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Home » MLT Montessori Learning Technology Co., Ltd., which operates Japan’s oldest Montessori preschool, has entered into a business partnership with Japan Welfare Corporation, led by Japan’s leading welfare provider, Hideaki Fujita.

MLT Montessori Learning Technology Co., Ltd., which operates Japan’s oldest Montessori preschool, has entered into a business partnership with Japan Welfare Corporation, led by Japan’s leading welfare provider, Hideaki Fujita.

[MLT] Montessori Learning, which operates the oldest Montessori preschool in Japan
Technology Co., Ltd. enters into a business partnership with Japan Welfare Corporation, led by Hideaki Fujita, Japan’s leading welfare provider.

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Press release: April 2, 2024
Montessori Learning, which operates the oldest Montessori preschool in Japan Technology Co., Ltd. enters into a business partnership with Japan Welfare Corporation, led by Hideaki Fujita, Japan’s leading welfare provider.
*Basic policy agreed upon to further spread Montessori education across the country. *
Montessori Learning
Technology Co., Ltd. (MLT) has entered into a business partnership with Japan Welfare Corporation (Representative: Hideaki Fujita) and has reached a basic agreement to expand their early childhood education business. A collaboration between MLT’s know-how in implementing Montessori education at Japan’s oldest preschool, which has a track record of 30 years, and the Japan Welfare Corporation, which boasts the largest number of welfare facilities in Japan, including group homes and nursing care for people with disabilities. Through this collaboration, we aim to spread Montessori education throughout Japan and contribute to the development of excellent human resources.

RED Bambini Montessori International School
Montessori education emphasizes education tailored to each child’s developmental stage and interests. This individualized approach helps children develop self-respect and the ability to learn on their own. Montessori education, which has a history of over 100 years, has nurtured many successful people, but it is currently being reevaluated by many major company founders, including Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. , many influential people have opened educational facilities that have introduced Montessori education. In addition, it is gaining popularity not only in America and Europe, where it has been particularly popular, but also in regions such as Asia and Africa.

MLT and the Japan Welfare Corporation have a common mission of fundamentally transforming education in Japan, and through
collaboration between the two companies, we will spread early childhood education that has introduced Montessori education throughout Japan, and from Japan to the world. We aim to contribute to the development of excellent human resources.

The plan is to start with domestic early childhood education, and then expand to include after-school for preschoolers and schools for children over 6 years old.By raising the level of Japan’s human capital, the company plans to develop gifted students who are competitive with other countries. Our policy is to focus on

Currently, in the world, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Google have also created Montessori schools, and Montessori is becoming more popular in Germany, which has surpassed Japan’s GDP. According to information from the teacher network, it appears that China is also promoting Montessori, and it is predicted that the training of gifted children will become more popular around the world.
Both organizations believe that Japan must take the lead in
popularizing this technology.

The two companies agreed that their immediate goal is to open facilities in 100 locations across the country, and that the memorable first location will be launched at the Japan Health and Welfare Corporation.

After that, we plan to further accelerate nationwide expansion based on the Japan Welfare Corporation’s expansion strategy.

*What is Montessori education*
This is an educational method devised by Dr. Maria Montessori, who was a doctor and educator.

Montessori has a unique system of scientifically observing children, with the aim of “nurturing people who are independent, capable, responsible, considerate of others, and have a lifelong learning attitude.” He established educational methods by developing teaching materials. The accuracy of this teaching method has been proven by modern cerebral physiology, psychology, and pedagogy, and it is still supported around the world more than 100 years later.

Even if you don’t teach them how to walk, the sight of them trying to walk and absorbing various things while actively interacting with the environment is a sign of a child trying to grow and develop toward independence. It can be said to be an appearance. In an environment where children can fully demonstrate their inherent powers and where freedom is guaranteed, children grow up through repeated activities of their own accord. Rather than imposing one-sided values ​​on parents’ ideas and ideals, we nurture the gifts that already exist within the child.

Many famous people have received Montessori education. In Japan, master Sota Fujii, and in the world such as Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Bill Gates, the founders of the giant IT company group called GAFAM, received Montessori education when they were young. I grew up with it.

If you are able to acquire skills such as technology, finance, morals, and self-understanding at an early age in an environment where you are forced to thoroughly pursue your interests regardless of the curriculum, then you will be able to pursue your interests further, regardless of the curriculum. Even in this compulsory education, you will acquire the ability to think and choose the necessary knowledge on your own.

It has been recognized that this Montessori education method has a certain effect on the independence of people with disabilities, and while utilizing the know-how of the disability welfare business owned by the Japan Welfare Corporation, we are introducing the value of new early childhood education. We will continue to create

About Montessori Learning Technology Co., Ltd.
Montessori Learning Technology Co., Ltd.
Head Office: JRE Media Square Building 4F, 6-25-14 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Representative: Miki Ogura
Operated the first Montessori education school in Japan, which has been producing more than 3,000 students in over 30 years and has produced more than 3,000 students. 2023, Forsys & Co., Ltd.
Company (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Yasuo Miwa) becomes a group company.
In 1993, Rainbow International was established in Kuhonbutsu, Denenchofu, Hiroo, Yokohama, Yoyogi Uehara, and Nishiazabu.
School opened. After opening, AMS (American Montessori)
I have become a life member of the Montessori Society and participate in conferences that gather Montessori teachers from around the world. MCI (Montessori Center International) was granted permission for the first time in Japan by a group for Montessori teachers from EU countries in London.
Rainbow International School to Chateau Des Bambini Montessori After changing the name to RED Bambini Montessori and operating the Minami-Azabu school, the school was moved to Tokyo Tower and the school name was changed to RED Bambini Montessori.
Changed to International School.
At the school, students spend the entire day speaking only English from the time they arrive at school until they leave school, under the guidance of foreign teachers who are Montessori qualified.
RED Bambini Montessori International School
RED Bambini Montessori International School
1F Tokyo Tower, 4-2-8 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo

*About Japan Welfare Corporation*
Japan Welfare Corporation Co., Ltd.
Head Office: 4F Heiando Building, 2-3-5 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Representative: Hideaki Fujita URL:
Japan Welfare Corporation is a corporation that aims to bring about change through the power of marketing and collective knowledge (community) in the fields of medicine, nursing care, and welfare, where innovation is most urgently needed in Japan, which is a super-aging society.
Hideaki Fujita (Chairman, National Federation of Welfare Businesses for Disabilities, General Incorporated Association/Anispi Holdings Co., Ltd.)
(Representative Director) will play a central role in planning and operating a variety of services that have never existed before.

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Public Relations
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