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Home » Akarik Co., Ltd. 121 science students participated Report on the face-to-face open company “Akarik Event: Science Graduate Student Expo in Tokyo”

Akarik Co., Ltd. 121 science students participated Report on the face-to-face open company “Akarik Event: Science Graduate Student Expo in Tokyo”

[Akarik Co., Ltd.] [121 science students participated] Report on the face-to-face open company “Akarik Event: Science Graduate Student Expo in Tokyo”

*View in browser* *Akarik Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 10, 2024
[121 science students participated] Report on the face-to-face open company “Akarik Event: Science Graduate Student Expo in Tokyo” *2026 First face-to-face event will be held for new graduates. It was a highly satisfying event with 96.3% student satisfaction and 100% corporate satisfaction. *
First half of the event, presentation to the whole group (5/11 Akariku Event: Science Graduate Student Expo in Tokyo)
* “Akarik Event: Science Graduate Student Expo” is a career event planned and operated by Akarik Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Ryo Yamada, hereinafter “Akarik”) in
Tokyo” was held in Tokyo on Saturday, May 11, 2024. This event was held in a face-to-face format and was the first event of this year for graduate students (master’s and doctoral degrees) who will be able to join the company in April 2026. *
* *
On the day of the event, 121 graduate students participated, exceeding expectations, and a survey conducted after the event (as of May 13) showed extremely high participant satisfaction, with student satisfaction at 96.3% and company satisfaction at 100%. It has become an event. *
About “Akarik Event: Science Graduate Student Expo in Tokyo” Event Banner (5/11 Akariku Event: Science Graduate Student Expo in Tokyo) View event page
Date and time Saturday, May 11, 2024 12:00 – 16:20
Venue TKP Garden City PREMIUM Ikebukuro
Participant: Graduate students (master’s and doctoral degrees) majoring in science who can join the company on April 1, 2026. Participating companies

*In no particular order
Excluding company type Mitsubishi Research Institute
Dai Nippon Printing
Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing
toyota connected
acroquest technology
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust System
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT R&D)
Event characteristics
The “Start Dash” event is perfect for preparing for your future career choice.It has become a popular open company-style career event every year, and for the past few years it has been held online, but in 2024 it will be held face-to-face in Tokyo. Each company has prepared information that can only be obtained through face-to-face meetings, such as the atmosphere of the employees, their thoughts on the business, and candid honest conversations.
In line with this theme, which provides information specific to “science graduate students,” we will introduce jobs that are evaluated for expertise, such as technical jobs, research jobs, and data analysis jobs, as well as what graduate students who are busy with research can do when and what to do. We aimed to provide an
opportunity for science graduate students to learn information they want to know, such as what they should do, in one day.
During the company-specific briefing session, where you can listen to details about the business content and working environment in a small group, we limit the number of seats at each booth and use a term system, so you can listen to explanations in a relaxed manner at a distance that allows for communication. We are preparing the environment.
Visiting company booths and giving individual explanations (5/11 Akariku Event: Science Graduate Student Expo in Tokyo)
Participants’ comments
Comments from participating students (excerpts from reasons given by respondents who answered “very satisfied” in the post-participation survey)
– Until now, there has never been an information session where companies that value a career as a researcher come together to this extent.
– I was able to find out what companies were doing, even if I had not seen them much, and I was able to increase the number of companies I was interested in.
– I was able to learn about the business content and strengths of various industries and companies
– By being able to talk face-to-face with companies, I was able to get a feel for the actual atmosphere.
Comments from participating companies (excerpts from comments about the event in the post-participation survey)
– Because it was almost full every time, I was able to meet many students. – The fact that there were almost no participants from other companies in the same industry was attractive compared to other companies’ events.
Upcoming events/inquiries
Throughout the year, Akariku focuses on corporate recruitment groups × We plan and manage career events to match graduate students’ research experience and expertise. If you are interested in visiting or exhibiting, please feel free to contact us.
Click here for the inquiry form Akariku Co., Ltd.
Company name: Acaric Co., Ltd. (
Founded: November 2006
Representative: Ryo Yamada, Representative Director and President Location: 2nd floor, Aoyama Daiichi Tanaka Building, 2-1-5 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Capital: 115 million yen
: Management of the job hunting information site “Akarik” for graduate students and postdocs, planning and holding events by research field, industry, and occupation, holding career seminars at universities, etc., introducing human resources for new graduate students, young researchers, and graduate school graduates. , online LaTeX editor “Cloud
LaTeX operation, etc.
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