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“Archaic Watch” Launch of service for AI behavior recognition system that does not require prior learning

“Archaic Watch” Launch of service for AI behavior recognition system that does not require prior learning

*View in browser* *Archaic Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 14, 2024
“Archaic Watch” Launch of service for AI behavior recognition system that does not require prior learning
*Next-generation tools for marketing and security at the same time* Archaic Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Yokoyama
Jun (hereinafter referred to as “Archaic”) has announced the launch of an AI behavior recognition system * “Archaic” that specializes in image checking related to behavior recognition that does not require prior learning.
We have developed Watch“* (Patent application number: Patent application 2023-143618).
This system is a next-generation tool that allows marketing and security to be implemented simultaneously.
* “Archaic Watch” system image *

Reach for the product on the shelf → Pick up the product → Put the product in the cart
Watch’s AI behavior recognition technology automatically identifies and categorizes individual actions and actions from video and continuous image data. This makes it possible to understand consumer behavioral patterns, such as product selection and purchasing behavior, in real time. Archaic can handle actions such as “picking up a product” and “choosing clothes,” which were difficult with conventional models.
With Watch, you don’t need to learn anything and can easily recognize it.

Click here for a detailed video of AI behavior recognition technology
* Archaic Watch Features *
1. Low cost and rapid deployment:
Since Watch does not require any prior training, implementation costs are kept low and it can be operated in the cloud or on-premises. This not only minimizes the cost of planning and implementing marketing strategies, but also allows systems to be implemented quickly.
2. Extensive detection capability:
Traditional models could only detect limited behaviors (such as wandering or falling) or attributes, but Archaic
Since Watch does not require any learning, it can freely detect a wide variety of behaviors and attributes. This enables more detailed customer behavior analysis (picking up products, choosing clothes, etc.) and segmentation.
3. Simultaneous implementation of marketing and security:
Watch does not require training data, so you can implement both marketing and security at the same time. This makes it possible to strengthen the security of stores and facilities and analyze customer behavior at the same time.

* ” * * Archaic Watch “Inquiry *

At our company, POC is possible from among multiple models. For more information or inquiries, please visit our website.


* -Archaic Co., Ltd.-*

“We will create a world where people all over the world can use AI more easily and as naturally as they use electricity and water! We are a group of specialists in contract development of deep learning and artificial intelligence systems, and contract research and
development, with academic knowledge of the latest AI technology and a track record at global AI vendors.
Archaic is one of only 5% of AI builders that builds algorithms from scratch, creating custom AI for large companies aiming to be at the cutting edge of their respective industries.

“By utilizing AI in a more familiar environment and communicating its benefits to many people, the hurdles for AI may be lowered, and in the future, we may be able to contribute to raising the level of Japanese industry.” I am.

Representative Director and CEO Jun Yokoyama
Established November 15, 2017
Address: 5th floor, Okura Building, 1-22-1 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Company website:

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Archaic Co., Ltd. Public Relations

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