology, “Creating hope. Connecting to the future.” -artience technology-” has been released. The theme of this first installment is distributed technology. Please watch the main video to find out what the “100km future” of electric vehicles created by artience’s distributed technology is.

To the future 100km away
To the future 100km away (15 seconds)

Main video and technical details

Perhaps because we operate a wide variety of businesses in a wide range of markets, or because we have no opportunity to see our products firsthand, we sometimes receive comments such as “I don’t really understand what artience does.”
At artience, we are a chemical manufacturer that develops and proposes fine chemical materials, delivering pioneering value through cutting-edge technology to people around the world. Although the name “artience” is not written anywhere, the products of the artience group are used in familiar products that we see every day, such as newspapers, books, food packaging, beverage cans, cars, smartphones, and LCD TVs. It has been.

We aim to contribute to the realization of a spiritually enriching future by providing the world with “value that resonates with the sensibilities” that move people’s hearts, created by fusing and refining our strengths in art and science. That’s what I’m aiming for.

Go further. More convenient. More beautiful.
Artience technology evolves with hope for the future.

We hope that through this video series, we will be able to help you feel a little more familiar with our technology and convey a glimpse of the “heart-rich future” that artience hopes to realize through its business.

*What is artience Co., Ltd.*
artience Co., Ltd., founded in 1896, is a chemical manufacturer that develops and proposes fine chemical materials (name at time of establishment: Toyo Ink Manufacturing Co., Ltd.). We operate in four segments: color materials/functional materials, polymers/coatings, packaging, and printing/information, and are expanding into fields such as energy, electronics, and bio/healthcare.
As a company that uses cutting-edge technology to deliver pioneering value to people around the world, the artience group creates value that resonates with the senses and strives to realize a future that enriches the soul. For more information about the artience group, please visit the website (
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