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University Management Frontline Series Human resource development and business improvement seminar using digital technology for university transformation will be held online on Tuesday, September 17th

[University Management Frontline Series] Human resource development and business improvement seminar using digital technology for university transformation will be held online on Tuesday, September 17th
*Advanced Educational Corporation*
Press release: September 3, 2024
[University Management Frontline Series] Human resource development and business improvement seminar using digital technology for university transformation will be held online on Tuesday, September 17th
*Work style DX/Advanced university management based on data/Research and development/human resource development through
industry-government-academia collaboration We will consider key points and specific ways to proceed. *
* Educational Corporation Advanced Education Organization
(Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Chairman: Hideya Higashi) Sponsored by the education magazine “Monthly Advanced Education” published by the Publishing Department, an online seminar will be held on September 17 to explore hints for the future from advanced case studies on the theme of university management. It will be held on Sunday (Tuesday). * Through the coronavirus pandemic, DX to reform educational systems such as online classes and the work of faculty and staff has progressed at higher education institutions across the country, changing the state of university management including human resources and general affairs, and the quality of student life through data analysis. This supports change in a variety of situations, such as improving the quality of life. Under these circumstances, many university faculty and staff are facing issues regarding “DX of work styles,” “advanced university management based on data,” and “R&D and human resource development through industry-government-academia collaboration.”

At this forum, universities and companies with advanced case studies and technologies will gather to share key points, specific ways to proceed, and ways to collaborate with private companies.

*Recommended for those who have these issues*
・I want to proactively utilize digital technology for things that can be made more efficient, such as routine tasks.
・We want to realize university management for students, such as classes and career support*
・We want to differentiate ourselves from other universities* by working on human resource development*
Event overview
◆Date and time: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 13:00-15:00
◆Target: Managers, teachers, etc. of higher education institutions (universities, graduate schools, technical colleges, junior colleges, vocational schools, etc.)
◆Venue: Online delivery
◆Sponsor: Advanced Educational Corporation Monthly Advanced Education, Advanced Education Business Co., Ltd.
◆Sponsor: Amazon Japan Co., Ltd., Conquer Co., Ltd., Morisawa Co., Ltd. ◆Participation fee: Free
▼Click here to apply

* ≪Keynote speech≫ *
◇Director of Advanced Educational Corporation, Dean and Professor of Graduate School of Practical Education, Graduate University for Social Initiatives
Ryuji Kawayama
* “Innovation in university operations accelerated by Amazon ─ What are universities doing to achieve an “overwhelming” reduction in man-hours? ─”
In an era of accelerating digitalization, DX initiatives at
universities have an important meaning as they are directly linked to improving the educational environment. In this session, we will introduce Amazon’s system to support a culture of innovation, as well as an overview of “Amazon Business” that supports back-office efficiency, and examples of reform at universities across the country. Reviewing daily business processes such as purchasing and accounting has the potential to significantly reduce man-hours. Would you like to learn the next step to promote university DX?

◇Amazon Japan LLC Amazon Business Business Headquarters Education Sales Department Manager
Mr. Tsukasa Igarashi
* “Toward achieving both efficiency and governance of research expenses and intra-campus expense settlement operations” *
With the revision of the travel expenses system for national civil servants, it is expected that the types and amount of evidence submitted for research funds will increase, and educational
institutions that use analog and human-based expense settlement operations will need to further improve productivity. A decline is expected. We would like to introduce how we can ensure governance while streamlining these processes.
◇Takayoshi Fukuda, General Manager, Public Sales Division, Concur Co., Ltd. 14:35-15:00
* “Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration Initiatives in University City Kobe ~Regional Revitalization through Developing University Management Human Resources~”*
Kobe City will launch the “University City Kobe
Industry-Government-Academia Platform” in November 2023, which aims to solve problems through industry-government-academia co-creation. Established on May. “University management human resource development project for the future creation of Kobe” co-created with Morisawa Co., Ltd.
By training university staff with skills related to university management such as marketing strategies, we will increase the attractiveness of Kobe as a university city, make Kobe a university of choice for many applicants, and help create a university that creates value for the local community. I’ll go.

