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Home » A theater that people with and without disabilities can enjoy together! Online petition for rebuilding the Imperial Theater Submission of 20,000 signatures and press conference announcement

A theater that people with and without disabilities can enjoy together! Online petition for rebuilding the Imperial Theater Submission of 20,000 signatures and press conference announcement

A theater that people with and without disabilities can enjoy together! Online petition for rebuilding the Imperial Theater Submission of 20,000 signatures and press conference announcement
*View in browser* *NPO Theater Accessibility Network*
Press release: May 3, 2024
A theater that people with and without disabilities can enjoy together! Online petition for rebuilding the Imperial Theater Submission of 20,000 signatures and press conference announcement

From April of this year, due to the revision of the Act to Eliminate Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, business operators are now obligated to provide reasonable accommodation. Along with this, discussions regarding the elimination of barriers and
accessibility in society are progressing. However, many barriers still remain in our city. In particular, the current situation is that people with disabilities cannot enjoy events such as theater and concerts because they are not given sufficient consideration in terms of theater facilities and services.

The Imperial Theater in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, is scheduled to close in 2025 and undergo reconstruction work. Along with this renovation, stage fans, including people with viewing disabilities, related parties, supporters, etc. gathered together for the event “We Need Accessible
We started an organization called Theater! (We Need Accessible Theater). We are also creating an online petition to listen to the voices of theater fans with disabilities and create theaters that everyone can enjoy. As of May 3rd, over 20,000 signatures have been received. In addition to the signature campaign, we also conducted a survey regarding what audiences with disabilities want from theaters for their enjoyment.
▶️Online petition: Make theaters accessible. Please create theaters that can be enjoyed by people with and without disabilities!!

*This time, we have submitted the signature list to Toho Co., Ltd., which operates the Imperial Theater.*
* A press conference will be held on Friday, May 10th from 3:00 pm. *

If you are in the press and would like to participate in the press conference or watch a recording of the press conference, please contact:
Please let us know your name and affiliation using the contact information below.

* ◯Press conference details*
* [Date and time] * Friday, May 10, 2024
     15:00-16:00 Press conference @Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare press club conference room
(9F, Central Government Building No. 5, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku) *Sign language and text interpretation available

* 【 contact address 】*
We Need Accessible Theater! Secretariat Address:

* -Comment from the signature organization “We Need Accessible Theater!”-*

We want everyone with disabilities to enjoy the wonderful performing arts together! Such voices are spreading. In order for everyone to enjoy the stage together, it is extremely important not only to support the viewing of the soft aspects (works), but also to maintain the physical aspects (buildings). The Imperial Theater, which is scheduled to be rebuilt in 2025, is a theater that has continued to lead the performing arts in Japan. After the reconstruction, the theater will become a theater that can be enjoyed by many audiences, including those with disabilities, and the theatergoing experience will evolve. This will surely be a positive effect that will symbolize and drive the state of Japanese society for the next 50 to 100 years. I think it will bring about. In order to make the performing arts accessible to more people, we hope that the voices of theater fans with viewing disabilities will be heard.
*About this release details*