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Home » Developing a voluntary action plan is essential for 2024 risk countermeasures! |“2nd Must-see for logistics personnel! Seminar on steps to formulate and utilize a voluntary action plan to address 2024 issues” will be held on T uesday, June 18, 2024

Developing a voluntary action plan is essential for 2024 risk countermeasures! |“2nd Must-see for logistics personnel! Seminar on steps to formulate and utilize a voluntary action plan to address 2024 issues” will be held on T uesday, June 18, 2024

Developing a voluntary action plan is essential for 2024 risk countermeasures! |“2nd edition
A must-see for logistics personnel! Seminar on steps to formulate and utilize a voluntary action plan to address the 2024 issues will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

*View in browser* *Funai Souken Logistics, a logistics consulting company*
Press release: June 6, 2024
Developing a voluntary action plan is essential for 2024 risk countermeasures! |“2nd edition
A must-see for logistics personnel! Seminar on steps to formulate and utilize a voluntary action plan to address the 2024 issues will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.
Japan’s largest logistics consulting firm
Funai Souken Logistics Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Representative: Naoyuki Hashimoto, hereinafter referred to as “Funai Souken Logistics”) will be hosting the shipper company (all positions) on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, from 13:30 to 15:00.・Second seminar aimed at logistics personnel at shipper companies
A must-see for logistics personnel! We will be holding an online seminar on steps to formulate and use a voluntary action plan to address the 2024 issues.
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Points to keep in mind when creating a voluntary action plan * Developing a voluntary action plan is essential for 2024 risk countermeasures! *
Issues in the logistics industry have become one of the issues that the government is paying attention to, and as a shipper company* “appropriate transactions” and “appropriate costs”*
There is a need to review the existing logistics system from this perspective.

In June of last year, the “Policy Package for Logistics Innovation” was compiled, and as part of the measures based on the package, industry-specific* “voluntary action plans” were created and announced*
It is supposed to be done. As part of the 2024 problem
countermeasures, shipper companies need to clearly formulate a plan to improve transaction efficiency and efficiency* down to the level of implementation.

The items to be addressed and recommendations for implementation in order to realize efficient logistics are shown in the figure below (excerpts from the voluntary action plan). Creating a voluntary action plan is not the end of it.*
It is important to continuously run the PDCA cycle and spread it throughout the company*.

Future administrative efforts include follow-up of the entire policy package and the implementation of regulatory measures, including enactment of legislation in the Diet, in early 2024. Not only companies that have been notified to formulate voluntary action plans, but also shipper companies and logistics operators need to accurately understand the points and procedures for creating a plan and take countermeasures against the risks associated with the 2024 problem.

* ■This seminar is recommended for these people*
– For shipper companies (manufacturing, wholesale, retail) who would like to hear about how the logistics industry will change in the future*
The specific measures to deal with the 2024 problem are not clear* What should we start from in order to deal with the 2024 problem?* We do not know the order of priority* *
I would like to know about the steps to create a voluntary action plan, key points, and how to use them.* I am considering
countermeasures for each item in the voluntary action plan.* Not able to disseminate information within the company and schedule implementation*
* ■Points you can learn from this seminar*
(1) *Challenges in the logistics industry and the structure of the 2024 problem* ◇We will explain the logistics issues and 2024 issues that logistics personnel should be aware of.
(2)* Administrative guidance risk for shipper companies*
 ◇We will explain how you need to respond to logistics risks with specific measures.
(3)* Procedures and points for creating a voluntary action plan* ◇What should we keep in mind when formulating a voluntary action plan? We will explain the creation methods you should know and examples of creation by each company.

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Points to keep in mind when creating a voluntary action plan Course content
◆First course
*Challenges in the logistics industry and the structure of the 2024 problem* ・Issues surrounding the logistics industry
・Essence of the 2024 problem
・Impact on shipper companies (manufacturing/wholesale/retail) that should be kept in mind

◆Second course
* Administrative guidance risk for shipper companies *
・What is the impending administrative guidance risk?
・Measures that shipper companies should take

◆Third course
* Steps and points to create a voluntary action plan *
・Introduction of the status of each company and examples of creation of voluntary action plans
・Steps and points for creating a voluntary action plan
・How to use voluntary action plan
Click here for seminar details≫
Points to keep in mind when creating a voluntary action plan

Event overview
Date: June 18, 2024 (Tuesday) 15:00-16:00
*Reception starts from 14:45
Click here for seminar details≫
Points to keep in mind when creating a voluntary action plan Company introduction
Funai Souken Logistics Co., Ltd. is one of Japan’s largest
comprehensive logistics consulting companies that builds advanced logistics systems, including planning logistics strategies, improving warehouse sites, and reducing logistics costs. We also operate the Logistics Leadership Salon, an information exchange community where logistics managers and personnel from shipper companies
(manufacturing, wholesale, and retail) gather.

* Company Profile *
Company name: Funai Soken Logi Co., Ltd.
Osaka Head Office: Funai Souken Osaka Head Office Building, 4-4-10 Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka 541-0041
Tokyo Head Office: 2-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028
Tokyo Midtown Yaesu Yaesu Central Tower 35th floor
Representative: Naoyuki Hashimoto, Representative Director
Established: May 10, 2000
Capital: 98 million yen
TEL: 03-4223-3163
MAIL: **
WEB: * *
*About details about this release*

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