◇Secretary General, University City Kobe Industry-Government-Academia Platform (Director in charge of Kobe City Planning and Coordination Bureau) Mr. Ken Fujioka
◇Morisawa Co., Ltd. Executive Manager
Mr. Susumu Sonoda

Speaker profile
*Ryuji Kawayama*
* (Ryuji Kawayama)*
* Dean of Educational Corporation Advanced Educational Corporation, Dean and Professor of Graduate School of Practical Education, Graduate University for Social Initiatives*
Director of Advanced Education Research Institute, Chief Lecturer of Social Education Supervisor Course
Majored in sociology at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba. He has a track record of teaching in a variety of settings, from vocational schools to preparatory schools. Currently, he is conducting a lot of research and advice on the system design of professional universities and practitioner teacher training based on the “relationship between social trends and knowledge.” She is in charge of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Practitioner Teacher COE Program (a joint project with the Graduate University for Business Initiatives, the Graduate University for Social Initiatives, Japan Women’s University, and Musashino University). External expert committee member of Japan Marine Development Agency, Japan. We also provide advisory services for new business development related to the education business. In addition, we provide advice on public relations activities for research facilities, etc. from the perspective of scientific communication. The main research fields are knowledge and society, professional theory, and social system theory. For detailed
performance information
Click here
*Mr. Tsukasa Igarashi*
* (Tsukasa Igarashi)*
*Manager, Educational Sales Department, Amazon Business Business Headquarters, Amazon Japan LLC*
After working at a travel agency, he moved to a semiconductor trading company. Engaged in AI solution sales to major manufacturing companies. Joined Amazon Japan in 2017 as a member of Amazon Business. Responsible for promoting the launch of the business and sales strategy. After providing support for implementing Amazon Business regardless of company size or industry, he oversaw the sales team of educational institutions including universities.
*Mr. Takayoshi Fukuda*
* (Takahiro Fukuda)*
*Concur Co., Ltd. Public Sales Division Manager*
Joined IBM Japan in 1998. Mainly responsible for sales to medium-sized companies. Joined Gartner Japan in 2012. Responsible for supporting IT vendors’ strategic planning. Joined Concur Co., Ltd. in 2016. As sales manager, supported indirect cost reform for private companies. Currently Public Sales Headquarters
As the director, he will lead operational reform of research funds and internal expenses at educational institutions.
* Mr. Ken Fujioka *
* (Fujioka Ken)*
* Executive Director, University City Kobe
Industry-Government-Academia Platform (General Incorporated
Association) (Director in charge of Kobe City Planning and
Coordination Bureau) *
After joining Kobe City Hall in 1995, he worked in the Civil Engineering Bureau, Environment Bureau, Ward Office, and
Administration and Finance Bureau, and then transferred to the Planning and Coordination Bureau’s Comprehensive Planning Division in 2013, where he created a five-year master plan for city government (Kobe 2020 Vision). Engaged in etc. In 2018, he became Director of the Industry-Academia Collaboration Division, Director of the Tsunagu Lab (in charge of promoting industry-academia collaboration) in 2020, and Director-General of Kobe City in 2024, becoming the Executive Director of the Kobe Industry-Government-Academia Platform, a general incorporated association.

*Mr. Susumu Sonoda*
* (proceeds)*
* Executive Manager, Morisawa Co., Ltd.*
Graduated from Doshisha University Faculty of Engineering in 1993. Joined Morisawa Co., Ltd. in the same year. Since then, Desktop After working in publishing system sales planning, support work, and public relations work, he became head of the domestic sales department in 2021. Focusing on the role that fonts play not only in graphic design but also in other fields, we actively promote collaboration with technology.

-For inquiries regarding this seminar-
Educational Corporation Advanced Education Organization Monthly Advanced Education Webinar Secretariat
Tel: 03-6278-9031 (10:00~17:00)

*About Monthly Advanced Education*
First published in October 2019. Aiming to be a media that looks into the future of education, it is an education magazine that focuses on all kinds of “learning,” including school education, preschool education, and adult education. In addition to special features on educational themes linked to social changes and social issues and the government’s priority education policies, we also feature special features on corporate and adult education, serial articles on overseas educational trends and innovators in the education industry, and more. We will provide useful information and ideas to everyone involved in education, including local governments, companies, and NPOs.

*Overview of the Educational Corporation Advanced Education Organization* Name: Educational Corporation Advanced Education Organization Chairman: Hideya Higashi
Location: 3-13-16 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established school: Business Planning Graduate University
(Headquarters: 3-13-16 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Bases: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, Sendai
        :Graduate School for Social Initiatives (3-13-18
Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Affiliated institutions: Business Concept Research Institute, Advanced Education Research Institute
Publication: Monthly Business Plan, Monthly Advanced Education, Books, etc.

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