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Racine Co., Ltd. Fukuoka Central Bank and Racine form a business alliance

[Racine Co., Ltd.] Fukuoka Central Bank and Racine form a business alliance
*View in browser* *Rashin Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 11, 2024
Fukuoka Central Bank and Lachine form a business alliance
*Achieving IT implementation that leaves no one behind for local small and medium-sized businesses*
*Racine Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Representative Director: Naoki Hara, hereinafter referred to as the Company) is the Fukuoka Chuo Bank, Ltd. (Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Director and President: Araki)
We have started a business matching partnership with Eiji (hereinafter referred to as Fukuoka Chuo Bank). Through this business alliance, we will provide our monthly homepage production and operation service “VERYWEBB” to sole proprietors and small and medium-sized
enterprises through the Fukuoka Central Bank’s network, further strengthening sales and supporting customer attraction. . *
* ・Background: Walls blocking the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises*
The government is currently promoting DX (digital transformation: the use of digital technology to transform products, services, and operations themselves), including the establishment of the Digital Agency in 2021.
However, the reality is that the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, which supports the Japanese economy, is in contrast to this “glamourous topic.” According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ 2021 “Information and
Communications White Paper,” 68.6% of small and medium-sized enterprises answered, “As of 2020, they are not working on DX and have no plans to do so.” In fact, for nearly 70% of small and medium-sized enterprises, DX is “unrelated.”
On the contrary, it is difficult to say that the establishment and utilization of homepages is sufficient. According to the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency’s 2012 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises, 46.3% of small businesses and 80.4% of medium businesses have a website. Even for homepages, which are generally considered “natural,” the opening rate is far from satisfactory.

Even more serious is the update frequency. According to the same survey, 48.9% of small businesses update their homepages “not updating,” “once every few years,” and “once a year.” For medium-sized companies, it is 40.3%. In other words, nearly half of small and medium-sized enterprises have created a website, but rarely update it. In other words, nearly half of the companies are small and medium-sized enterprises that are well established but are not functioning at all.
In order to change the reality of the “cold” IT utilization of small and medium-sized enterprises, we have launched the monthly website production service “Veriweb”.
We started