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Home » “Shop Master”, a website production service that allows you to take advantage of IT introduction subsidies, has been upgraded with the addition of post-production support. Two-thirds of the production cost (up to 3.5 million yen) will be subsidized

“Shop Master”, a website production service that allows you to take advantage of IT introduction subsidies, has been upgraded with the addition of post-production support. Two-thirds of the production cost (up to 3.5 million yen) will be subsidized

One Page Co., Ltd.
“Shop Master”, a website production service that allows you to take advantage of IT introduction subsidies, has been upgraded with the addition of post-production support. Two-thirds of the production cost (up to 3.5 million yen) will be subsidized if the acceptance rate is 90% or higher | One Page Co., Ltd.
We have further upgraded our website production service “Shop Master” by adding support after the website is installed.
With an acceptance rate of over 90% and the IT implementation subsidy schedule updated, now is your chance!
And now, “subsidy application and post-selection support” is free for only 10 companies.
Special free application limited to 10 companies now
About “Website production service Shop Master”
Website production service Shop Master has three features.
1. Operability and design in pursuit of ease of use
We are particular about the usability and design of the website. A site that is difficult to use will lead to customers leaving your site. We not only create sites that maximize the appeal of products and services, but also pay close attention to details such as font selection and form design to create sites that lead to smooth purchases and inquiries.
2. Extensive production experience for various industries
To date, we have been involved in the creation of over 1000 websites. We are good at creating websites such as homepages, EC sites, recruitment sites, etc. tailored to the customer’s industry and services.
3.Excellent after-sales support such as sales support
We not only provide minor corrections and customer support, but also provide solid support for attracting customers after production. We will make suggestions to suit your concerns, including the use of a website that does not end with creation.
Please see below for detailed information and achievements.
Example of cost burden for site production using subsidies
・For a website worth 1.8 million yen:
1.2 million yen is eligible for subsidy payment, website can be created with production cost of 600,000 yen
・For a website worth 2.1 million yen:
1.4 million yen is eligible for subsidy, website can be created with production cost of 700,000 yen
・For a website worth 3 million yen:
2 million yen is eligible for subsidy, website can be created with production cost of 1 million yen
Production results
・Construction industry: Created a website with the purpose of strengthening company branding and acquiring human resources. Number of employment applications: 0 → 60 in half a year
・Construction industry: Strengthen inquiries from the web and create a website while proposing content and presentation methods.
Received new project worth tens of millions of yen
Number of inquiries: 0 → 2 or more in 3 months
・Retail industry: Create a website with strategically designed content, presentation, CTA, and SEO to strengthen inquiries from the web.
 PV number increased by 300%
What is IT introduction subsidy?
IT introduction subsidies are aimed at supporting the improvement of labor productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises and small businesses by supporting the introduction of IT tools (software, services, etc.) for business efficiency and DX. It’s a subsidy. Shop Master will be a “digitalization platform introduction type” and the supporting company will be One Page Co., Ltd.
●Target businesses
Small and medium-sized enterprises, small businesses, etc. (as defined by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency)
●Subsidy amount/subsidy rate
“Software, etc.” exceeding 1.5 million yen and up to 3.5 million yen with a subsidy rate of 2/3 or less
●Issuance procedure
Companies receiving subsidies will jointly apply for the subsidy with an IT implementation support provider, and after receiving
notification of the subsidy decision, will order IT tools, sign a contract, and make payments.
After the subsidy amount is determined through a project performance report, the subsidy will be issued, and after that, a project implementation effect report must be submitted within a certain period of time.
●Update of application schedule
・15th deadline: December 25, 2023 (Monday) 17:00
・16th deadline January 15, 2024 (Monday) 17:00
・17th deadline January 29, 2024 (Monday) 17:00
IT Introduction Subsidy 2023 Digitalization Infrastructure
Introduction Frame (Digitalization Infrastructure Introduction Type)
Flow of website creation using subsidies
Contact us → Estimate → Subsidy application → Notification of selection results → Contract → Site creation → Publication/Delivery → Completion report submission → Subsidy receipt
Advantages of using IT subsidies
1. Unlike loans, it is possible to receive money that does not require repayment in principle.
2. IT tools can be introduced at low cost
3. You can apply as many times as you like until you are selected. 4. Covers a wide range of industries
Q How long does it take to create the site?
A It usually takes about 3 months. If you are in a hurry, please contact us. Q What do I need to apply for the subsidy?
A: You need a gBizID Prime account to apply. It takes time to obtain the certificate, so we recommend that you obtain it as soon as possible.
Q: Is it possible to consult about attracting customers after creating the website?
A: Yes, it is possible. Our strength is also web marketing support. We also provide support for attracting customers, so please feel free to contact us.
Q: Can I apply for a subsidy even during production?
A: We are sorry, but we cannot accept your request if it has already started. Please contact us first.
For inquiries, click here
Now, special “Subsidy application and support after adoption” is free, limited to 10 companies
One Page Co., Ltd. has always provided services tailored to customer needs based on the latest technology and market trends. We will support the use of IT introduction subsidies so that companies can promote operational efficiency and DX and improve labor productivity. 【Company Profile】
■Shopmaster operating company and IT introduction subsidy supporter Company name: onepage inc.
Established: April 2017
Representative Director: Shunki Kawai
Address: Kawai Building 5/6F, 2-14-16 Marunouchi, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0002
Business content: Website production, digital marketing, recruitment support, indeed operation, human resource introduction, etc. ■Inquiries regarding this matter
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