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Home » Recruitment has started for the 16th Kiraboshi Top School, a school for training small and medium-sized business successors!

Recruitment has started for the 16th Kiraboshi Top School, a school for training small and medium-sized business successors!

Recruitment has started for the 16th Kiraboshi Top School, a school for training small and medium-sized business successors!

*View in browser* *Kiraboshi Consulting Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 7, 2024
Recruitment has started for the 16th Kiraboshi Top School, a school for training small and medium-sized business successors!
* Kiraboshi Consulting Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO
Yoshiaki Nakano) will open the “16th Kiraboshi Top School,” a training school for small and medium-sized business owners,
successors, and executives, on September 5th of this year. * View the top school page

16th Kiraboshi Top School recruitment brochure cover
*12 months to learn skills, mind, and personality as a manager*

“Kiraboshi Top School” is a small and medium-sized business successor training school sponsored by Kiraboshi Consulting, and this term marks the 16th time it has been held. Through a total of 12 lectures held once a month, you will develop the skills, mind, and personality needed as a manager to survive the VUCA era.
*A diverse curriculum that cultivates a wide range of knowledge* A total of 12 lectures will cover the skills necessary for managers, such as finance, marketing, and human resources strategy, as well as training sessions that include visits to managers who have actually succeeded in business succession and companies that are implementing innovative initiatives. In addition, in the second half, we mainly work on management strategy, with the goal of thoroughly looking at the environment surrounding our company and the future and thinking through it.
* Keynote Speech: “When in doubt, go down the thorny path – What I learned from the chaos of corporate revitalization” *
* Order Suit SADA Co., Ltd.*
About Kiraboshi Consulting members

Top school details/application [Kiraboshi Consulting Co., Ltd. Company Profile]
“Bringing new strengths to corporate management”
Company name: Kiraboshi Consulting Co., Ltd.
Location: Inside Kiraboshi Bank, 3-10-43 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo Established: July 1984
Representative Director: Yoshiaki Nakano
Business content: Consulting business, member service business, human resources business
[Contact information regarding this matter]
Kiraboshi Consulting Co., Ltd. Member Service Group: Takahashi, Urashima *About details about this release*

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