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Home » Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation signs a business partnership agreement with Japan UAS Industry Promotion Association (JUIDA)

Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation signs a business partnership agreement with Japan UAS Industry Promotion Association (JUIDA)

Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation signs a business partnership agreement with Japan UAS Industry Promotion Association (JUIDA)

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Press release: May 13, 2024
Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation signs a business partnership agreement with Japan UAS Industry Promotion Association (JUIDA)
*We will build a foundation that will lead to the safe operation of unmanned aircraft operators and the growth of drone-related
businesses, and promote the development of the drone industry. *

Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Administrative Scrivener: Sasaki) specializes in drone-related permit applications and solution development.
Shintaro) is a member of the Japan UAS Industry Promotion Council (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Chairman: Suzuki), which contributes to the healthy development of next-generation mobile systems (AMS) including flying cars.
We have concluded a business partnership agreement with Shinji (hereinafter referred to as JUIDA).
Building a foundation for safe operation and promoting further development of the drone industry
As professionals in drone legal affairs, Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation is working hard to develop the domestic drone business by expanding our support range to include flight applications and other permit applications, legal support, and business consulting. The number of consultations in fiscal 2023 exceeded 10,000, boasting one of the top results in the industry. Since the introduction of the National Drone Qualification (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator Proficiency Certification) system in December 2022, we have
strengthened the opening procedures and operational support at registered training institutions that administer the courses and final examinations necessary for acquiring qualifications. We are supporting the spread of licensing.

JUIDA aims to popularize the next-generation mobile system industry, including drones, in Japan. JUIDA provides education such as human resource development and qualification certification related to the operation of unmanned aircraft, market creation to revitalize the industry, and safety necessary for social implementation. We are engaged in a wide range of activities including standards,
collaboration with overseas organizations, and international standardization activities. We are actively implementing initiatives to further promote the social implementation of drones, and we are supported by various sectors as a leading organization in the drone industry.

Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation and JUIDA both conduct audits of registered training institutions as auditing organizations, and are also in a position to play a role in the spread of the national drone qualification system. Through this business alliance, we will share knowledge and resources regarding drone laws and regulations, including support for audits and registered training organizations, and will also maintain and improve the added value and quality of products and services provided by both parties. We will promote the development of the drone industry while building a foundation that will lead to safe operation for operators and growth of drone-related businesses.

Main partnership details
・Provision of drone legal services centered on administrative scriveners ・Co-sponsoring events related to drone business and education ・Sharing know-how in new service development
・Mutual cooperation in promotional activities
*Includes planned items
Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation will continue to provide legal services based on the latest legal systems and accumulated know-how, while actively collaborating with industry-leading organizations and companies and striving to contribute to the further growth of the drone business. I shall go.

About the Japan UAS Industry Promotion Association (JUIDA)
*JUIDA contributes to the healthy development of the next generation mobile system (AMS) industry*
In addition to disseminating information on the latest domestic and international trends related to AMS, JUIDA also formulates safety guidelines that define safe operation rules and etiquette, issues JUIDA pilot skill certifications and JUIDA safe operation manager certifications, and provides registration courses. As part of our activities as an organization that conducts institutional audits, we focus on safety measures and human resources training related to the operation of unmanned aircraft, and actively engage in dialogue and recommendations with the government and government agencies. In addition, we have proposed a globally common standard for unmanned aircraft pilot training to ISO, and are contributing to international standardization activities as a domestic deliberation group for ISO/TC20/SC16/WG3.

Since 2016, we have been co-hosting the “Japan
From 2022, we will start holding the “Drone” exhibition
simultaneously with the “Next Generation Air Mobility EXPO”. When the Noto Peninsula Earthquake occurred on January 1, 2024, we dispatched a crisis management officer to the site and carried out a wide range of activities. JUIDA would like to contribute to the further utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Organization name: Japan UAS Industry Promotion Association (JUIDA) Representative: Shinji Suzuki
Office location: Ichigo Hongo Building 4F, 5-33-10 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo TEL: 03-5459-3244
FAX: 03-5844-6755

Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation
As professionals in drone legal affairs, Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation handles everything from comprehensive
applications to highly difficult flight permit applications, to the establishment, maintenance, management, and auditing of registered training institutions, with a team dedicated to drones, and handles a large number of consultations per year.
Over 10,000 items!
With our extensive knowledge and information capabilities, we boast one of the top application results in Japan. We are expanding the range of support we provide, including legal advisory and business consulting, and are promoting the development of the drone industry as a member of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Commercialization Advisory Board and a member of the Cabinet Office Regulatory Reform Promotion Council.
-Company Profile-
Company name: Boundary Administrative Scrivener Corporation
Representative: Shintaro Sasaki
Tokyo office: 9th floor, Hibiya Togawa Building, 1-6-3 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Sendai Office: VIP Sendai Futsukamachi 2F, 6-26 Futsukamachi, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Business content: Drone-related permit application, subsequent permit management and legal advice
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