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Odawara City Comprehensive partnership agreement concluded with Yoshiyuki Tomino

[Odawara City] Comprehensive partnership agreement concluded with Yoshiyuki Tomino

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Press release: May 9, 2024
[Odawara City] Comprehensive partnership agreement concluded with Yoshiyuki Tomino
Since 2021, when Odawara City native and animation film director Yoshiyuki Tomino was appointed as the Odawara Hometown Ambassador, Odawara City has been collaborating with Tomino and his works on various projects, such as the installation of the Gundam Manhole. I did.
In order to further deepen our collaboration with Mr. Tomino, we concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement on April 10, 2020. Taking this as an opportunity to develop measures in collaboration with Mr. Tomino and his works, we will deliver director Tomino’s words and the “universal themes” contained in his works to the young people who will be responsible for the future of Odawara, and bring Odawara back home. In addition to providing an opportunity to reconsider the city’s history, we hope to attract many people from Japan and abroad to Odawara, which will revitalize the local economy. * From Odawara to the world *
Regarding the signing of the agreement, Mr. Tomino said that it was a good opportunity for him to convey his thoughts to young people, and he said to the young people of Odawara, “I want them to go beyond just staying in Odawara and see the world.I want them to go around the world by bicycle.” ” I sent an email.

[Contact information]
Odawara City Planning Department Future Creation and Youth Division Phone number: 080-4429-6253
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