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Zenshin Co., Ltd. Creating a society where people can be confident and proud

[Zenshin Co., Ltd.] Creating a society where people can be confident and proud
*View in browser* *ZENSHIN Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
Creating a society where people can have confidence and pride *We want to create a society where people with disabilities can live with confidence and pride through the provision of welfare services* This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
“April Dream” supports a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to achieve someday on April 1st. This press release is a dream of “Zenshin Co., Ltd.”.

Zenshin Co., Ltd. (Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Representative Director: Tadatsugu Maeda) provides disability welfare services that support employment in order to realize a society where people with disabilities and able-bodied people coexist. Our motto is to help people with disabilities gain self-confidence and take pride in their work by supporting them in their employment.

Work scene of Zenshin Co., Ltd.’s original coffee brand “CAFE MUKU OKINAWA” and handmade accessory brand “Junshin Muku”

People with disabilities face difficulties in their lives due to their disabilities. There are many different ways of working, as well as different working hours and content. By suggesting work content and work styles that suit the person, the person gradually gets used to the job and deepens confidence.

It starts with working only in the morning once a week, and the next step is to eat lunch and work until the afternoon. The number of times I worked once a week increased to two or three times a week. That’s how you get used to the workplace, get used to the people, get used to the job, and find your own place. Eventually, your quality of life will improve as you become able to feel pride in your work, such as the satisfaction of receiving words of gratitude for the work you have done, the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping someone, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from selling something you have made. I’m going. We do not believe that financial fulfillment improves the quality of life, but rather that a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment through work is what we call “confidence and pride.”

Making Braille business cards

The content of the work is wide-ranging in order to provide work suited to each person with a disability. Those with visual impairments can process Braille business cards, those with physical disabilities can do part-time jobs that they can do from home, and those who can move can do farm work, clean graves, clean apartments, fold boxes, and do envelope work… There are so many different types.
CAFE MUKU OKINAWA drip bag. It is sold at Terra Grassa, a type B employment support business in Miyagi, Hokkaido.

Among these, “cool jobs” such as growing wine grapes and making wine, roasting coffee and making coffee gifts, and making accessories are also available to those who use the office. I am working on this as part of my job. We want to help people feel confident and proud in their lives by engaging in such cool work, and at the same time, by creating such workplaces across the country, we want to create a society where many people with disabilities can live with confidence and pride. Masu.
We support you so that you can work with confidence and pride through “cool work”
“Aprel Dream” is a PR event that will be held on April 1st to share the dreams that companies want to achieve in the future.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.

◆Company overview◆
Company name: Zenshin Co., Ltd.
Established: August 20, 1996
Head office location: 5th floor, A.N. Station Building, 5-1-15 Nagamachi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture
Capital: 10 million yen
Representative Director: Tadatsugu Maeda
≪ZENSHIN Co., Ltd. Corporate Site≫
  ≪Type B business office that supports continued employment Terra Grassa HP≫

≪After-school day service Avanzare Sports HP≫
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